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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Ajila

  1. Scent of the Day: Conjure Oil's Antidote

  2. Scent of the Day: Conjure Oil's Achocolypse

  3. Scent of the Day: NA's Mummy Daddy NAlliday

  4. Scent of the Day (today): Blooddrops' Mourning Dove

  5. Scent of the Day (now): BPAL's Mother Shub's Spicy Lait De Chevre

  6. Scent of the Day: Good Judy's Mother Mary

  7. Scent of the Day: BPAL's Monarch

  8. Scent of the Day (now): VApothecary's Mina

  9. Scent of the Day: Violette Market's May I Give

  10. Scent of the Day: BPAL's Mania

    1. ipb


      Unrelated, I've been pondering getting a SotD with twitter set up. I just need to get a massive amount of bit.ly URLs made!

  11. Scent of the Day: BPAL's Malediction

  12. So, so tired. Unable to hold together a coherent thought
