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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. In the bottle –First coconut then a hit of patchouli


    Wet on me – The rubbery vanilla of the benzoin, the dirtiness of the patchouli and the sweetness of the coconut


    Dry on me – Initially the patchouli grows stronger and stronger, until it dominates the blend, but eventually it fades leaving a lovely real vanilla ice cream sort of scent


    Overall – I love the final dry down, but I’m less keen on the ‘I am patchouli hear me roar’ aspect earlier on. I’m in a bit of an odd place hormonally at the moment so I think this is probably worth holding on to and trying again when things have settled down

  2. In the bottle –Very strong damp earth with a slight woody edge


    Wet on me – The dry wood is now slightly stronger but the damp earth remains the dominant scent


    Dry on me – Soft masculine woods with just a hint of alcohol


    Overall – Whilst I like this blend the masculinity combined with the alcohol gives the impression of a traditional aftershave, which puts me off the idea of wearing it

  3. In the bottle –A high note from the orchid, backed by the rich spicy resins


    Wet on me – A kind of ozony fizziness made dark with the resins and edged by what smells like orange peel


    Dry on me – For a while it smells like unburnt incense, but gradually it warms and sweetens becoming a sensual amalgamation of the resins


    Overall – The dry down is a glorious thing, and this blend stays strong on my skin for upwards of 16 hours. This may well become a favourite

  4. In the bottle –The wine, a hint of the clay and something sweet, but not sugar sweet, more like some sort of flower


    Wet on me – Sharp berryish wine, again with that hint of sweetness behind it


    Dry on me – Dry crumbling woods and that sweetness, in the end I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s violets


    Overall – Surprisingly on me this is quite a grown up scent and it’s one that I think I will enjoy wearing

  5. In the bottle –Thick black smoke, that hits the back of your throat, stale beer and a hint of treacle


    Wet on me – A hint of the treacle, but predominantly thick overpowering smoke


    Dry on me – Thick smoke, ashes and stale beer. It does finally dry into a sweet, hoppy skin scent, but it’s too little too late


    Overall – Perhaps if my skin had brought out more of the treacle and not turned the beer sour this would have worked, but how it is :P

  6. In the bottle –Warm, slightly sweet green herbs – most probably the olive leaf


    Wet on me – The same deep warm herby scent, but with the cedar wood rising in the background


    Dry on me – Warm and dry herbs bathed in a sweet skin musk


    Overall – With the exception of an odd tendency towards I was pleasantly surprised by this blend. However, I can’t imagine it would be one I would reach for.

  7. In the bottle –Dry dirty spices. Actually this is one of the few scents when smelling it in the bottle made me pull away. Wearing it should be interesting


    Wet on me – The combination of a really animalistic red musk and dirty patchouli make this unpleasantly overpowering on me


    Dry on me – Warm sweet spices with a rich deep musky undertone


    Overall – I’m flummoxed the dry down is lovely and it’s the first blend to win me two unsolicited comments in one wear. On the other hand for the first half an hour I don’t want my nose anywhere near the parts of my body with the blend on, which is something of an issue.

  8. In the bottle – Soft red apple and a background of herbs


    Wet on me – Fresh red apples


    Dry on me – Mainly apples, before fading into soft green slightly soapy herbs


    Overall – This blend is pleasant enough, but didn’t excite me

  9. In the bottle – Sharp but sweet mango with just a hint of the green tea


    Wet on me – Again the mango is dominant, backed by what I would say was melon and with a hint of something peppery


    Dry on me – A sweet candy-like green fruit with just a hint of pepper behind it


    Overall – This reminds me of a brighter version of Midwinter’s Eve. It faded quickly, but as it’s a GC I can slather guilt free

  10. In the bottle – Sweet and soapy, but somewhat indistinct


    Wet on me – Sharp green soap backed by the thick, treacly sweetness of the condensed milk


    Dry on me – After going through dusty and coconuty stages if finally settles to a warm, dry tobacco scent


    Overall – I don’t really know what to make of this blend, sweet and creamy I like and tobacco I like, but this blend never seems to sit right with me

  11. ... Our blend for this Moon mixes traditional lunar oils with the warmth of amber, red musk, and heliotrope, the russet haze of dragon's blood resin, sunflower, and crushed orange peel, with a dusting of summertime herbs: chamomile, rue, elder flower and marigold.

    In the bottle – Red musk and a layer of orange peel

    Wet on me – Bubbly red musk, oddly I would have said that the throw was all lotus, but I don’t know where that’s coming from

    Dry on me – Warm dry red musk sprinkled with brown sugar and flecks of a peppery herb

    Overall – Perfect, sensual yet comforting, but also light and up lifting. This is a blend that I could wear every day and be special enough for an occasion

  12. In the bottle – Black currant with the white musk behind it, mouth watering (literally)


    Wet on me – The deep dark juiciness of the berries alongside the fuzziness of the musk and a hint of soap form the lavender


    Dry on me – It faded very quickly leaving just a hint of slightly herbal musk


    Overall – I love the wet stages, but it really doesn’t last very long at all

  13. In the bottle – Roses and a hint of sweet pea


    Wet on me – Wet lush roses


    Dry on me – Soft powdery roses


    Overall – Whilst rose doesn’t particularly ‘amp’ on me it does tend to smother everything else it to submission and this is another example

  14. In the bottle – The leather and cologne are very strong


    Wet on me – Soft leather with a smooth creamy undertone and hints of lilac cologne and lemon rind


    Dry on me – Warm sensual leather swirling with thick creamy vanilla and dark heady musks


    Overall – This is a very masculine, very sexy blend, whilst I will probably wear it myself I yearn for a man to slather it on

  15. In the bottle – Mainly the almond and a touch of saffron


    Wet on me – Again the almond dominates, but there are hints of a bright warm scent bursting with sunshine behind that first note


    Dry on me – Once it has settled down this blend is a dead ringer for O on me


    Overall – I don’t need this and O, but I prefer the wet stages of Bastet so when my O runs out this is what I will replace it with

  16. In the bottle – A green furry scent toped with civet


    Wet on me – Weirdly this smells of sweet almonds and balloons


    Dry on me – A soft powdery green scent like talc and fresh cut herbs


    Overall – Surprisingly light and pretty, but not really me

  17. In the bottle – Nothing, absolutely nothing


    Wet on me – Furniture polish


    Dry on me – Very faint musks


    Overall – Neither my nose nor my skin did much with this, I guess I’m just not the angelic type :P

  18. In the bottle – I haven’t read the other reviews so I’m just guessing at the notes, but I would say myrrh and sandalwood


    Wet on me – Heavy resins and woods


    Dry on me – Warm, earthy resins


    Overall – Not what I expected at all and not me

  19. In the bottle – A bonfire with a metallic twang


    Wet on me – Dark smouldering smoke


    Dry on me – For the most part this is like ashes and dust on me, but it does finally settle to a soft warm tobacco


    Overall – I really like the final dry down, but I couldn’t wear this blend

  20. In the bottle – Dark and burned and yet somehow juicy. Similar in feel if not in scent to Perversion


    Wet on me – Clean, cologney scent


    Dry on me – Slightly sweet ozone, with a dry earth backdrop


    Overall – Very unusual, but not for me

  21. In the bottle – Mainly polished wood


    Wet on me – The dirtiness of the black musk and patchouli, cut with an odd sort of soapiness


    Dry on me – The blend softens and becomes warmer, more inviting, but still it retains a dark bitterness


    Overall – An unusual scent, it seems to be uneasy with itself, which in turn made me uneasy
