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Everything posted by gwynhwyfar

  1. gwynhwyfar

    White and "Light" Musk Recommendations

    I forgot about Les Bijoux ... it's fairly sweet and fruity, though.
  2. gwynhwyfar

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    I love aquatics and jasmine is one of my top five favorite florals. I fully expected to love this and, in fact, both my SO and I read the description and said 'That's Gwyn' and that was that. So a bottle had to come live with me. That bottle will need friends and I shall be hoping that it ages well, because I'll definitely weep when it's no longer available. This is the best aquatic perfume that I've gotten my greedy little ocean-loving hands on. It's light and salty and rich and very feminine and ... soothing and comforting. I can't even begin to describe the scent that I get from it beyond to say that it's the ocean ... not the ocean where there's a boardwalk. This is the ocean where there's wildness and dunes and you never know what you might find washed up on the beach. This is the ocean in the early spring or late fall, when it's chilly and no one sane really wants to go into the water, but I'm still walking with my shoes off and the chilly bite of the water on my feet and the even more chilly, but clean, scent all around me. I am, indeed, madly in love with this scent.
  3. gwynhwyfar

    White and "Light" Musk Recommendations

    Eos and La Petite Mort would be my two suggestions ... mostly Eos because it's just yummy. Dreamland is also nice, if you can get it, though that might be too floral for your tastes. Good luck!
  4. gwynhwyfar

    Finding BPAL blends similar to Dior perfumes....

    Not pure Poison, but ... Xanthe smells like a combination of Hypnotic Poison and Angel, with a twist. Very yummy.
  5. gwynhwyfar

    princess-y scents

    These are all fairly sweet and light and make me happy, which is why they're here. Also, they're the scents that I could see a little girl wearing without me blinking about it at all. Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Antique Lace Fae Lady of Shalott The Unicorn Tarot: The Star Dragon's Milk
  6. gwynhwyfar

    layering with Angel?

    Have you considered Misk U? Most of what I get from A*Men is the coffee and wood combination, which is very similar to Misk U for me.
  7. gwynhwyfar

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    In the bottle, this smells almost overwhelmingly sweet. Candy sweet. I like sweet, though, so ... I put it on. For the first 10 minutes or so that this is on my skin, this smells like bazooka bubble-gum. Thankfully, that overwhelming 'gum' scent fades and it turns into something amazing. To me, this smells like a combination of Angel and Hypnotic Poison. I get the sweet candy/vanilla/sugar scent that is one of the primary aspects of Angel for me, and along with that, I get something that smells like the bitter almond/fruit from Hypnotic Poison. Since those are two of my favorite commerical perfumes, I love this. I never would have thought of combining those, but now I'm going to, just to see what happens. This, however ... this I'm going to pick up another bottle of, if funds and my lust for other things permits. Because this is absolutely delicious and something that I can easily see wanting more of after this bottle is used. I'd also like to see how this will age, because I can see this getting even better with age. Yum!!
  8. gwynhwyfar


    I had so much luck with last year's Yule scents ... clearly, I'm cursed this year. Or else my oils that I love are just jealous and want to keep the competition away. In the bottle, this is beautiful. Rich and a little sweet, in a kind of dark way. Very lovely and differently. Florals with a candy-cake-sweetness, and a fairly heavy and dark greenery -- not like herbs, and not like pine, but more like some interesting combination of the two. Almost musty, but in a way that works well with the other notes. On my skin ... it disappears. Completely. Within an hour, I can't smell it even if I press my nose into my wrist. I can smell my skin (which is admittedly a nice scent and all that) but no more pretty perfume. It's the strangest thing, ever. This vanishes so completey that ... well, I don't have the right comparison. It just disappears.
  9. gwynhwyfar

    Sol Invictus

    *reads the notes again* *smells her wrist, sneezes, coughs up a lung and dies ... again* Right. Every single listed note in this thing makes me bounce happily. I even like the smell of citron. However ... the combination wants to kill me. No. Really. It reaches out of the bottle and tempts me in and then I put it on my skin and those so-alluring fingers wrap around my throat, and it's just all over. It hates me. It smells beautiful in the bottle, but I can't even begin to say what it smells like because as soon as it hits my skin, I can't breathe. I tested it twice because, well, I'm clearly a masochist. In the bottle, however, it -is- gorgeous. Sadly ... it's destined to move in with someone else because I can't keep oils around that have secret desires to kill me.
  10. gwynhwyfar

