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Everything posted by Ajila

  1. Ajila


    Dried roses, rose leaf, Spanish moss, oakmoss and deep brown earth In the bottle - Moss on a crumbling stone wall Wet on me - Moss, with what I would have said was geranium behind it Dry on me - Dry and earthy and mossy Overall - I really didn't expect to like this, but I really do. This could end up finding its way into my bottle collection
  2. Ajila

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    In the bottle - Sugar and I smell banana, but I guess that's the guava Wet on me - Apple soap, with possibly a bit of pepper Dry on me - Very faint, slightly sweet nectar Overall - Gone in a flash, pretty but so brief
  3. Ajila


    In the bottle - Dark green moss and cooking spices Wet on me - Sweet and earthy, I can't quite put my finger on it Dry on me - Slight green herbs Overall - This didn't make much of an impact with me as it faded away very quickly.
  4. Ajila

    Tavern of Hell

    In the bottle - Fougere and soap Wet on me - High pitched florals, with something dark underneath them. Dry on me - Fades quickly to an intimate warmness Overall - Nice but very faint, somehow I expected something more powerful.
  5. Ajila


    In the bottle - Soft and delicate, I would have said cherry blossom, but I guess it's probably the mimosa. Wet on me - Powdery, almost chalky florals with the smoke beneath. Dry on me - After a brief spell of cherry bubblegum this fades to the slightest whiff of spice Overall - I'm not certain what to make of this blend, I was expecting dark and brooding and I got faint and girly. I need to wear it more to sort it out in my head.
  6. Ajila

    Sea of Glass

    In the bottle - Lemon Juice? Wet on me - Bright green and citrusy, but also slightly creamy Dry on me - Soft, powdery and pretty non-descript Overall - Nice enough, but this just doesn't do it for me
  7. Ajila

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    In the bottle - Citrus and olives? Wet on me - Citrus with bitter, almost tanic herbs Dry on me - At first aggressively bitter followed by a soft pampered floral. Overall - Initially this was actively unpleasant on me, and whilst the finally dry down was quite pretty, this blend is totally not for me.
  8. Ajila

    Port Royal

    In the bottle - Salty aftershave Wet on me - Salty leather Dry on me - Leather smothered by a sea breeze Overall - I like it, but I'd prefer it on a man to on me
  9. Ajila

    The Phantom Calliope

    In the bottle - Sweet almond/cherry Wet on me - Something dark and citrusy backed by that fluffy almond/cherry note Dry on me - At first an odd chemical smell, then that mixed up scent of a Lush shop and finally a faint woodsy cherry with a hint of bubblegum Overall - In the end this was a weaker version of The Red Queen and I think I'll stick to the GC blend.
  10. Ajila


    Smell sanctified! A blend of pure, pious frankincense and graceful myrrh. In the bottle - Sweet frankincense Wet on me - Warm and spicy resins, with a slightly 'dirty' undercurrent from the myrrh. Dry on me - Sweet warm myrrh Overall - Myrrh tends to dominate on my skin and it's not a scent I really enjoy, so not for me.
  11. Ajila


    In the bottle - Predominantly jasmine and a little fruit Wet on me - Sharp soapy florals Dry on me - Soft powdery florals Overal - Nice enough, but a million miles from being something I would actually wear
  12. Ajila

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    In the bottle - Almonds and something almost antiseptic, which I'm guessing is the sarsaparilla. Wet on me - Ginger? And something soapy Dry on me - It went soapy and disappeared almost immediately. There were occassional wafts of something akin to fresh Milk Moon, but that was it. Overall - On me this was pretty non-descript.
  13. Ajila


    In the bottle - Green grass with a hint of pepper Wet on me - A not really there bitter green earthy scent Dry on me - Stale dishwater Overall - This just doesn't work on my skin
  14. In the bottle - Fruity tobacco, kind of like cough medicine. I hope this smells as good on me as it does in the bottle. Wet on me - Very faint, but dark and spicy. The red musk is prevelant, but I also get a hint of cocoa. Dry on me - First I get red musk and leather and then the vanilla/rubber/leather scent I get from Tombstone, before finally settling doen to a barely there sweet musk, with a dash of coconut. Overall - This is a diverse blend. I like the various parts, but it changes so much I don't know if I would every wear it.
  15. Ajila

