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Posts posted by coulrophobe

  1. I'm one of the ones who amps litsea cubeba, apparently. In the imp, Lemon Pledge. Wet on my skin, Lemon Pledge. After 30 minutes or so it starts to settle down a bit, but the sharp lemony madness in the beginning is a bit alarming.


    That said, it's not one I got for myself - I got this for a boy (I'm trying to convince him he should smell like something other than just "boy" once in a while - he seems to be humoring me in this endeavor). Maybe it will work better with his chemistry? If it's just as lemony to his nose, I can't really imagine him having the patience to wait for the dry-down, though.

  2. Incense - airy, smokey, dry

    Resin - rich, sticky, wet


    And that probably only makes sense to me. :D


    That *totally* makes sense to me.


    And I've had whiskey, not wine, but I think we're in tune here.


    Bwahahaha... great minds think alike, my dear Floppy. :P


    *hijack* What kind of whiskey? I almost busted out the Redbreast tonight, but had some dry Gewurtz that needed to be finished off before it went off.

  3. Maybe I'm just overly literal... but I bifurcate the incense/resin conundrum (oooh, look at those big words! I've had wine and I'm trying to compensate for my resulting stupid) along tactile/sensory lines:


    Incense - airy, smokey, dry

    Resin - rich, sticky, wet


    And that probably only makes sense to me. :P


    In my scheme, something like Al-Azif would be an incense; things like Sloth or Jacob's Ladder would be resins.

  4. In the bottle: Light, herby - green tea and bamboo.


    On: A hint of fruit behind all the green tea and bamboo at first - then *poof* - I'm obviously in the distinct minority here, but I'm getting no apple or spice.


    Drydown: There's the sweetness of sugar cane in the background, and a grainy feeling from the wheat - and the green notes have mellowed down a bit. I'm left with a light, sweet scent, with that "lunar herbal" smell the lunacies share.


    Mabon is one of my favorites, so I got excited when I saw those comparisons - but no, not on me. Doing a direct wrist-to-wrist comparison, Mabon is a much deeper, darker scent on my skin - deep leafy notes, hops, and a hint of spicy-sweet apples and blackberries, and with my chemistry, there's absolutely no similarity.


    I love fruit, and I'm bummed that none shows up on my skin - but it's a pretty blend all the same.

  5. To me, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale is like Antique Lace without the musk. I don't get sweet pea per se - just vanilla and a bit of floral. Very pretty, but I'm such a musk fiend, I can't help liking Antique Lace better.


    As for Eat Me... I don't smell any resemblance to the other two. Smells like cake. Which isn't a bad thing at all. Foody scents are iffy for me, since I can't wear chocolate or buttery blends, but Eat Me isn't too bad. Like Monsterbait: Closet, but with less currant.

  6. In the bottle: faint lemony-floral


    On: This blend amps up quite a bit on my skin, into a perfumey floral with a sharpness to it. This smells very similar to a commercial fragrance I'm familiar with... but I can't put my finger on which one (since discovering BPAL, I haven't worn ANY commercial perfumes, so I'm out of practice). As it dries down I can smell the daisy, and I think the ylang ylang - but not any of the notes I was hoping for (amber, carnation, musk). I end up with a heavy floral that's a bit too commercial smelling for me... curse my chemistry.


    It's driving me crazy that I can't put my finger on what this reminds me of. It's so familiar smelling!

  7. In the bottle: Sharp citrus


    On: Ah, that's better! The grapefruit loses it's sharpness quickly, and it becomes a sweet, fruity blend. There's a "roundness" to it that I'm attributing to the musk and vanilla - those notes aren't pronounced, but I can smell them if I sniff deeply. It starts off a bit "green" to my nose, but after it's dried down the color association I'm drawing from it is a mellow peachy color.


    Basically, I'm echoing everyone else here. :P HGM is lovely.

  8. I've had excellent luck with Al-Araaf, but it's getting hard to find these days (luckily I have a few bottles stashed away). And I haven't had any guy-feedback on them per se, but I'll second Morocco, Antique Lace, Dorian, Regan and Snake Oil as great "all occasion" scents that are clean enough for the office but still have a little something sexy to 'em (I'm a big fan of light musks and vanilla, obviously).


