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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. Bard

    In the bottle - A warm herbal honey and an almost coconutty wood


    Wet on me - A waxy herbal honey scent with a touch of sharpness from the bay rum


    Dry on me - A beery, hoppy scent of honey


    Overall - I like it but it's not something I would wear

  2. In the bottle - A green herbal floral with a dirty undertone


    Wet on me - Dark green herbs with a sharp earthy backdrop and a touch of metal


    Dry on me - It disappeared almost immediately


    Overall - I thought it was going to develop into something interesting but it just vanished in no time at all

  3. Vanilla-infused agarwood, oak bark, and Laotian benzoin.


    In the bottle - Soapy vanilla and a furniture polish sort of wood note

    Wet on me - Mostly still a soapy vanilla, although the wood is more woodsy now

    Dry on me - A soft sweet woody vanilla

    Overall - I do like the dry down a lot but it's just a little rough in the wet stages, age may mellow it out

  4. In the bottle - A grey salty water scent


    Wet on me - Maybe its because I've recently tried the ambergris SN but that's what this smells like to me


    Dry on me - To me this definitely smells like ambergris, but actually with a little more staying power than the SN


    Overall - Not my cup of tea

  5. In the bottle - A green woodsy vetiver with a hint of something sour


    Wet on me - A burning muddy patchouli with a backdrop of vetiver


    Dry on me - After about 12 hours of whoah vetiver it eventually settles down into something light and green and floral and quite pretty


    Overall - I like the final dry down, but not enough to put up with the vetiver overload

  6. In the bottle - A rich vibrant red musk


    Wet on me - I can't really place it, it's a bit like honeysuckle and pear with the red musk laced over


    Dry on me - It turns to dust


    Overall - I'm really gutted by this and I don't understand it, some 'cream' or 'butter' notes turn to dust on me, but nothing like that seems to be in this blend

  7. In the bottle - A bright spiky lemon verbena


    Wet on me - Still mostly lemon verbena but the jasmine begins to make itself known


    Dry on me - The jasmine amps up and takes over


    Overall - I'm not a jasmine fan so this doesn't really work for me

  8. In the bottle - A cross between smoke, rubber and a high pitched floral


    Wet on me - Weirdly I get sweaty bananas


    Dry on me - Is opium indole heavy like jasmine or neroli? because that's kind of what I get overlain with a sort of dirty sweat


    Overall - Didn't work with my skin chemistry at all

  9. In the bottle - A soft yellow rose


    Wet on me - Soapy rose petals and something green


    Dry on me - It disappeared quite quickly


    Overall - A slightly lack-lustre soapy rose

  10. In the bottle - Really peppery tobacco with a woodsy undertone to it and an almost chewable centre


    Wet on me - Quite a dark bitter tobacco, there are slightly fruity undertones, but they're mostly masked


    Dry on me - Soft, sweet almost musky tobacco


    Overall - I love the dry down, but the wet stages are a little harsh for me, hopefully it will mellow with age

  11. In the bottle - I suppose it musk be the skin must, but it's mostly just hazy to me


    Wet on me - A light soapy floral scent which I can only presume is the lemon blossom


    Dry on me - A soft, skin musk


    Overall - I bought this blend for the Bourbon Vanilla and the Custard Accord and they just didn't deliver

  12. In the bottle - A surprisingly harsh rum with the vanilla on top


    Wet on me - Heavy booze with an almost coconutty vanilla beneath


    Dry on me - Oddly what I so get from this is a light sweet coconut


    Overall - I think I would have liked it more if it had been more vanillary