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I have that with commercial perfumes, as well. I worked out that I'm allergic to the perfumer's alcohol (mostly by virtue of trying to use it with oils about 8 years ago). So now ... I just avoid the commercial perfumes, except when something tempts me enough that I'm willing to cope with consequences. (Hypnotic Poison being the only commercial perfume to tempt me that much in ages and I found an oil dupe of it so ... happiness!) Sometimes I have it with oils, because there are some notes that I'm allergic to but I just avoid them. Or try to! I have had a few unhappy surprises in blended oils, which is why I don't do the Chaos Theory things with BPAL. I fear the potential of a surprise that leads to not being able to breathe. *grins*
  11. gwynhwyfar

    Scents with a *Vintage* Feel

    Lucy's Kiss (I get a rose-herbal-spice from this) Morgause (fruity-incensey and rather ... dignified?) Antique Lace (this was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread -- this is a very light and delicate, feminine scent) I'd also add a third (or fourth or whatever it is now) to the Black Dahlia suggestion. Very classic and classy, though I find it a little heavy for day-time wear. But that could just be me.
  12. gwynhwyfar

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    My three favorite BPAL rose blends are 2-5-7, Zombi, and Lucy's Kiss. I see a couple people have already suggested the first, so ... Zombi for me is this lovely 'someone took handfuls and handfuls of freshly blooming rose petals and crushed them lovingly into the warm spring earth'. It's one of the more unique scents that I've smelled and one of my favorites, especially toward the end of winter when I'm yearning for spring to arrive. (And one that I probably wouldn't have sniffed if it hadn't come to me as a frimp!) Lucy's Kiss for me is an amazing spiced-incensely-herbally rose. It makes me think of roses sitting in an old abandoned stone castle somewhere just after a group of witches were hanging out and burning exotic incenses there. Good luck!
  13. gwynhwyfar

    BPAL Patchouli - there's nothing else like it

    Patchouli and I tend not to be the best of friends. Most perfumes with it in, whether oil or spray, don't generally work on my skin. With that said, there are exceptions. In the BPAL world ... Tezcatlipoca is the first exception. Although I can tell the patchouli is there, it's nicely balanced with the cocoa, incense, and flowers that I get. (What leather? *grins*) Sed Non Satiata is second. This is a very sensual perfume for me with the patchouli there, under the others. But, then, my skin amps up the sweetness of any of BPAL's oils that contain honey, so it's not a surprise that this is a largely sweet blend on me. Snake Oil is third. I tested this once, aged, and instantly and totally fell head over heels in love with it. It's spicy and rich and beautiful. Although you mentioned Snake Oil, I don't know if you tested it new or aged -- you might want to try the other, if you only tested one. There's a major difference between this aged and this new, I've found. Vechernyaya is fourth (and the last, for now). This is a musky, perfumey oil on me and quite lovely. I'm entertaining hopes about Mme. Moriarty, though I haven't picked up a bottle of it yet. I have a suspicion that might do what Snake Oil does on me, though, and work aged but not new. Hope that this helps! I know how it feels to long for an oil or a note to work on your skin and to be disappointed every time.
  14. If I'm reading this right, you like the minty part of the oil with the other hints? I'm not sure of anything like that exactly, which could be because Gennivre is still on my 'want to sniff' list and hasn't yet made it to my home. But with that said ... minty scents that come to mind ... Ultraviolet is a bright mint, with a hint of florals. Tarot: The Star is something that I get a clean mint with citrus and coconut creaminess in. Undertow is a minty-aquatic, a bit darker than the others. (Juniper.) Envy is a herbal-citrus-mint for me. Juke Joint is a mint julep on me -- sugar and mint and a hint of alcohol. My guess is that the closest to something that would be mint and tea and honey would be The Star, because of the sweetness of the coconut and citrus. Good luck and I hope that these help you.
  15. gwynhwyfar

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    I love the smell of apples! The Hesperides is the only general catalog that I get a lot of 'fresh picked apple' from. I get some from Desire, though on me, that tends to turn into citrus-citrus-citrus-citrus after a few minutes. Since it's relatively recent, I'll also mention Punkie Night. That is a beautiful spiced apple with a hint of autumn leaves for me.
  16. gwynhwyfar

