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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Brumbjorn

  1. Here goes my first attempt at writing a review. I'm not good at picking out what certain "notes" are, so bear with me.


    I recieved the bottle as a birthday gift and needless to say, was a bit shocked when I saw what it was.


    When I opened the bottle, I got clean, almost astringent type smell to it. Popped my sleepy eyes open! There was a slight floral under current to it as well. (It decants a pale brown) I wasn't too sure about this but I gave it a try.


    Wet, it the floral tone came out right away, but it was mixed with _something_ I don't know what. It was very strong (or I put on too much) so I had to drive with my hand out the window for a minute or two. As it dried, it became MUCH less medicinal and very pretty scented. The floral came and went and that other note came out. It dryed sown to a soft, woodsy, incensey smell that is really familiar. Myrrh? Sandalwood? I can't put my finger on it, but I lurve it! Very relaxing too.


    Wish I could give more specific notes on it. It is definatley on my keeper list!

  2. I can't wait to see the Arkham labels!   :D


    Me too! My hubby is a game designer and let me order the Gibering Madness pack (and we can write it off on our taxes since the has a Cthulhu game coming out :D ) and I'm inviting a bunch of the female game designers/writers we know over for a sniff party when it shows up. I've got a friend trying to photoshop something having to do with perfume bottles and elder gods for the invite :P


    I just hope my order gets here in time for people who come to order more! :D


    edited 'cause I can't type today
