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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Ajila

  1. In the bottle - Predominantly the spice of the pink pepper with a hint of soft rose in the back ground


    Wet on me - Mostly the pink pepper but with a hint of something soapy


    Dry on me - A soft, soapy rose scent with a touch of cognac


    Overall - For me I guess the wrong notes took prominence on my skin; I was hoping for caramel and pink pepper with just a touch of rose

  2. In the bottle - Apples and (for want of a better word) stuff; there is something tart, which suggests the other fruits, but I couldn't put my finger on it


    Wet on me - A warm, mild amalgamation of fruits


    Dry on me - It fades quickly into a soft pulpy musk


    Overall - It's a little indistinct and fades very quickly on my skin

  3. In the bottle - Glorious sugary marshmallows


    Wet on me - The dandelion comes through; it's still backed by the marshmallows, but they are firmly in the background


    Dry on me - A peculiarly dry sweetness. I presume that it's the sap, but it's almost resinous with the sweetness of the marshmallows behind it


    Overall - It's very unusual, but I have to confess I would have preferred more marshmallows from it

  4. In the bottle - A surprisingly bitter orange blossom, backed by what I presume is the honey myrtle


    Wet on me - Again mostly bitter florals


    Dry on me - Softer, sweeter, muskier, but still dominated by the orange blossom


    Overall - I didn't expect it to be so floral, but as it is, it isn't really something I would wear

  5. In the bottle - A sweet floral; quite 'perfumy'


    Wet on me - A hint of the vanilla and then the dark dry leather


    Dry on me - The leather strengthend and darkens to become the predominant scent for about 4 hours after which the vanilla begins to make an appearence again, although always in a supporting role to the leather


    Overall - I like the blend a lot, I was suprised at first by how dominant the leather was, but despite this it retained an atmosphere of delicate feminity

  6. In the bottle - A dark, almost kerosote type of scent, with just a hint of the nutmeg


    Wet on me - The nutmeg warms and softens ths black, oily scent of the other notes


    Dry on me - A warm spicy nutmeg, that faded surprisingly quickly


    Overall - I like it, but not enough to need more than my imp

  7. In the bottle - Sharp sandalwood


    Wet on me - The star anise begins to come through, as well as something quite stong and quite chemically green


    Dry on me - A soft, gentle sandalwood scent


    Overall - Not unpleasent, but not for me

  8. In the bottle - The sweet, almond like scent of the cherries with just a hint of the cinnamon


    Wet on me - The liquorice root rises up behind the soft sweet cherries


    Dry on me - A lovely, sweet, lightly spiced cherry


    Overall - What there is of it is nice, but it's quite faint and doesn't last very long

  9. In the bottle - A sweet, high pitched floral with a hint of menthol to follow


    Wet on me - The florals are softer and less screechy, there's a lemony tinge now that makes the blend smell like lockets


    Dry on me - A soft, slightly lemony floral


    Overlla - Actually better than I expected; with a delicate softness to it, but noy really me

  10. In the bottle - Unsurprisingly a sweet vanilla custard


    Wet on me - There is vanilla but it's covered by a really perculiar aniti-freeze type smell


    Dry on me - Fortunately the anti-freeze scent goes away and leaves a sweet milky scent: more condensed milk than vanilla ice cream


    Overall - I don't know really, the overall affect was pleasent enough, but perhaps a little bland

  11. In the bottle - A tiny hint of frosting and a touch of snake oil, but very, very faint


    Wet on me - A soft hint of cake, the main player is the snake oil with a hint of something woody that I assume is Doc Constantine


    Dry on me - Cakey snake oil; it's like snake oil with the sweetness intensified


    Overall - I like this a lot. My only concern ins that as it ages the snake oil might over power the cake

  12. In the bottle - That's strange, but to me this smells of cough syrup


    Wet on me - The strong, heady flowers come through and make their presence known


    Dry on me - Soft, but still heady floral that sit deep on my skin


    Overall - Not really my sort of theing, but I guess if you like night blooming florals you'll like this

  13. In the bottle - Like walking under a crab apple tree when a lot of the apples have fallen off and laying on the ground


    Wet on me - Warm, mulled apples


    Dry on me - Soft, sweet, mellow apples


    Overall - I would have likes a few of the spices to come through, but on the whole it's a warm, inviting, blend with a very real apple scent at the centre

  14. In the bottle - Sweet white sugar and a touch of incense


    Wet on me - A light, dry, biscuity sort of scent with that smokey back scent that comes from burning incense


    Dry on me - A thick, bready, but oddly clean scent; strong and very morrish


    Overall - It's not what I expected, but I like the depth and the complexity of the sweetness

  15. In the bottle - Thick, sweet cream. I'll lay money on this turning to ashes on my skin :(


    Wet on me - Odd; a combnination of the clean scent of the cotton and the thick, sweet scent of the condensed milk


    Dry on me - Soft, creamy, white and slightly musky with odd hints of coconut


    Overall - It's an oddly delicate and refined take on the Halloween candy overload theme. I like it, but I prefer my pleasures a tad more gaudy. (on a plus note it's a rare cream scent that behaved on my skin)

  16. In the bottle - Soft, sweet, slightly boozy, almonds


    Wet on me - A sweet, doughnut scent, with something a tad watery and backed by the soft almonds


    Dry on me - Suprisingly faint, given the start; sweet, slightly spiced, bakery scents


    Overall - A tad faint, but overall very nice; a pretty not overly cloying foody scent

  17. In the bottle - I don't really pick up on any of the specific notes, but it's a warm, clean musk with hints of something berryish


    Wet on me - A soft, slightly heady floral


    Dry on me - A light, powdery floral with a hint of musk


    Overall - Suprisingly delicate and pretty, but not something that I would wear

  18. In the bottle - It smells of that mingled cut foliage and dirt scent that weeding seems to throw up.


    Wet on me - Dark green, almost earthy mosses, with a hint of fresh cut grass and a touch of something citrussy


    Dry on me - Strangely sweet with an almost violety smell and an edge of soap


    Overall - Nicer than I expected, but not for me

  19. In the botle - Honey, figs and a touch of coconut, quite a butter scent


    Wet on me - A warm, buttery, slightly tart, fruit scent. It's actually a little overpowering.


    Dry on me - It settles into a slightly queazy condensed milk scent


    Overall - I don't know quite why, but this blend never wuite seems to settle right on me

  20. In the bottle - Chocolate and something soapy


    Wet on me - Chocolate and a dry wood, I would have said not cedar or sandalwood, but beyond that I'm struggling


    Dry on me - A light, dry musk onm a background of a very blond wood


    Overall - Completely not what I expected; a simple, clean, 'safe' masculine scent


    ETA I did this without looking at the notes, shows what I know :lol:

  21. In the bottle - A green, fresh floral


    Wet on me - A sweet, green, slightly powdery floral. It's familiar, but I can't put my finder on it


    Dry on me - A light, sweet pink musk. Not unlike a less sugary Antique Lace with a touch of carnation


    Overall - In fades very quickly on me and I would prefer it if it had more staying power, bu it is very pretty

  22. In the bottle - Light, sweet, creamy berries with a touch of musk


    Wet on me - Weird, slightlt fruity, creamy and with a hint of green


    Dry on me - An oddly green, sappy sort of scent that given a few hours takes on a sweet candy floss type texture


    Overall - I like the dry down, but the blend very faint on me
