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Everything posted by Ajila

  1. Ajila

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    In the bottle – Soapy honey Wet on me – Washing powder detergent Dry on me – A sharp floral sort of honey that sits close to the skin Overall – The dry down may as well be a honey single note and the wet stages are very astringent, so not for me
  2. Ajila

    Butterflies and Plovers

    In the bottle – I get a slight citrus sweetness, but the patchouli is the main note Wet on me – An odd combination of citrus and patchouli, which just don’t seem to sit with each other. All the while backed by a hint of violets Dry on me – A soft, gentle citrus and violet combo with a dab of skin musk Overall – Pretty and wearable when the patchouli had backed off, but not very exciting
  3. Ajila


    In the bottle – Kind of generic aftershave with bergamot the only note that I can make out in the background Wet on me – Faint aftershave gain just that hint of bergamot promising more Dry on me – Yep that generic old-fashioned aftershave scent appears to be the entire show Overall – Well there’s nothing wrong with it, but I wouldn’t wear it
  4. Ajila

    Monster Bait: biggerCritters

    In the bottle – Jasmine and grapefruit Wet on me – A cool, calm citrus, although I would have said more orange than grapefuit Dry on me – The vanillas come through, warm and inviting with a candied edge of grapefruit and an occasional floral waft to stop it becoming too sickly Overall – I originally avoided this because I’m not a fan of jasmine or gardenia, but the reviews persuaded me to give it a try and I’m glad I did. Whilst not a top ten favourite this is certainly one that I will wear again and again
  5. Ajila


    In the bottle – An oddly cold resinous blend Wet on me – A kind of grey masculine musk Dry on me – A dry slightly herbal, lightly sweet musk scent Overall – I’m a bit ambivalent, but that could be my current poor health rather than the blend
  6. Ajila

    Love's Philosophy

    In the bottle – Sweet, sweet creamy vanilla, my God that smells good! I moaned a little when I first smelt it Wet on me – The waft remains that same gorgeous vanilla custard, but close to the skin there’s a medicinal/herbal scent I can’t identify Dry on me – This stays, on me, a fantastically enveloping vanilla scent Overall – I like this a lot
  7. Ajila

    Leanan Sidhe

    In the bottle – Either this smells of the sir freshener they use at work or one of my colleagues has a serious Leanan Sidhe habit, sadly I suspect the former Wet on me – Sweet powdery florals but at the back there is still that scent of air freshener Dry on me – A light dry musk with a hint of herbs Overall – Once we’re over the air freshener stage this is nice enough, but it doesn’t excite me
  8. Ajila

    The Lady of Shalott

    In the bottle – Something quite sharp and chemical a bit like Bonjela Wet on me – There is still a slight air of Bonjela, but now it’s greener and softened by lilies Dry on me – A myriad of soft sweet florals with a sprinkling of crystallised ginger on top Overall – A pleasant, if slightly faint floral, not really me
  9. Ajila

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    I've just asked the lab shipping would be for 15 bottles to the UK and the response was that, as 15 would be just about on the 'might fit in the box might not fit in the box' boundary, I should pay $13 with my order and then if they need to put it in the next box up they will contact me and ask for the difference. I don't know if that helps at all?
  10. Ajila

    Jazz Funeral

    In the bottle – The booze, with just a hint of dirt and the tiniest edge of sweet flowers Wet on me – Sweet almost fruity florals with a mossy background Dry on me – A light mossy scent Overall – There is nothing unpleasant about this, but it’s very faint on me and doesn’t make much impact
  11. Ajila

    The Isles of Demons

    In the bottle – Dark green herbal smell (and I don’t know if it’s the power of suggestion, but also with a hint of sulphur) Wet on me – Green bitter herbs with a soapy edge Dry on me – Green and warm and slightly sweet Overall – It dries down better than I would have expected, but it’s really not for me
  12. Ajila


    In the bottle – Very green honey Wet on me – Again the honey is the main note; it is a quite sharp floral honey rather than a very sugary one Dry on me – The honey remains strong all the way through remaining the only note that I can really pick out Overall – I love honey scents so I like this, although it might have been nice to get one or two of the other notes. One of my work colleagues said that it was very masculine, but I don’t know what made her see it that way
  13. Ajila

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    In the bottle – Rich vanillary cream on a back drop of teak Wet on me – Sweet creamy muskiness, with an edge of wood and a hint of green. Oddly to me this combination smells of banana flavoured Angel’s Delight Dry on me – Throughout the sweet vanillary musky cream remains the central focus, with occasional wafts of the teak adding support Overall – A definite winner for me
  14. Ajila

