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Posts posted by Pandorra

  1. Oh my!! I LOVE this. It is my favorite scent so far of all that I have tried from my last order.


    Its fresh and herbal-y! This is definitely a crisp, clean, green scent. I smell light fresh clean flowers in the background, but this is not a floral perfume. The soft florals just soften the edge of crisp herb. There is a tang there also.


    Another thing I liked is the staying power on me. On me, this lasted quite a long time. I was getting whiffs of it as I walked to my car after work. I kept smelling my wrists.


    This scent gave me energy and lifted my spirits. Its like a kiss of sunshine and a pretty afternoon.



    Initial: Minty when I sniff the bottle. Like a stick of gum. Minty and sour is the immediate scent when first applied to my skin. Grapefruit immediately takes over the minty sharpness.


    During: Oh boy. Sour, sharp, fresh, biting, clean, floral, chilly, clear, glinting in the sunlight. This is a plethora. Like a mind whirling. Liked Mixed emotions. Like multiple personalities. I like this. A lot. I like the way it fills many contrasting greedy needs. Grapefruit is dominant when on my skin. I like that bitter, sour, fresh smell. The mint is spiked throughout. I can feel a soft silky floral peek through every now and then. Or maybe its always there, so quiet, in the background. Just observing.


    Final: The mint and grapefruit quiet down a bit and the reserved floral background can finally step forward a bit. It now has a quiet feel to me. Melancholy frosty florals with a bit of sting in the background. This doesn’t last as long as I would like it to. But it doesn’t fade as fast as some either.



    Initial: Very sweet floral.


    During: Rose is coming out. Definitely rose with other sweet flowers dancing around it. This is a pale pink, almost white scent to me. Very young. Like an innocent girl not yet polluted by people or the world. There are flowers stuck in her hair and birds and small little animals come to her for the food she offers as she sits in the cool shade by some sort of water. A fountain. No a stream.


    Final: Very soft, pale, innocent, pretty. I feel like a little bluebird will land on my shoulder if I wear this. It makes me feel soft and young and want to smile sweetly at people. But it’s not really me. I have never been into dainty rose scents. I would prefer the rose of Othello that has a little more mystery to me. But I certainly would be willing to finish up my Imp’s Ear.



    Initial: Mmmm. Pretty. Complicated.. I can’t pick anything in particular out. Floral? Clean? Sexy? Berries?

    Duration: It changes. Sometimes I catch, floral, sometimes fruit, sometimes spice. Its busy with a lot going on. Like the hustle and bustle of an old city, and a beautiful, brunette woman making her way through the dust and noise and commotion, yet the flowers in her hair never wilt and the glow of her skin never fades.

    Final: It’s a busy scent. Not relaxing, but vibrant. It might be too much for me when I need to relax or rest, or focus. But its wonderful for a busy, lush day at a fair, at a gathering of good friends. This is taking life full on in all its glory. You will exude a strong fresh sexiness that will be hard to resist. Feminine, but a bold feminine that's not afraid to laugh out loud and finish the bottle of wine!

  5. Dana O'Shee

    ... Offerings of milk, honey and sweet grains were made to placate these creatures, and it is that the basis of the scent created in their name.


    Initial: ALMONDS!!! That lovely maraschino cherry smell that almonds oil initially has.

    During: I still get that almonds scent which I love. I’m not usually into foody scents, but I have always loved that initial “cherry” smell of the almond oil. But it fades so fast. This is holding on and now it has a dribble of honey within it. Mmmmm….

    inal: It’s fading a bit fast, but this is one sweet foody scent I LIKE. I was SURE I would NOT like this one. It still has that tinge of almond and honey but now I can feel more food behind it. Grains? Or maybe milk. Either way, its one heck of a comforting scent. It makes me want to snuggle in a blanket on a cold night. Yet its also comforting and homey for a lazy afternoon on a sunny day. It’s an all around safe and snuggly, happy scent. This would be perfect in a lotion (Oh yes) which would hopefully give it some staying power. Dana is just pure childhood comfort for me. Mmmm.. Wish it stayed on my skin longer..*sniffle*

  6. ...sexy, but not wanton, if that makes sense.

    Yes, that makes sense!!! I agree.


    Initial: Floral and something musky underneath.

    During: Rose. Roses dipped in sensuality. I feel very antique in this. These are roses from long ago. Not a fresh rose from this moment on a sunny day in your garden. A rose that I am looking at through time from far away and from long ago and leaving trails of old memories.

