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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Ajila

  1. Scent of the Day: @ConjureOils Ravished 2011


    #ebz The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! Swims like a bloodfish! Tastes like a sprat! http://fallenlondon.com/c/834169


  3. Scent of the Day (mk2): @VApothecary Polichenelle

  4. Scent of the Day: @PossetsPerfume Pink Cake

  5. Scent of the Night: @ConjureOils Naughty Amongst Novels

  6. Scent of the Day: @ConjureOils Midnight Chai With Kali Ma

  7. Scent of the Night: @ConjureOils Madame Blavatsky's Sbiten


    #ebz Sorrow-spiders are already repulsive. Spider-councils are what happens when sorrow-spiders g... http://fallenlondon.com/c/825607


  9. Scent of the Day: @ConjureOils Lady Guinevere

  10. Scent of the Night: @ConjureOils Honrar a los Muertos

  11. Just received my valentines order from @ConjureOils :-)

  12. Scent of the Day (mk2): Haus of Gloi's Picaroon


    #ebz More Mictlan than Milan. Travellers do go to see the sights, but the sights are mostly dark ... http://fallenlondon.com/c/820627


  14. Scent of the Night: VApothecary's Le Macabre


    #ebz The neddy men are the Masters' private enforcers, a shambolic freelance army of cudgel-wavin... http://fallenlondon.com/c/814462


  16. Scent of the Day: VApothecary's Gremlin Cake

  17. Scent of the Night: Black Dragonfly


    #ebz A sinister fungal wilderness by the river. The Department of Menace Eradication subcontracts... http://fallenlondon.com/c/810585


  19. Scent of the Day: VApothecary's Black Butterfly

  20. Scent of the Night: VApothecary's Black Bee

  21. Scent of the Day: BPAL's Milk Chocolate, Raw Ginger, Butterscotch

  22. Scent of the Night: BPAL's Milk Chocolate, Cassia and Bacon

  23. Scent of the Day: NA's Ma'at


    #ebz Purportedly the cats of the city know a secret or two. The common tabbies and gingers can co... http://fallenlondon.com/c/798231

