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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Ajila

  1. Ajila

    Miskatonic University

    Wet on me my first thought was Baileys and my second was Ben and Jerry's Dublin Mudslide, the difference being that this is creamier and less in your face boozy than the Baileys. As it dried I got coconut and I'm glad to see a few others have as well, else I would have felt I was going made. This is a creamy almost synthetic coconut rather than the green coconut Beth does so well. Dry on me this turns to ashes, my stupid, stupid skin chemistry . However, I refuse to give up on this so this will be going in my scent locket, where it stays like rich creamy ice cream laced with coffee and whiskey.
  2. Ajila


    Wet on me this was ginger and melted butter, when it hit my skin the butter scent seemed to plume up away from me, it was so rich. As it dried it got less rich and more spicy. There was also a brief period of the bakery smell that I get from Gingerbread Poppet, which was nice . Dry on me this is gorgeous ginger and dark spices, I didn't get any of the lemon some people to, but this is still an absolutely edible blend.
  3. Ajila

    Queen of Clubs

    Wet on me this was predominantly a dusty earthy scent, with slightly sweet overtones. As it dries it gets fruitier and fruitier. These are dark fruits and the scent seems to have the texture of black treacle, thick and gooey. Dry on me this is how I would imagine someone who was part human - part currant bush to smell. The fruits are there, but they are backed by a greeness that is dark and satisfying and there is an animalistic age to it. With a tiny whisp of vanilla in the background. Like the King the dry down stage of this blend lasts for ages, settling down to the extent where you forget where the scent ends and you begin.
  4. Ajila

    King of Clubs

    Firstly this was slicker than most of the BPAL I've tried previously, it felt more like oil I guess. Wet on me this was very green and musty, as it dries it seems to flick through stages of fig and vetiver (incidently this is the first vetiver blend I've tried where the vetiver has actively got involved in the blend rather than just hanging around at the end). Dry on me I suddenly get this blend. It is stunning in a way that is hard to describe, when your nose catches a glimpse of it, it's drawn in closer and closer until it's touching your skin. Most of my favourite blends make me want to eat my arm, this one makes me want to hump my arm, but that's ok too .
  5. Ajila

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    Chaos Theory 2 - DCLXII (662) In my bottle - my initial impression was white wine vinegar but a further sniff suggests the bubble gum scent of lotus. Wet on me - slightly soapy and slightly peppery bubble gum. 10 minutes - Powdery rose, with the lotus still there in the background. 20 minutes - It's become a pretty, rounded floral, the rose and the lotus are still the most prominant notes, but there are others in the background I can't identify. 4 hours - It's faded now, after staying pretty much the same. It's pretty, but not really me.
  6. Ajila

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    Chaos Theory 2 - DCIII(603) In the bottle this smells of TCP, but it also smells 'thick' like heavy duty cough medicine. There is also a slightly fruity edge, but I think that might be the cough medicine association. Wet on me TCP is still the predominant scent and I've got a slight burning sensation on my skin. 10 minutes - It's becoming lemony, in fact lemon sherbet, but the TCP is still predominant. 20 minutes - On one arm it's disappeared entirely on the other it's sugary lemon with TCP in the background. 30 minutes - It's a very faint lemon sherbet scent. 40 minutes - The entire blend is almost entirely gone. 50 minutes - And now it's gone entirely .
  7. Ajila


    Wet on me this was pure lavender. Dry it was predominantly lavender, but with other florals in the background, I'm not good with florals, but rose is definitely involved, the same sort of rose as is in Delirium. This didn't send me off to sleep any faster than normal, but it did make me feel more rested as I was lying there trying to get off to sleep. I did wake up feeling rested and I slept longer than I would have expected, so on the whole I would call this a success.
  8. Ajila


    I have to admit I didn't expect to like this at all, but as I had the imp I decided to try it out. In the imp it smelt stongly of eucalyptus. Wet on me it was fir, fir and more fir, this only lasted for a couple minutes. When it dried it went through a stage where it was almost berry like, darkly fruity, but fruity none the less. It's final stage on me came after a couple of hours and it 's completely at odds with the concept, because whilst it's earthy, to me it's a summery earthy, it reminded me of sitting on the drying, prickly grass during playtimes at infant school during the summer. It's the smell of the grass and the plants in 'the wilderness' at the top of the field and the hedges and our hands from making daisy chains. So contrary to my expectations I liked this, although I perhaps like it more for the associations it brings to mind than how it smells on me.
  9. Ajila


    Wet on me this acted like two different blends, coming at me in waves, first spicy red wine and then soft, earthy leather, repeated over again. It disappears very rapidly leaving a faint trace of the leather and the tiniest bit of myrtle. I wanted to love this, but it just didn't work out on me.
  10. Ajila

    Titus Andronicus

    Wet on me this is 'fizzy' frankincense (I think the fizziness is down to the black amber, but I could be wrong). It's dark and syrup-y in texture, the sort of scent that when it catch a waft of it, it pulls you in. As it dries the neroli and bergamot become more apparent, making the blend lighter and almost playful. Its final dry down on me is darker again. It's deeply, darky, spicy and very sexy. It smells like you wish your mans skin smelt like and yet it's still wearable on me.
  11. Ajila


