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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Ajila

  1. Ajila

    Alice's Evidence

    In the bottle - Dark, slightly bitter fruit Wet on me - Sweet and spiced, but still very dark fruit, I'm thinkin that it's the quince Dry on me - It disappeared very quickly leaving a dry, musky feel Overall - As a blend it didn't really make an impression
  2. Ajila

    Against Idleness and Mischief

    In the bottle - A bright medicinal honey, similar to Nokturne Alchemy's Bedouin Honey Tea. Wet on me - A really lovely, dry honey Dry on me - A lovely warm, slight dry, slightly medicinal honey Overall - A blend with no pretenses or foils, it is what it is and I like it
  3. Ajila


    In the bottle - Dark, dirty vetiver with just a touch of the lavender and rosemary to lift it Wet on me - Still mainly dark, dirty vetiver, although with a slight green feel Dry on me - The vetiver fades and the blend become softer, greener and more herby Overall - Once the betiver dies down its a relatively pleasent soft herbal scent, but I can't get over the vetiver
  4. Ajila


    In the bottle - The lime is the most prominant note, with a hint of the jasmine behind it Wet on me - A slightly sweet tuberose scent with the lime in the background leaving it with an almost murky feel Dry on me - The lime and the tuberose make a sweet, but slightly screechy floral Overall - It does what it says on the tin, but doesn't excite me
  5. Ajila


    In the bottle - Whoa! Sweet and fruity; like undiluted ribena Wet on me - Still fruity, but with a dryness from the myrrh Dry on me - Sweet candied fruit with a touch of pale musk Overall - A bright fresh scent; nice, but similar enough to blends in hte GC for me not to be precious about wearing it
  6. Ajila

    Milk Chocolate Buttercream

    In the bottle - Coffee flavoured yoghurt? Wet on me - Slightly bitter chocolate, with a sweet, soft, underside Dry on me - Bitter molten chocolate Overall - It isn't very inviting, it just seemed to sit on me rather than get involved
  7. Ajila

    Lawn Gnome

    In the bottle - Sweet, slightly smoky vanilla Wet on me - An odd, dry sweetness with a slight hint of the currants and the earthiness of the moss and patchouli Dry on me -A soft, sweet, but also dry vanilla with a fruitiness that makes it like skittles Overall - Right up my street; vanilla with depth
  8. Ajila

    The Feast For The Greatly Revered Ones

    In the bottle - I would have said coffee and ginger, although that doesn't quite tie up with the listed notes Wet on me - There's a lot of cocoa in this; I'm covered in big brown smears. Scentwise it's more herbal Dry on me - Warm, dry herbs and spices that entice and draw you in Overall - Amazingly this blend manages to be refreshing and comforting at the same time. A real winner
  9. Ajila

    #20 Love Oil

    In the bottle - Weird; I get geraniums on a bed of almonds Wet on me - Again, initially geraniums, but with a base of sweet almonds Dry on me - The geranium stays the main note, although it softens anf takes on a slightly musky aspect Overall - Geraniums are one of those flowers that I like the smell of, but don't necessarily want to smell like
  10. Ajila


    In the bottle - Pear and a kind of masculine aftershavy sort of scent Wet on me - Musky, slightly metallic, pear Dry on me - The pear gets higher and sharper before settling into a dry slightly vanillic musk Overall - It's very interesting, but very short lived on my skin
  11. Ajila


    In the bottle - A dry, clean musk Wet on me - It's hard to put my finger on it; there's a dirtiness from the frankincense and the musk becomes more animallistic, but on top of that there is something soapy Dry on me - The sage comes out and makes it greener, but the blend retains that dirty animallistic nature Overall - I'm not averse to masculine scents, but this is just a bit too rawr for me
  12. Ajila

    Man With Phallus Head

    In the bottle - Very rich deep honey Wet on me - Honey and a light, dry musk Dry on me - It turns to soap powder and then disappears Overall - I'm sad, because the initial honey was lovely, but my skin just ate it
  13. Ajila


