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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. When I first put this on it was so sharp it made me sneeze, fortunately it fades quite quickly to a point where it is predominantly musk with soft lavender and spikes of lime floating around in the background. To me this is a very male scent, but I like it all the same.


    The most suprising thing about this oil was the imagery that sprung into my head as soon as I smelt it. A Victorian gentleman, yes, but a Victorian gentleman on a shooting weekend at a country house. Striding about on platforms, freshly laid by servants, to stop his highly polished boots getting muddy, shooting game startled by the beaters and stopping now and then for a glass of wine. Never doing enough to work up a sweat, but at the same time impressing the daughters of the house with his manliness. The image came complete with locals doffing their caps :P .

  2. At first on me this smelt just like a Terry's Chocolate Orange, as it dried it got more and more powdery until it became pure cocoa powder. About four hours later and there is a creamy vanillariness (and I know that isn't a word) to it, which makes it seem like really good hot chocolate made with full fat milk and topped with fresh cream, and possibly a marshmallow or two :P .


    ETA. On me the cherry never made an appearence, which is a pity, but it's still a wonderful oil.

  3. In the imp this was entirely lavender, on me the jasmine joined it in the forefront and started to drown everything else out. This is a very nice scent, but a bit too pretty for me, and I would have liked to have seen (smelt) more of the honeysuckle.

  4. Wet to me this was warm spices and baking, very similar to Gingerbread Poppet or Sugar Cookie, but without the butter. About 2 hours into wearing it it went through a distressing 'aftershave' phase which actually made me feel uncomfortable, fortunately that only lasted about half an hour and now I'm left with creamy, gently spiced vanilla. I love the start and the end, now I just have to decide if I can cope with the middle bit, I think I might stick to O.

  5. To me this was primarily creamy ginger. At first the jasmine hung around the edges making the scent very off kilter, but it quickly faded and left me with soft ginger and vanilla, I like it, but it would have been nice if the apricot had made an appearence.

  6. When I smelt this in the imp it was mmm palma violets and yuk something icky. As this is the first oil I've tried with vetiver, I'm assuming that it is the something icky, unfortunately on me the violet disappeared entirely. After about an hour the vetiver isn't too bad, it's kind of mossy and earthy, but I wouldn't want to wear it. I think I'll steer clear of vetiver in future.

  7. I love this, wet it's lovely juicy ripe cherry's with an undertone of what smells to me of wood varnish, but is what I'm assuming is the lacquered wood. As it dries the wood mellows so it's just sitting there behind the cherries making them warmer and more fulsome.

  8. This was a bit meh on me. At first it was a really fruity juicy black currant, with a sense of the currant leaves and something spikey behind it, but it dried very rapidly to a kind of earthy mossy fragrance, which then faded all together.

  9. A single note that does exactly what it says on the tin, right down to the pith/peel scent that most citrus scents leave out. Sadly it stayed around on my skin for less time than it took for me to get dressed, but I think my mum'll like it.

  10. O is something I absolutely love. The honey is so sweet it's practically toffee and it actually smells warm, I bet this would be a brilliant time of the month scent. It doesn't seem to have much throw, but stays for ages on my skin.

  11. I love this scent, on me it is Haribo sours (or tangtastic or whatever they're being called now), specifically the green 'stem' bits on the cherrys :P . I almost entirely disagree with the discription though, I got no plums and no florals and I thought it was a very cheery, up-lifting scent rather than being melancholy. Having said that I probably like it more than I would have done if it had been like the description, it is just perfect for sitting on the grass in the sun reading, which is what I've done today :D .

  12. At first to me this was all floral, far too much floral infact, but gradually the vanilla mellowed the rose and jasmine and left me with a very gentle, very grown up scent, probably too grown up for me. At no point did I get coffee :P .

  13. Wet I absolutely loved this, it does indeed smell of bubble gum, to be precise the bubble gum at the bottom of a twister. Sadly as it dried it dropped quickly through orangey and cinnamony periods before disappearing entirely.

  14. For the first ten minutes it was purely herby, then it was leather, as strong as De Sade, about 2 hours later I'm left with a very gentle vanilla and a slight herby tang. Very confusing :P .

  15. In the vial this smelt very caramelly, but as it dried on me it switched between honey and sweet almond. Now it's dried on me, it's like sugared honey (if such a thing is possible). I like it, but it's not going to be a favourite.

  16. To me this smells of a slightly smoky christmas pudding, lots of fruit and spices :P . I walked down the street wearing this and I kept getting wafts of almost eau de cough medicine. Now it's been on me for a couple of hours it is giving me a kind of dark, bitter chocolatey scent behind the cherries, very nice.


    ETA Reflection has led me to suggest that what I thought of as chocolate was in fact coffee, which to me makes slightly more sense.

  17. I absolutely love this scent. Wet it smells very like a slightly less buttery version of Sugar Skull, but when it dries it's a gorgeous mix of dark chocolate and even darker coffee. Incredibly sweet, but also a little bit bitter. It's also the scent which has lasted longest on my skin of all those I've tried so far.

  18. To me this smells more of the skin after leather has been taken off than the leather itself. After spending ages trying to work out why it was very familiar to me I realised that it reminds me of my dad, it's a very comforting scent, but not necessarily one I want to smell of.

  19. For me this is more dark chocolate than milk, because there is a slight bitterness to it which stops it being sickly sweet and at the beginning there appeared to be a slight tang of orange, which has now faded. Having said that I absolutely love it and will enjoy wafting around in it :P .

  20. At first I was really disappointed in this, because I didn't like something in it on me, I don't know what, and whilst I loved the bubble gum scent that wafted up at me I didn't think I'd be able to wear it. However, when it's dried down it smells as if I've dribbled vanilla ice cream all over me and let it dry, now I smell all lovely and sticky and sweet :P .

  21. Wet, I thought I was imagining things because strong alongside the peach I smelt white wine and I didn't realise it was peach wine. Dry on me it was pure peach, actually probably a truer peach to me than the Georgia Peach single note, as that to me was a slightly rotting peach and this is much fresher and brighter. Yep, definitely peach and a lovely peach it is to :P .