    Wet on me this threw me completely by smelling quite strongly of melons, in particular gala melons. As it dries the peach does come through, alongside a musky scent, which I guess could be the musk rose, but the melon remains the strongest note. Dry it's a gentle, sparkling, juicy peach, and it's very nice, but not very long lasting on me.
  12. Ajila


    Wet on me this was very stongly jasmine, and jasmine tends to go strangely sour on me, so it wasn't very successful. However, I could smell the vanilla and spices in the background and what I could smell of them was very nice, creamy, comforting sweetness. As it dried the balance shifted, with the vanilla and clove becoming more prominant, but the jasmine still dominant. I can see this being a glorious blend on someone whose skin worked with jasmine, but it's not for me.
  13. Ajila


    I have to admit I didn't hold out high hopes for this, I don't get on very well with strong musk scents or strong rose scents, but I tried it anyway and I have to say how pleasantly surprised I was. Wet on me this was sweet and spicy, but not in a foody way. It's like rose petals that have been saturated in a sugar syrup so that they've gone crystalline. As it dried it became less sweet and more floral in its rosiness, but this is the rose of small rose buds rather that the more heady, blousy rose I get from something like Delirium. When it finally fades it does go slightly soapy, but on the whole this is a lovely blend and very feminine.
  14. Ajila


    Wet on me this was strong pine and rosemary, which came across to me as being very masculine and slightly off putting. Dry I don't know what it smells of, it brings to mind a dark brown/black gloopy liquid seeping somewhere. At first I wasn't too keen on this, but as I've worn it it's become something of a skin scent, which just kept drawing my nose in. I guess I probably wouldn't wear this, but I wish I had a man to put it on .
  15. Ajila


    Wet on me this was predominantly very spicy patchouli, sweetened slightly by honey, nice but a bit heavy for me. It fades to reveal the fig, but that spiciness is always in the foreground. On the whole this is a very sexy blend, but I don't see me wearing it.
  16. Ajila

    Grand Guignol

    Wet on me this was apricot and something else I couldn't place, it could well be brandy, I've never smelt brandy so I wouldn't know. Brandy or not this note or collection of notes doesn't work on me it smelt very sour and abrasive. Dry on me it had completely switched and now smelt exactly like a black currant Fruit Pastille, right down to the sugar coating, which is very odd. As this stage faded the apricots came back into play and for the remainder of the blends life on me it's darkly, pretty. This only lasts about 3 hours on me and I only enjoy the last hour so I don't think the blend is for me.
  17. Ajila


    Wet on me this is almost entirely peach, but with the heliotrope sparkling happily background. Dry it is practically identical to how it was when wet. This is a very pretty, sparkly, summery blend, which (despite staying the same all the way through) does give a feel of ephemerality that is somewhat appropriate.
  18. Ajila


    Wet on me this was a gentle waft of coconut backed up by green unripened fruit (presumably the figs although if I was forced to name it I would have said peach). As it dries the greeness changes to that of the fig leaves, it smells like your hands do after a couple of hours cutting back plants in the garden. After about an hour there is the creaminess and sweetness of the honeyed almond milk and the spiciness of the sandalwood taking predominance. This really is a beautiful blend and I can see why people are drooling over it, but I don't think it's for me.
  19. Ajila

    Thirteen (13)

    Wet this is very creamy chocolate and tangerine , it's really lush and decadent. After about 20 minutes it goes through a musky stage, before reverting to chocolate and fruit, this time figs. About 2 hours in and its faded almost completely, apart from an occassional waft of the chocolate. It doesn't last very long, but I'll enjoy slathering it on anyway.
  20. Ajila


    Wet on this it was watermelon, pure and simple, dry it was strawberries, with no recognisable switch in between the two. I almost wish that the weather hadn't gotten freasher in the last couple of days, because this would have been perfect in the hot sticky weather we've been having.
  21. Ajila


    Wet on me this was primarily a juicy lime, with furniture polish in the background. This threw me somewhat, but once I'd made the connection with furniture polish I couldn't get away from it and when the lime faded it was all I was left with. I don't dislike this, but I don't wish to smell of it. It did make me want to track down a lime scent that works better for me though.
  22. Ajila


    Wet on me this was predominantly sweet almonds, with a little bit of lime in the background. This faded in about 10 minutes and for a while it seemed as if the entire blend had disappeared. After a further 10 minutes the blend popped back, now it was a heavy, but sweet incense. I found this to be a very unusual scent, but slightly uncomfortable wearing.
  23. Ajila


    Wet on me this was cocoa and powdery orange. As it dried the sandalwood came out, although the cocoa was still predominant and became slighly boozy. As it faded the sandalwood lasted longest and it became more and more like pencil shavings. Even though this is foody, it's also very dark and grown up.
  24. Ajila

    Tiger Lily

    Wet on me this is honey, oddly a less floral honey than the one I normally get from BPAL. Dry it's predominantly lily, very strong lily, there is the honey there in the background, just enough to sweeten the floral. On the whole I think this is too grown up for me, it's a perfume for a sophisticated woman and it intimidates me slightly.
  25. Ajila


    Wet on me this is fresh, juicy plums, it's so pretty. Sadly it disappears so quickly, it's hardly worth the effort, which is a pity, because it's very pretty before it goes.