    Final: A perfumed rose. A rose that has spritzed itself with something heady and sensual to dress itself up for a regal event. Pretty. Not a flouncy innocent breezy rose, but strong and sexy and graceful and grown up. As pretty as this is, it is just not me. But it’s definitely a beautiful scent if it fits your persona. It is pretty enough that I may use up my Imp’s Ear. It may be perfect for a sexy night wearing silk and eating chocolate and champagne with someone special.


    I didn’t get the hippy shop feel at all either and I usually hate anything that smells “hippy shop” or incensey.


    Initial: Oohh, strong! Clean. Sharp. I like..

    During: Citrussy, watery. I can feel a marine or ocean tone, but not a bright sunny beach day, but not night time either. Maybe just a dark, sunless and windy afternoon. you can almost feel teh pressure for the storm hits. There is a sharp tang to this one. It snaps at you. I think a man can wear this. It’s not masculine but definitely not feminine. Gender neutral.

    Final: Interesting. It has dried down to a sweeter scent. Like a watery fresh floral. Almost like being at the shore after a rainstorm and the sun is breaking through the clouds and the bright blue sky can be seen ithough the rips and holes of the breaking clouds. Everything glistens from the sun glistening off of everything that is wet, but its still windy and another storm may be on its way. Yes, it now smells like it would AFTER the lightning has struck. I will definitely use up this Imp’s Ear.

  8. Wet, this was pure chocolate. I love chocolate, but I am not into "foody" scents. It almost made me queasy. I figured Im gonna swap it right away.


    After a whie it seemed to sink in and I could detect something lurking underneath the chocolate, but i can't quite pinpoint what. It was almost smelling like SKIN to me. ???


    It has now seemed to permeate my skin and just felt natural to me. Odd. I then recalled that I have had two boyfriends in teh past say that my natural skin smelled like cocoa to them. I think that is why I am getting a "skin" scent and feel comfortable with it. Maybe I DO smell like cocoa and this just intensifies it. lol.


    I am going to keep this and experiement with it by layering it with other oils and maybe mixing it into a lotion.

  9. How about a compromise. Maybe the freebies that are sent out could skip the ties. I mean they are freebies after, why go through the time and effort to fancy them up. I appreciate a freebie no matter how its dressed! That should save some time and $$


    I love the look of the strings and the tags, but I admit I have trimmed a few back for storage purposes. But I agree with all the sentiments here that the oils inside the vial are what count.

  10. Wait, what? Put my order in the comments section of PPAL?? What email does she use for the pay pal payment. I will use PPAL next time then so she gets more money. I guess if I get the shipping payment wrong she can just email me and I will sent more money out.

  11. LIGEIA

    Initial: eew. What is that sour smell underneath? Like mothballs.


    During: The sourness is receding leaving a stiff regal floral. Distant, and hard to get close to. The bite underneath it all keeps you from wanting or able to get too close. A beautiful woman having tea in a garden in the shadow of a stone manor. Alone. There are beautiful flowers around her as well as bitter herbs growing.


    Final: The sophisticated floral has softened leaving a scent of very sweet jasmine mingled with other florals and barely a hint of the sour tang lapping at the jasmine now and then. I may use my Imp, but I don’t think I would buy it again.


    Initial: Fruity???


    During: A fruitiness but it seems to turn powdery and musty and dark within minutes. Okay, reapply. Berries? I don’t do well with berries. Dusty sweet. Powdery sweet dark floral. Definitely not me. A little old ladyish and stale. Something heavy and musty in there.


    Final: Ah, okay, I have read the description. sandalwood. I don’t do to well with that. I really don’t know what any of those other scents smell so I would not be able to pick them out. But it IS a complex scent. It is a little musky and dusty for me. And maybe its not mixing with my chemistry. I smell a lot of sandalwood. This ones not for me. This is a swap.


    I agree with the other descriptions of dark, mysterious, heady floral.



    Initial: Sharp and herbaly? Not too floral, but not exactly green either.




    During: Its pretty. Maybe there is floral, but more of a stand-offish floral. Sophisticated. Not innocent. There is a bite underneath it all. Like a garden that’s has a blend of florals and greens and herbs and so pretty but thorns underneath. Watch out!




    Final: I tried this a couple of weeks ago and LOVED it. But towards the end it turned funky. I was SOOOO disappointed! I decided to try it one more time and this time it did not turn weird on me. So I guess different times of the month DOES affect the scents. Towards the end it softens out and loses the tang and leaves only the sophisticated softness. The Man said this is "me." Pretty with some mystery to it. I would buy a full size bottle of this one.

  14. Initial: MMmm.. Green. Clean. A garden, but not a flower garden. A green garden.


    During: Hmm…Its murky now. It lost the crispness, and has a messy feel to it now. Bummer. It’s also a little masculine to me. Wow, and it’s fading fast.