    Bright, sweet and youthful, but swelling with a poisonous sexuality. Glittering heliotrope, honeysuckle, orange blossom and lemon verbena. In the bottle - A suprisingly sharp orange blossom with a touch of lemon verbena Wet on me - A sweeter, more honeyed floral gradually begins to become fruity Dry on me - A sweet, slightly candied, slightly honeyed floral, with a touch of something more perfumy gradually drying down to a slightly rubbery musk Overall - Actually I like it quite a bit, its more sophisticated than the blends I usually wear, but I doubt that's a bad thing
  14. Ajila

    Devil's Claw

    In the bottle - Bitter dirt, that's actually quite repellant Wet on me - Dry, bitter, slightly smokey and slightly earthy Dry on me - A dark brown, must scent Overall - Possibly the first BPAL I've ever tried that is just out and out unpleasent from start to finish
  15. Ajila


    In the bottle - Vetiver and a touch of soapiness Wet on me - The vetiver and a perculiarly minty scent Dry on me - The vetiver softens, sweetens and becomes musky Overall - The dry down is wonderfully sensuous, but there's just too much vetiver in the opening stages for me.
  16. Ajila


    In the bottle - The fruit anf the slightly acidic tone of the wine Wet on me - Again that dark, almost dirty fruitiness Dry on me - Dark dry grapes, with a touch of musk Overall - A deep dark purple scent. Not something that I would wear on a regular basis, but I can see it's appeal
  17. Ajila

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    In the bottle - Vanilla and something very earthy, I suspect the oude Wet on me - An initial burst of vanilla followed by a smoky, earthy, slightly green scent Dry on me - Dry, bitter smoke Overall - It just becomes too smoky for me
  18. Ajila

    Bohun Upas

    In the bottle - Dark gree; herbal, but slightly fruity Wet on me - A green, thick, dark, slightly fruity, but mostly herbal scent Dry on me - The herbs dry sweeter and softer Overall - Not really me, but not unpleasent
  19. Ajila

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    In the bottle - Oooh, sweet, but also sharp. I do get the plum blossom, but that's the only distinct note that I can identify Wet on me - A surprisingly sweet, custardy scent, with just a slight hint of sharpness form the plum blossom Dry on me - Still sweet and custardy, but with a dry woody undertone Overall - Sweet, but sensual and quite grown up, a keeper I think
  20. Ajila

    The Lotus Tree

    In the bottle - Honey and something sweet anf lightly fruity, almost like pears Wet on me - The sweet soft fruitiness comes out from beneath the honey's richness Dry on me - A deep, rich, incense-like honey, similar to that in Athens Overall - I'm not certain if their is actually honey in this blend, but that's how my nose interprets it and I like it.
  21. Ajila


    In the bottle - A very pale vanilla with a touch of coconut Wet on me - Slightly plasticky vanilla Dry on me - Warm, creamy vanilla with a slight rubber note Overall - A warm cosy vanilla scent
  22. Ajila

    The Host of the Air

    In the bottle - Fresh cut grass and heather Wet on me - Fresh bright green, with that bitter sappiness associated with fresh cut stems Dry on me - For a long while it's just this bright, brash trumpet of greeness, but it eventually settles down into earthy florals Overall - The greeness for the first several hours is just too aggressive for me, although I do like the dry down
  23. Ajila

    Giant Vulva

    Skin musk, sugar cane, honey, beeswax, vanilla flower, and copal. In the bottle - Suprisingly light anf floral, with a touch of pepper Wet on me - Quite green and fresh, but still floral. Dry on me - Stale ashtrays. Which I don't really understanf, because normally it's something creamy or milky that turns that way on my skin. It does settle down to quite a nice vanilla musk Overall - I liked the dry down, but the ashtray period was too much for me.
  24. Ajila

    Flower Moon 2009

    In the bottle - Unsurprisingly a floral honey Wet on me - A sweet concotion of flowers that I don't recognise Dry on me - A subtle scent, but with a definite kick to it. A conglomerate floral sweetened by the honey Overall - It would need more honey to be a real hit with me, but it's not unpleasant
  25. Ajila

    Dragon's Claw

    In the bottle - Straight up DBR Wet on me - This is a DBR strong on its floral aspect, namely jasmine Dry on me - The DBR settles and becomes softer and sweeter Overall - I like DBR, but not enough to want it straight up like this