    The one scent that had the somewhat surprising effect of making my very platonic guy-friend say, "Um... please don't wear that one, it's making me think impure thoughts" -- Yerevan!? So I guess it just goes to show, kind of depends on the guy when you're talking about what turns their cranks. :P

  9. In the bottle: Definitely not the wallop of lotus I was expecting - light and herby, with a tinge of lotus lurking around the edges. I don't smell any pine resin or rose - which is actually a bit of a relief to me, as neither of those notes work well with my chemistry.


    On: Really quite lovely. The lotus does move to the forefront as it dries down - on me, this is a soft, mild, slightly watery lotus, rather than the strong bubblegummy variety. Very cool and calming.

  10. In the bottle: Mead? Where are you? I smell herbs and fruits, but not honey mead! It does smell wonderful, mind you.


    On: Ah, there's the honey. And I was a little nervous about it, because honey can be a fickle note for me - luckily, this seems to be a honey blend that likes me! I am still getting a mysterious fruity note - maybe it's just in the way that the honey combines with the herbs and florals. Or perhaps my nose is on crack again. :P Regardless, it's lovely, and the honey-mead scent gets more and more prominent as it dries down, without ever reaching that cloying stage that some honey blends seem to settle into, at least with my chemistry. A beautiful, decadent summer scent.

  11. Smooth, polished and lethally sharp: dragon’s blood resin and three sandalwoods.

    In the imp: Yep... that's sandalwood, sweetened with a bit of dragon's blood!

    On: A very warm dry scent. Woody, but the dry, white, sun-baked variety. For a few brief moments, this smells almost burnt on my skin - luckily that passes. On me this dries down to a very pleasant, smokey-sweet incense blend. It strikes me as a good evening blend - a bit sexy and exotic, but not too overt or in-your-face about it. :P

  12. Opium-laced dreams of flame, plunder, power and fury: dragon’s blood resin, poppy, amber and ylang ylang.

    First review... eeek, the pressure!

    In the imp: a very light, refreshing floral (as a caveat, the Lab's dragon's blood is similar to lilac, to my nose).

    On: Now I can smell a bit more of the amber, which grounds the scent nicely. To me, this is a very wearable and sophisticated floral. It's reminding me a bit of Bearded Lady - not that it smells like it per se, but has that same amber-floral feel. The poppy adds a bit of smoky sweetness, but it's not overpowering at all. There's a soft, dreamy quality as it dries down - I think the "reverie" part is captured quite well in this blend.

    Verdict: I think this is my favorite of the Ars Draconis category.

  13. For me, the notes that tend to make me think of sex - anywhere from a vague suggestion of it, to being clobbered over the head with it caveman style - are MUSKS.


    Which one(s) works for you depends on chemistry, of course - I'm partial to white and black, though the ones that are most reminiscent of actual sex (sometimes not in the most attractive way, mind you) are red musk blends.


    White/light musk scents include things like Dorian, Morocco and Antique Lace (which doesn't have it listed, but I have a whole bottle of White Musk SN to compare it to, and they smell pretty darn similar); and in a lot of more floral blends like Juliet and Fae. White musk is clean, soft, and a little powdery to my nose, but still sexy - it's what I was meant to smell like!


    Red musk includes the oft mentioned Smut (which sadly, smelled like peanutbutter and dirty sheets on me - not the sort of "sex scent" I was looking for). I also think the TAL Blinding Glory of Love has red musk - and I highly recommend it. :P Another dead sexy blend containing red musk is Loviatar.


    Black musk is in Iago, Lilith, Desire - a lot of the "dark" scents, as well as in things like Mad Hatter, which I love. To me, it's a kind of rich and buttery musk. It seems to be the one that goes funky on a lot of folks though.

  14. Scent: Huh... this is one of the few rose-based scents I can wear! There's a minty note that dies down pretty quickly on my skin, and something that I was interpreting as amber, but looks to be red musk, from the other reviews... um, I'm just going to stick my fingers in my ears and shout "LA LA LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU" to that, because if I know there's red musk in a blend, my nose will inevitably start smelling that dirty peanut butter smell. :D


    Anyway, I wore it out to my local pub (wow, that sounds like a brilliant idea, no?), and one of my guy friends said I smelled like "really good incense."