    Final: I'm bummed because I really wanted to like this one. The ingredient list sounds soooo nice. But it faded on me within the hour. I reapplied and the same thing happened. And the beautiful clear crispness disappears on me within 10 minutes and turns to this murky mix with a funny smell. almost like a clear beautiful pool of water that invites you in, but when you step in, your foot brings up all kind of muck and the beautiful pool becomes brown and ininviting and you pull out quickly. :P


    And it would be nice on a man if it doesn't get murky on them.


    Guess its a swap.

  15. Kumiho


    This could have been nice but it fades almost instantly on me. I got citrus at first then a floral touch. It reminded me of Old Shanghai, which I love, but then this disappears! I applied again only to have it disappear within 1/2 hour. I decided not to waste anymore and swap it out. Maybe someone else's chemistry will hold the scent better.

  16. Again SWEET. BERRIES. Maybe berries does not agree with me since I was not happy with Maenad yesterday either. This was the number one scent I wanted to order because of the claims of similarity to Potion. But alas, it was not even close to Potion at any time on my skin. Berry sweetness was overwhelming durings its short stay on my skin. At the end it became powdery and I had that feeling of something catching in the back of my throat. It disappeared completely very quickly on me. If you like like sweet fruity candy scents. You will love this.


    This will be a swap.

  17. My first impression was bubble gum. But then I realized I was smelling berries. Berries and flowers.



    Incredibly sweet. I have no idea why, I kept envisioning little girls. Imaginary tea at a tea party.


    If you like sweet scents, I would imagine you would love this. It was incredibly sweet with the berries and a sweet floral underneath. I couldn't pick out the carnation, which is a shame as I love carnation and am a huge Potion fan. (Desdemona is the closest to Potion and better, if you ask me)


    I certainly didn't hate it, and I enjoyed it yesterday while I wore it. I suppose its a nice sunny Sunday scent. But it's too sweet and pink and shiny for me to wear regularly.

  18. At first I smelled overwhelming lemon. I was a little put off as many lemon scents make me think of Lemon Pledge furniture polish and end up smelling that way on my skin also. But within a minute, it toned down and softened into something wonderful, crips, clean, refreshing. The lemon was balanced perfectly with what I thought was tea and honey.


    Its a sunny scent. The image I got was a beautiful Sunday afternoon with blooming flower bushes beside you as you sipped your honey sweetened tea. There are clean sheets flapping on the clothes line a short distance away.... Aahh...


    This is wonderful. I admit I love clean scents so maybe I am biased, but this is beautifully clean and cheerful. Sunshine in a bottle. I will buy a full size of this.

  19. Eve


    Initial: Fruity, floral. cheerful.


    During: This is a very cheerful scent to me. I had a dreadful day and after washing off Velvet, this was bright and happy for me. I kept sniffing it just for a little boost to cheer me up. I can't seem to place any of the scents. I just know I am smelling fruit and flowers and something dripping underneath it all. What is that?


    Final: Its nice. Its happy. It makes me think of a ray of sunshine which is what I really needed.



    Okay, after reading the description, I don't know how I could not recognize rose or apple. sheesh. I sniff it now and wonder how I could have missed it the rose. The honey and apple blossom really add a nice sunny touch to it. I would consider buying this.

  20. VELVET

    Initial: Cocoa and incense and, well, velvet..??? Don’t ask. It just smells velvety. Dusty things in an attic.


    During: Sandalwood with cocoa flowing underneath. It’s a warm and cozy scent. I can’t help but feel velvety when I smell it. Power of suggestion I suppose, but it seems the way velvet would smell. A soft dark, rusty red almost brown. velvet. Its not a "foody" scent even though I can barely smell the cocoa.


    Final: All I smell is sandalwood now. Pure sandalwood is really not my thing. Maybe with someone else’s chemistry the cocoa would linger. If someone likes sandalwood and chocolate, this would be a good thing. Sandalwood has always been a little heavy for me. I will swap this one.


    Initial: Caramel? Vanilla? And baby powder. Warm and deep.


    During: Wow. I’m intrigued. I don’t even know if I like it, yet I can’t stop sniffing it. I smell baby powder but all grown up. I smell caramel though I know that is not in there. Its warm and spicy and I see candlelight. Dim. Nighttime. Tiger print on the bed and red velvet blankets. Half empty bottle of wine and a wine glass on the dresser. A half eaten spiced honey cake laying nearby.


    Final: This is a confusing scent. I love it and hate it. It’s thick and dangerous. It’s thick and comforting. It draws me and repels me. I want to put this on at night and go out to a bar. Addictive. I guess I’ll keep this one. And I'll try it one more time. Or 1000 more times.


    Lasting value: It didn’t last too long on me though.