    Earth Rat

    In the bottle – Honey dew melons Wet on me –The main scent is melon, with a hint of coconut and a dash of powder from the blossoms Dry on me – Melon, melon and more melon Overall – On me this might as well be a melon single note
  15. Ajila


    In the bottle – At first sniff jasmine followed by a sort of sweet waxiness that I can only assume is the olive Wet on me –Bright, citusy and somewhat smokey Dry on me – A warm inviting waxiness from the olive blossom Overall – On one hand, what I wanted from this blend was the honey and the vanilla and the cinnamon, on the other hand what I got is certainly very moreish in an intimate sort of way.
  16. Ajila


    In the bottle – Ugh, vetiver, black musk and dirt Wet on me – Sharp and animalistic, dark and grubby Dry on me – Cedar followed by straight up vetiver Overall – I think this must be the first blend that I have tried that I can see no positive in at all, but I guess someone must love it
  17. Ajila


    In the bottle – An oddly cold citrusy blend, presumably the kush Wet on me – Soft and sweet skin scent, with again that citrus in the background Dry on me – Warm and sensual villa and musk, sitting just on top of the skin, like a much more adult Antique Lace Overall – I was dubious at first, but the dry down is gorgeous and whist it remains fairly strong it’s unobtrusive, so you could wear it all day long and only those who got really close would be aware of it.
  18. Ajila

    White Phoenix

    In the bottle – Sweet soap and what I would say was the musk from Antique Lace Wet on me – The initial hit is pure AL, but then it goes quite sharp and floral Dry on me – The florals fade to leave a soft slightly sweet white musk and just a hint of frangipani Overall – I like this, I may try layering it with AL to see if it will just add a little support to the sweetness
  19. Ajila

    Slobbering Pine

    In the bottle – I suppose that it’s my reaction to the pine, but this smells like toilet cleaner to me Wet on me – Dark, soapy pine Dry on me – A faint dry dark sort of scent, which didn’t make much of an impression on me Overall – Didn’t really grab me either way
  20. Ajila


    In the bottle – Surprisingly sweet, I presume it’s the carnation. There is also a slight soapiness from the lavender present Wet on me – An earthy almost smoky scent that I can’t quite place Dry on me – For the most part it retains a dry muskiness reminiscent of my favourite ‘normal’ perfume (Joop Pour Homme). The very final dry down becomes sweeter and softer Overall – Another winning blend that I would never have sought out intentionally
  21. Ajila

    Robin Goodfellow

    In the bottle – Musk, sweet heather and sage Wet on me – Heather and sage, green and herby and slightly medicinal Dry on me – The sweet juicy, heather with the earthy green of the sage works well on me and there is a slight muskiness to give it extra depth Overall – This is a perfect example of why I try everything that passes through my hands. I would never have picked this to try myself, but having been frimped it by the lab this is almost certainly a blend that will need to be upgraded to a bottle
  22. Ajila

    Mechanical Phoenix

    In the bottle – Very little, perhaps something a little cologney Wet on me – Oddly fresh and green, but with an under current of motor oil Dry on me – My skin chemistry seems to be turning every thing to musk at the moment. Randomly this seems to become a sweet, but dry, musk – to me reminiscent of some of the more ‘woodland animal musk’ type blends Overall – As it stands I like this. It’s warm and comforting in a masculine, but my skin chemistry and hormones are completely out of whack at the moment so it may be worthwhile trying again in a couple of months when things have settled down
  23. Ajila

    Green Phoenix

    Green, for growth, expansion, prosperity, and stability. Sage, white mint, grey amber, papaya pulp, crushed grass, cucumber, green musk, green tea, and lime rind. In the bottle – Grass and what I can only assume is green musk Wet on me – I think it must be the papaya pulp, but something green and earthy, with just a hint of lime on top Dry on me – Whilst the main notes remain the grass and a slightly soapy floral, underneath there is a warm spicy musk Overall – Considering how ‘green’ this is it’s surprisingly warm and sensual
  24. Ajila

    Blood Phoenix

    In the bottle – Sweet almonds, with a hint of red musk and dragons blood resin Wet on me – Faint, but with a kind of spiciness that I can’t quite put my finger on Dry on me – It takes on a sweet, candylike texture, with just a hint of pepper Overall – I liked this, but I expected it to be much more robust
  25. Ajila

    Vampire Tears

    In the bottle – Sweet citrus fruits with a candy like edge Wet on me – Bright creamy lemongrass, with a slight hint of cream and lilies behind it Dry on me – It settles into what I would call a traditional perfume, High florals on a layer of musk Overall – Whilst I’m glad I had the opportunity to try this blend I can’t imagine wearing it often