    Les Bijoux

    In the bottle - The apple and a tiny bit of rose. Wet on me - Honeyed rose petals. Dry on me - After flitting around as a pretty floral it settles into the resins, which dominate the dry down to the exclusion of all other notes. Overall - I hoped for fruit and honey from this blend and I got flowers and earth, which were nice enough, but not really me.
  16. Ajila


    In the bottle - A fresh inviting floral. I'm not good enough at florals to separate it out, but I don't think it's the lilies I can smell. Wet on me - Soft slightly sweet florals that I can't identify, I have a feeling that it may be the paperwhite. Dry on me - A slighly sweet inviting floral with just a hint of opium Overall - One of the nicest florals I've tried, but not something I would ever wear.
  17. Ajila


    In the bottle - Granny Smiths with the sharp floral of the hyacinth. Wet on me - Close to the skin the florals dominate, but the waft smells of cider. Dry on me - Sharp hyacinth, powdery apple blossom and a hint of musk. Overall - For me this is a sweet floral, but I was hoping for more from the apple.
  18. Ajila


    In the bottle - Blackberries and earth. Surprisingly mellow. Wet on me - A murky musk cut through with sparkling myrrh. Dry on me - Close to my skin its almost entirely myrrh, but the waft smells oddly of dog food. Overall - The dog food kills it for me, although I'm not a great myrrh fan anyway so even without it it's unlikely that this would be a favourite of mine.
  19. Ajila


    In the bottle - Caramel and digestive biscuits, with a slight tartness reminiscent of beaver moon Wet on me - Digestive biscuits and something oddly thin smelling that I guess could be the wine Dry on me - At times sweet cakes, but mostly high smelling honey and harsh wine Overall - At times this was stunning, but mostly it was too sharp for me
  20. Ajila

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    In the bottle - Gingerbread with a hint of honey Wet on me - Slightly sweetened chrysanthemums. Dry on me - Honeyed chrysanthemums which settle into a sweet incense scent. Overall - I wasn't certain about this originally, but I love the dry down, this may well be a top ten blend for me.
  21. Ajila

    Carnaval Diabolique

    In the bottle - Lemon flower and a hint of coconut. Far brighter than I was expecting Wet on me - Bright, vibrant lemon Dry on me - Dark earthy musks and spices Overall - This was nice, but I guess I expected to be blown away by it and I just wasn't.
  22. Ajila

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    In the bottle - A Krusha chocolate milkshake. Wet on me - As in the bottle with a slightly biscuity note hovering in the background Dry on me - Ashtrays Overall - My skin chemisty's hatred of all things 'creamy' strikes again
  23. Ajila

    Black Cat

    In the bottle - Mint humbugs backed by that green note that seems to be present in most of the TAL blends Wet on me - Geranium with just a hint of mint Dry on me - Warm and spicy in a kind of Snake Oil kind of way Overall - The dry scent is nice. More importantly walking to work I found myself noticing tiny things like dragon flies skitting across my path, which brightened by day. I probably wouldn't wear this for the scent, but for the feeling it's a keeper.
  24. Ajila

    Belle Époque

    In the bottle - Wood, a hint of lily and oats? Wet on me - Warm vanilla, with hints of mandarin and just the tiniest suggestion of the sandalwood and lily Dry on me - Warm softly spiced vanilla (a less aggressive Snake Oil) Overall - I like the dry down of this, but it's very faint. Definitely a blend that I'll come back to.
  25. Ajila


    In the bottle - Green, bitter and a little dry Wet on me - Dark, but at the same time glowing, berries, with tart green herbs Dry on me - Warm, herbal fruits, slightly soapy Overall - Faded quickly, but nice whilst it lasted