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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. In the bottle – Jasmine, jasmine and yet more jasmine


    Wet on me – Jasmine is still the only note that I can smell. It’s less astringent than it was in the bottle, but it’s still jasmine


    Dry on me – A faint, powdery floral


    Overall – Jasmine and I really do not get on so this blend is not for me


  2. CDXI (411)


    In the bottle – The initial whiff is sweet, almost butterscotchy, followed by orange blossom and topped off by washing powder


    Wet on me – It’s weird I would have said that it was orange blossom and melon, but the sent is much heavier than that and I’m getting washing powder as well


    Dry on me – It settles as a strong sharp floral, that I would guess is some form of lily, but also very dusty


    Overall – I have to say this just doesn’t work with my skin chemistry at all


    CDXXIII (423)


    In the bottle – Almost nothing at all, perhaps peach and possibly watermelon


    Wet on me – Faint candied watermelon with a hint of something floral, but I struggle to identify florals


    Dry on me – It disappears quickly in a haze of melon


    Overall – I think it would have been quite pleasant and refreshing had it lasted just a little longer


  3. In the bottle – Green leafy woods


    Wet on me – A kind of murky green scent, with something almost acrid about it


    Dry on me – Dry green and musky, with faint floral highlights


    Overall – I’m sure some people love it, but it’s really not me


  4. In the bottle – Sweet plum with the lily and musk in the background


    Wet on me – The pine wood comes immediately to the fore. There is a little softening sweetness to it, but mainly it’s pine


    Dry on me – It goes a little perfumy, but eventually it dries down to a sweet, musky plum


    Overall – I like it more than I expected to. I need to decide if my desire to keep it is actually a ‘must keep the set’ mentality


  5. In the bottle – Sweet, slightly spicy apples. More like an apple flavoured sweet than an actual apple


    Wet on me – Still that candied apple, with a hint of something green, it might be the hawthorn


    Dry on me – Initially it goes very smoky, but then it settles to a very dry, green apple scent with a layer of musk


    Overall – It’s a little smoky for me, but when it settles it’s the perfect apple scent I didn’t know I wanted


  6. In the bottle – Very faint amber, which surprises me, because the atmosphere spray and bath oil brimmed with scent


    Wet on me – Soft, sweet vanilla and amber, with the sharpness of the lily in the background


    Dry on me – The blend settles into a sweet, golden vanilla


    Overall – I like the dry down, but the blend seems a little flat and one dimensional on me


  7. Plum blossom, tuberose, oakmoss, violet leaf, jasmine, ylang ylang, lemon peel, orange blossom, and lemon peel.


    In the bottle – A hit of sweet tuberose – very similar to the atmosphere and linen spray

    Wet on me – Again with the tuberose, but now with a slightly bitter greenness from the oakmoss

    Dry on me – The florals gradually fade to leave a green, slightly airy musk

    Overall – Whilst I doubt that this will ever be a favourite of mine it is much better on me than I anticipated. Perhaps appropriately it shares a feeling with Beltane

  8. In the bottle – Yep, that’ll be mead then


    Wet on me – Mead, extra honey and … strawberries?


    Dry on me – Sweet, soft, sticky honey


    Overall – On me this might as well be a honey single note, but as I love honey that’s fine by me


  9. In the bottle – Something dark and green like vetiver, but very, very dry


    Wet on me – Soft, warm hay, smothered under what I’m convinced is vetiver


    Dry on me – I’ve done this without looking at the notes, but I can’t get away from the bitter earthy scent that my nose interprets as vetiver


    Overall – Not for me


  10. In the bottle – Soap –I’m guessing that it’s the gardenia, but I could be wrong


    Wet on me – I can only presume that it’s the white tea I smell, but I would have said that it was a pale citrus


    Dry on me – A soft, slightly powdery floral


    Overall – It didn’t last on me at all and what there was of it was not me anyway


  11. In the bottle – Initially a hit of cinnamon and then the clove and pine get involved to form Herbals


    Wet on me – I presume it’s the clove giving it that sharp medicinal scent


    Dry on me – Warm sweet vanilla with hints of spice :yum:


    Overall – I like this a lot and it was a winner with my friends, even if they did think that it smelt floral


  12. In the bottle – Sweet, thick butterscotchy caramel, with just a hint of salt, which I can only assume is the peanuts. I will lay money on this blend turning to ashes on my skin


    Wet on me – Thick, buttery caramel


    Dry on me – Wow, a sweet, butter blend that doesn’t turn to ashes on me. It gets pretty damn close, but then veers away, just as I think that there is no hope left in sight. What remains is a thick, cloying butterscotch scent, which to my work colleagues translated as peanut butter (without being told the notes)


    Overall – I like it, but it is a ad overwhelming so I don’t really know about the practicality of it as a blend


  13. In the bottle – Red musk, with a slightly sweetened edge


    Wet on me – The red musk still sits on top of the blend, but is now backed by the earthy patchouli


    Dry on me – Initially it’s just straight up red musk, but eventually it settles into a sweet, custardy skin musk (no, I have know idea where that combination is coming from, either)


    Overall – Not what I expected, but still the sort of scent I could happily wear all the time


  14. In the bottle – :yum: vanilla musk, carnation and just a touch of cedar


    Wet on me – Sweet and light and airy and just a tiny bit soapy


    Dry on me – Oh joy! Warm sweet – almost honeyed vanilla with a soft, sexy musk undertone


    Overall – I expected to love this and wasn’t disappointed. Warm, inviting and sensuous, but still a wearable every day ‘work safe’ blend


  15. In the bottle – Typically the two notes I was hoping wouldn’t show dominate, the pitch pine and the patchouli, which combine, to my nose, smell like hippy toilet cleaner. Let us hope that my skin chemistry can do something with this unpromising start


    Wet on me – The pine pitch is still the main event, but there is now a touch of vanilla


    Dry on me – The warmth of the musk and the vanilla come through to settle into a very come hither sort of scent


    Overall – Once I’d got over the pine I loved it, although I would have liked more from the honey and the tobacco

  16. In the bottle – High, heavy gardenia


    Wet on me – Lush green and slightly harsh florals


    Dry on me – As it dries the patchouli comes through, giving it a warm spicy base


    Overall – I like the dry down more than I expected, but even that’s overly patchouli for me


  17. In the bottle – Very little, a slight hint of rose and an even slighter hint of red musk


    Wet on me – Soft, sweet iris, deep red musk and in the back something I would have said was patchouli


    Dry on me – A faint, slightly sweet floral


    Overall – I guess I expected this to be rather more full on. I like it, but it’s more the memory of a lover who has gone than a full blown Grind House


  18. In the bottle – Something quite sharp and chemical, I can only assume that it’s the blonde wood


    Wet on me – Dry, slightly sharp sandalwood with a hint of the Dragon’s Blood Resin in the background


    Dry on me – Dry woods, which disappear quickly


    Overall – A bit neither here nor there on me


  19. In the bottle – A plum and raspberry gin cocktail


    Wet on me – Initially a sweet berryish hit, but then going softer and more feminine, but still with that slightly boozy background


    Dry on me – :yum: A soft, warm, slightly musky vanilla with just a hint of fruits to round it out


    Overall – My favourite Grind House Lady so far


  20. In the bottle – Warm, sweet coconut and moss – very odd


    Wet on me – Again that sweet, almost coconut smell, overlain by the sharp scent of decay


    Dry on me – It fades very quickly to leave a soft sweet, slightly spiced, but very dry scent just lingering on my skin


    Overall – I liked it more than I expected, but it’s just a bit much for me to get my head round

