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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. I love this, it's oddly warm and comforting for such a tropical fruit. It is very much a dried apricot scent as apposed to fresh apricot, but it's lovely non-the-less and still a very juicy scent. Oddly when I first applied it I smelt coconut aswell, but that faded pretty quickly.

  2. I couldn't smell the peach in this at all at first, but on me it came out. Oddly it smelt to me like the juice you get at the bottom of a punnet if one of the peaches has been damaged and is rotting slightly, which is actually a smell I quite like. As it dried there was an almost crystalised scent around the peach, which I can only assume was the jonquil and vetiver, very nice. Sadly this lasted less than an hour on me, a trend that seems to be following the amber scents I try.

  3. To me this smelt slightly creamier than fresh coconut, more like good quality coconut ice cream or coconut ice say, but it is still absolutely gorgeous. I didn't get any suntan lotion from it, but I wouldn't have minded if I had :P .

  4. As Dana O'Shee is a favourite of mine, I absolutely love this, fortunately it's quite stong or my imp wouldn't last very long, I would happily bathe in it. It is very marzipany, but proper marzipan as used by qood quality confectioners rather than the overly sweet and sticky stuff sold in supermarket.

  5. I personally would say this smelt more like honeysuckle than honey (I haven't tried the honeysuckle single note so I can't compare them). Having said that it is a lovely scent and is probably more wearable than the scent I envisaged as honey. It is very stong though, it leaked a little in transit and the first thing that hits me now when I lift the lid off my imp house is the smell of Honey.

  6. In the bottle this smelt like slightly rotting fruit to me, I was slightly put off by the busy-ness of the scent, I was hoping for more of the amber. On me I didn't get chance to sample it, it was gone in less than a minute. What a disappointment :P .

  7. I was really suprised by how much I liked this, in many ways it's like Perversion, but with a slightly herbally twang to it. As it fades it loses the leather scent and becomes a very spicy lovely scent which lingers for a long time, in fact it stays on me the longest of any BPAL scent.

  8. In the bottle this smells slightly rancid to me, I was absolutely gutted. However, when I put it on I was soooooo relieved, it smells of baking, literally of cookies. As with the Gingerbread Poppet the baking smell faded quite quickly on me, but I was left with a cinnamon-y version of Sugar Skull, so I wasn't complaining.

  9. In many ways this does exactly what it says on the tin, it smells of gingerbread. At first it's all spice but the bakery smell does come through, and it does make you feel edible. On me the baking smell went away quite quickly, but I'm not going to complain about the hot gingery scent I was left with.

  10. I really didn't like this when I smelt it in the bottle, it was like very sour smelling cedar. On me at first I was even less keen all I smelt was rubber, possibly even burning rubber, not good. An hour later it's wonderful, the vanilla has exerted itself and the whole scent is one of a well used kitchen with wooden surfaces. It's a bit too masculine for me to wear regularly, but I still like it and oddly I think it's the sort of thing I'd like more at my time of the month.


    ETA Weird, I said I thought I'd like it more around my time of month, having tried that, when I'm starting my time of the month the final dry down stage is pure creamy, rich vanilla, it's gorgeous :P .

  11. I absoultely hated this in the bottle, but wearing it changed my mind. At first it was entirely white wine, but it gradually settled into a very mellow vanillary leather with gentle gusts of tobacco in the background. Wearing it is a very lovely experience but I wish it lasted longer.

  12. In the bottle I didn't like this, there was a sharpness (the oak moss I think), which put me off. On me it's gorgeous, it reminds me of the smell of my Grans kitchen when she's cooking down wind falls to make a sauce, it's a very comforting homely smell, but still light enough to be worn out on a summers day. I don't get the Honey I Washed The Kids bit that others have, which is a pity as it's one of my favourite soaps, but its still a wonderful scent.

  13. I was a bit dubious of this at first as in the bottle there was a slight tang of rancid butter in the background, but on it's pure sugar, molten toffee is the best way I can think of to describe it, I only wish it lasted a bit longer on me - I have only about an hours worth of scent from it.