    Effectiveness: Well, yes, I did end up bringing one of the usual suspects home (every single girl should have usual suspects!). Not sure how much of that had to do with BGofL, as he's a fairly frequent chew-toy... that just means I need to do more research on this blend! :P

  15. In the imp: Without even checking the description, I could tell there was neroli in there - to my nose, neroli is a sharp, earthy floral.


    On: Like a lot of folks, I get lemon. Actually more of a lemon-candy scent, very similar to what I get from glitter - the common note is lotus (which isn't lemony on me in other blends), so I'm betting there might be unlisted ingredients coming in to play.


    The lavender doesn't really come in to play, and for me, that's a positive thing (especially in combination with lotus - Paris was not very kind to me).


    During drydown, it gets a bit powdery/dusty and less noticeably lemon - I find this one quite pleasant and pretty.

  16. In the imp: How odd... I can't really decide what this smells like. A bit floral, but also almost woody. Like a flower bed with a fresh layer of that bark stuff they put on flower beds. Or something. I'm rambling and confused.


    On: Floral with a bit of a soapy/watery tinge to it - reminds me of lily of the valley. Maybe narcissus. Very light and pretty.

  17. In the imp: sharp herbal/floral, maybe with some resins?


    On: Turns a bit powdery on my skin (a lot of things do). The sharpness reminds me of neroli, but I'm not quite sure if that's what it is - I can't quite place it. It's a bit perfumey, but the herbal-ish notes - whatever they are - keep it from being too sweet. On me, this dries down to something that's sort of like sun-warmed dried herbs. To me it has the same "feel" as The Sun from the Tarot blends, but without the citrus. It smells like late August.

  18. In the imp: Perfumey, light and clean.


    On: A very light, slightly powdery rose scent. I'm not big on roses, but it's not bad; most rose blends smell fake and plasticky on me (and are very strong), while this one stays relatively light, and while not "real rose" to my senses, isn't as overtly fakey as most blends.


    Not my cup of tea, but not bad either.

  19. To my nose this was a woody/earthy/herbal dark green scent... with a whopping dose of LIME. Both in the bottle and on my skin, the strongest note for me was lime.


    The C12 scents have really made me wonder whether my nose is completely out of whack - my reactions to these have been totally different from the other reviewers! :P

  20. Evidently I had an unusual reaction - to me, this is the same musk as Smut and Sed Non Satiata. And while I'm a fan of musk, there's one I really can't wear (I think it may be a red musk, though some other red musk blends have been OK on me) - to my nose, it smells like funk, and not the good kind. Like peanut butter and dirty sheets. :D


    I'm mystified as to why I got a similarity to Smut and no one else did... and other people found Storyville similar to Smut and I smelled no similarity whatsoever! My nose is weird.


    ETA: Breaking News! I must have been having a "weird chemistry day" when I tried this before, because I tried it again and just had to spring for a whole bottle! The musk isn't my absolute favorite - I'm more of a white musk kind of girl - but I managed to escape the peanut butter curse and instead I'm getting a deep, spicy/earthy musk - maybe a touch of clove and patchouli?


    Much better this time around. :P

  21. Wet, this reminds me a bit of the cocoa in blends like Freak Show and Cerberus (but without the citrusy bits of those particular scents); it's a dry, nutty cocoa and not too sweet.


    As it dries down, warm spices and a hint of musk start to emerge, and possibly hints of tobacco and honey? Not a super-sweet cloying honey, but a light, dry one. I'm not a fan of foody scents, but once the cocoa settles down a bit and the spices amp up, this really works for me.


    There is definitely a bit of musk - but my opinion is it's NOT the same musk as Smut (which was horribly stinky on me). I got much more of a Smut-like scent from Voodoo Queen, but no similarity to Storyville (thankfully!).

  22. Oya

    In the imp: Ack! This smells a bit almondy to me, or maybe cherry.


    On: The cherry/almond note is still there - I can just barely smell the plum, but the other notes are too heavy for me to enjoy it. As it dries down and the almond-like scent fades a bit, I can smell a bit of... florals, maybe? This blend is bizarrely indistinct on me once the initial phase passes. I can smell it, but the smell itself doesn't leave much of an impression on my senses. Vaguely fruity, vaguely floral... with my chemistry, Oya just doesn't assert herself, which seems odd, given the description.
