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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. In the bottle - A soft blue lavender


    Wet on me - A sweet comforting ball of flowers; mostly the camomile but the others are there, with just a hint of honey running across it


    Dry on me - A soft hazy herbal scent that envelops and folds in on itself


    Overall - I quite enjoyed this, but my mum is currently training to be a healer so I thin this might make a nice present for her

  2. In the bottle - Surprisingly enough roses with an undercurrent of bubblegum


    Wet on me - Really, really lush red roses, really sweet sugary bubblegum but there's a sharp almost nail varnish remover type scent beneath


    Dry on me - A faint red rose scent with just a hint of candyfloss like sweetness in the background


    Overall - I don't know. This was my most coveted blend for ages; I wanted and expected to love it, but I just don't

  3. In the bottle - Smoke, sandalwood and a hint of sweetness


    Wet on me - A soft vanilla and a lost of almost peppery sandalwood


    Dry on me - A light, sweet, musky scent with hints of resinous depth beneath


    Overall - I'm not certain on the wet stages, but the dry down is amazing

  4. In the bottle - Tart/creamy fruit a bit like a fruity yoghurt


    Wet on me - Tart fruits, I want to say blue berries because of the colour, but I'm not convinced


    Dry on me - A clean candylike fruit, sweet and crisp


    Overall - I love it, it's sweet but not in your face about it

  5. In the bottle - A hard woody frankincense


    Wet on me - Rich and woody and a bit pencil shaving-y but with an almost berryish mellowness beneath


    Dry on me - A soft smooth frankincense with a hint of vanilla


    Overall - I was hoping for more vanilla and I wonder if a little age may bring it out more

  6. In the bottle - A soft lush floral with an indollike undertone


    Wet on me - A light green powdery floral but still with that indol


    Dry on me - A soft powdery floral


    Overall - I have to say I figure that this has jasmine in it and jasmine just doesn't work on my skin

  7. In the bottle - Clean worn leather


    Wet on me - A soft, hazy clean leather


    Dry on me - Smooth clean washed leather


    Overall - A really nice leather scent, for me I would want something else with it.

  8. In the bottle - A sweet slightly heady almost booze like floral


    Wet on me - Washing detergent; there is a hint of soft lush floral beneath, but mostly I get washing detergent


    Dry on me - A sweet hazy musky floral


    Overall - I love the dry down, but the washing detergent wet stages not so much

  9. In the bottle - The sweet rich honey wine with the berrylike undertones


    Wet on me - The lilac comes through over the backdrop of honey wine


    Dry on me - A light sweet almost candied floral


    Overall - Pretty, delicate and feminine

  10. Elf

    In the bottle - A sharp musk and sappy green florals


    Wet on me - A sharp woodsy musk with tart berries just beginning to come through


    Dry on me - It disappeared on my skin


    Overall - Just got eaten by my skin

  11. In the bottle - Bright zesty lime with a tonic like undertone


    Wet on me - A black tar sort of scent and soap


    Dry on me - A clean woody musk scent with hints of tobacco


    Overall - Whilst it's not really my cup of tea, I did enjoy this much more than I expected

  12. In the bottle - Salty water, soapy fir and a touch of floral


    Wet on me - Soft soapy florals particularly the hyancinth


    Dry on me - A slightly sweet, slightly soapy floral


    Overall - Pleasant enough but not relay my cup of tea

  13. In the bottle - Bright, tart strawberries and a hint of lush rose


    Wet on me - A green grassy note comes out beneath fizzy strawberries and rich velvety roses


    Dry on me - A lovely sweet gauzy red musky candy floss confection of strawberries and roses


    Overall - I love this. It's really pretty and bright but the rose just adds a touch more depth

  14. In the bottle - It must be the honey musk but I got beeswax and a hint of the gardenia


    Wet on me - The honey comes through more clearly, but still has a waxy quality to it


    Dry on me - Soft, sweet honey with a clean slightly waxy undertone and just hints of a soft gentle floral


    Overall - My favourite of the Lilith/Pickman blends actually it's curiously similar to BPTP's Hair Loosened & Soiled Mid Orgies Hair Gloss, but lighter and cleaner, which I guess is appropriate really

  15. Shellacked wood, sap, sawdust, and privet.


    In the bottle - Wood, very sappy wood

    Wet on me - A green soapy sap oddly with a sort of vanillary undertone

    Dry on me - A dark green salty sap with a hazy vanilla musk to it

    Overall - Nicer than I expected but not really me
