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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. Wet on me this was salty water, with a little bit of leather and bay rum in the background, it's a bit odd, but a very good encapsulation of the sea side. Dry on me it goes a bit perculiar, it's a bit floral and quite perfumy although the salt is still there. I really like the first stage, but when it dries it's not for me.

  2. Wet on me this was unsuprisingly PEACH and very peach, the patchouli is in the background muddying it up and the musk is making things more sparkly, which is a little confusing. Dry on me this was pure peach and it lasts for ages (at least compared to the other fruit and amber blends I've tried). I was so worried the patchouli would spoil this for me, but I think this is possibly my favorite peach blend, especially because it lasts so long.

  3. Wet on me this is purely tabacco. To be specific it smells of the loose tobacco my Grandfather used to use to roll his cigarettes. Unfortunately this is not a happy association for me and will mean I will get rid of this blend. As it dries the leather becomes more apparent. Dry on me it smells of what I would call a traditional aftershave. I'm sure this will be a very sexy, very warm blend on the right person, but the scent associations make it possible for me to consider wearing it.

  4. Wet on me this was blackberries, strong blackberries with wine in the background, I think that the heather might be there softening the edges, but it is not self-evident. Dry it smells of coconuts, which is unlikely, but true. It fades to a very sweet soft floral. On the whole I like this, even if I don't really understand it :P .

  5. Wet on me this was a dark, bitter frankincense and like others have said there was something very reminiscent of toilet cleaner in the background. Actually this didn't bother me much as it was only an occassional waft. Dry on me it's warm and woody, I think the cinnamon is softening the frankincense a little. I brought this for the violet, which doesn't appear at all and whilst I like the dry down I doubt I'll be keeping it, because I think others do the same thing better.

  6. Wet on me this is buttered rum with dry coconut in the background. As it dried it became a slightly stale smell on me, but fortunately that didn't last too long. Dry on me this is predominantly creamy coconut with something sharp (the tobacco?) in the background. On the whole I like this, but I'm not certain I'd wear it.

  7. Wet on me this was wood and furniture polish. Dry on me it became more incensy, but the wood is still predominant. I'm afraid I'm a bit ambivalent to this blend, so I'll have to find someone who will give it the love it undoubtably deserves.

  8. Wet on me this was sweet, juicy, but slightly green figs. It's lovely a glowing, shining blend, that gives the impression on warm summer days in the country. Dry on me it becomes slightly more powdery, it's as if somebody has dusted the figs in icing sugar :P .

  9. Wet on me this was lemon grass and sandlewood. As it dried the lemon grass faded and the sandlewood became much, much more strong. About two hours in it turned into incense with a little touch of fennel. On the whole on me this was a really strange blend, I liked it in parts, but I don't think I'll be keeping it.

  10. Wet on me this was soft lavender and very sweet violet, very pretty and lush and not at all what I was expecting from the description. Dry on me this is vetiver, slightly spicy vetiver, but all that is really detectable is vetiver. My skin clearly like vetiver more than I do.

  11. Wet on me this was musty (damp towels musty not nice dry old books musty) with a bit of dragons blood resin in the background. Dry on me it's vetiver, vetiver and more vetiver. My skin apparently loves vetiver and whilst I don't mind it I wish it wasn't at the exclusion of all else.

  12. Wet on me this is predominantly spicy dragons blood resin with slightly sharp red wine in the background and occassion wafts of rose. I have to say on/for me the three different aspects didn't seem to sit very well together. Dry on me it's very similar (perhaps unsurpisingly) to Blood, it's all spicy dragons blood, which is good, but I think I'll stick to Blood.

  13. Wet on me this was parma violets and coconut, I'm presuming the parma violet scent is the result of the orris, if it's not I have no idea what is going on. Dry on me the coconut has gone, the parma violets are still really ruling the roost, with a little 'fizziness' from the musk in the background. On the whole this is a very pretty, very girly scent and not what I expected at all.

  14. Wet on me this is dark, spicy dragons blood resin, there is also a medicine note to it, which I don't think is the clove, but may be the myrrh. Dry on me it's much the same, but the medicine note has gone. It's warm, spicy, inviting and moorish, it's what I always want red wine to taste like (and I know that there's no logic in that).

  15. Wet on me it was entirely bitter almonds, and very strong. As it dried it went through a stage of almost perfumed candy, but the almonds were still very predominant. Dry on me it's dark, almost gassy, almonds. This is nice, but I doubt it will become a favourite.

  16. Wet on me this was predominantly almond, which is good, with something green and spiky in the background, which is less good. As it dries it goes through a pencil shaving stage, which is a bit weird. Dry on me it's a heavy, spicy wood scent. On the whole as far as I'm concerned this is a very masculine scent, too masculine for me.

  17. The essence of magickal enigmas and long-forgotten esoteric mysteries. Frankincense, rosemary, lavender, neroli, and verbena.

    I tried this before reading the description and I was surprised to read about the lavender, neroli, rosemary and verbena, because on me this is pure frankincense, scarily so. I would have liked the herbs more I think and as it stands I have to admit this doesn't do it for me at all.

  18. Wet on me this was sandlewood and lots of spices. It was very, very strong in a way that made my nose twitch. Dry on me the spices have faded and it's pure sandlewood, and it's sandlewood which lasts for a long time. This is not for me, but I glad I got to try it, because I kept being drawn to it, so I would have probably ordered it in the end.

  19. My skin seemed to simply absorb Alice, so it's a bit difficult to review it, it was there for such a short time. Wet on me it smelt milky and sweet, very pretty and gentle - definitely girly. Dry on me there is a tiny sense of 'cleaness' that I guess derives from the blend, but apart from that it has pretty much gone. I think the wet stage of this (on me at least) is very reminiscent of BNever's Keep It Fluffy.

  20. Wet on me this was sweet and creamy like strawberry ice cream, with something green in the background my mind says mint, but I suspect that's because I associate mint with strawberries (there's a mint bush you have to brush past to get to the strawberry patch in my grandparents garden) and that it's actually the combination of the sage and green tea. Dry on me it's the combination of strawberry plants and candy floss :P . Strawberry Moon is a fantabulous blend of the first degree.

  21. Wet on me this is honey. I know that's a bit of a no-brainer, but I was really worried about the possibility of the jasmine spoiling this for me, but it doesn't make it's presence felt. I'm also suprised to discover I can distinguish some of the different sorts of honey. There is the soft floral honey that I get from the honey single note, the rich cloying honey I get from Athens (and which for unknown reasons I associate with William Golding's Lord of the Flies) and also a sharp fruity honey. As it dries it stays very much the same. Dry on me it's a slightly incensy honey, but the florals are still present in the background. On the whole this is a stunning blend.
