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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Ajila

  1. Scent of the Day: Possets' Simper


    #ebz The Ambassador throws magnificent balls, which are often the highlights of the social season... http://fallenlondon.com/c/748712


  3. Scent of the Day: Possets' Silver Lily

  4. Scent of the Night: Possets' Silver Ginger

  5. Scent of the Day: Possets' Silver Carnations

  6. Scent of the Night: Possets' Silver Bells


    #ebz It's hard to be certain, but some have traded under more than one name. They say Mr Apples w... http://fallenlondon.com/c/724656


  8. Scent of the Day: Good Judy's Siggster

  9. Scent of the Night: VApothecary's Shroud

  10. Scent of the Day (mk2): BPTP's Shortbread Snowflakes

  11. Going to ironbridge with the parental units to celebrate end of examness

  12. Scent of the Day: Possets' Shock Therapy

  13. Ok, so far today, I've died twice, been sent to prison and a mental institute, maybe #echobazaar is telling me I should have been revising!

  14. Woot! My Conjure Oils Sacred Shadow came in the post today!

  15. Scent of the Night: NA's Sheut

  16. Ugggh. Well that's land law over and done with. Bring on the criminals.

  17. Scent of the Day: VApothecary's Sherbat

  18. Scent of the Night: NA's Shekasteh Azam


    #ebz The Neath's most mystical fortune-teller. You can tell this by the number of silk scarves sh... http://fallenlondon.com/c/704586


  20. Scent of the Day: NA's Queen Incense

  21. Scent of the Night: Conjure Oils' Persephone


    #ebz "Whose name's on your collar Mr Starveling Cat?" "Come closer, my dear, if you want to read ... http://fallenlondon.com/c/699916


  23. Scent of the Day: NA's Nokturne: Nokturne Spice

  24. Scent of the Night: Conjure Oils' Morrigan - Celtic Goddess of Death and Magic


    #ebz What do Fallen Londoners do on the Feast of the Exceptional Rose? Fallen Londoners are truly... http://fallenlondon.com/c/694671