    Knecht Ruprecht

    In the bottle, this is a gorgeous fruity almond with a hint of pure pine (Douglas Fir ... I have one sitting in the living room right now and my bedroom is far enough away that I know I wasn't smelling the tree). On my skin ... it's that same beautiful scent. For about four hours. Then it goes away and leaves me to weep in abandoned heartbreak. I'm entertaining a vague hope that it might be the time in my cycle and that maybe for the other 3.5 weeks of the month it wouldn't leave so quickly but I'm going to wait a couple days to test it again. (And in the meantime, try to trade imps out of the bottle for the Yule scents that I'm intrigued by but fear might not love me.) If I discover that this is just a time of the month thing, this oil is definitely a keeper for me. If not, I'll probably keep it just for a room scent (and maybe pick up a second bottle if I do manage to trade out all of this bottle for imps of other Yule oils). Overall, though, it's absolutely beautiful and one of my favorite Yule scents that does put me in specific mind of the holiday.
  17. gwynhwyfar

    Snow White

    Like Rose Red, I needed to get my hands on a bottle of Snow White because I love the fairy tale. What I wasn't expecting was to fall in love with it as soon as I tested it on my skin. It's beautiful. Vanilla-cream with a touch of fruitiness to it. Very soft and warm and soothing, all at the same time. As a bonus, it smells delightful when it's layered with Rose Red. And the bottle is beautiful, as well. I'm very glad that I got a bottle of this. Now I need to find a catalog that's enough like this one to satisfy my desires for this when I run out. And, of course, cross my fingers for next year. *giggles*
  18. gwynhwyfar

    Rose Red

    Since this comes from one of my favorite fairy tales, I had to get my hands on it. I'm glad that I did. While there are rose blends that I like for various reasons, this is a beautiful pure rose on me. All I get out of this is rose, rose, rose and more rose. It's like a rose-party happening on my skin, and everyone is invited. I do like other rose blends more than I do this, but this is such a beautiful pure rose that I'll definitely keep it. And the bottle label is breathtaking -- a work of art in its own right.
  19. gwynhwyfar

    Honey Moon

    Mmmm. This is another absolutely beautiful lunar oil on me. There's a strong sweet honey, so much so that I keep expecting my skin to be sticky, like it would be if I'd put real honey there. Almost completely overwhelmed by the honey is the jasmine -- surprisingly, I like the effect. The jasmine is there and I can pick it out, and it has a little bit of spiciness from ginger, but it's subtle enough that mostly what I get is sweet honey. I keep resisting the temptation to chew my own wrist off because it smells delicious. Of course, if this were on someone else, I might not be able to resist the desire to chew on them. And probably wouldn't want to. *grins evilly* I want to layer this with Strawberry Moon now and see what happens. Though it might possibly lead to me exploding with delight. *giggles*
  20. gwynhwyfar

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    *swoons* This may have just managed to turn into my favorite BPAL Strawberry fragrance ever. It's a light and creamy strawberry with a cool touch from the lunar oils and something beautifully herbal under the fruit. Nice and sweet and refreshing. It's perfectly lovely and I rather regret that I only have one bottle of it right now. Clearly, I'll need to do something to remedy this fact. Or else hoard the bottle like crazy. Or both. This is a strawberry lover's dream. *purrrrs*
  21. gwynhwyfar

    The Star

    An imp of this came my way via a friend. Immediately after putting this on, I wanted to start chewing on my wrist. Not to chew it off, but because it smelled rather edible. I reminded myself sternly that eating your own flesh is bad and settled down to suffering from wrist-to-nose disease instead. This is lemon and lime, along with coconut and mint. There's just a hint of vanilla, but that doesn't show itself until the oil has been on for a few hours. I'd describe it as soothing and comforting/comfortable, as well as an interesting combination of relaxing and refreshing. I love this scent. I loved it right after I put it on, when the lemon and lime were all in my face. And I loved it after it dried down. And I loved it when the vanilla came out to play. And I loved it the next morning, when I woke up and could still smell the hint of perfume on my skin before I shower. This oil bumped its way to the top of my want list and sneaked into my Valentine's Day order because I just don't know that I'd be happy only having an imp of it. (Mostly because I don't think that I'd have an imp of it for very long!)
  22. gwynhwyfar

    Olfactory caffeine: Wake up, Stay Awake with BPAL

    For me, this would be Ultraviolet. That is a weird combination of calming and focusing for me and I've fallen in love with it for times when I have to be awake and focused but might be inclined to freak. (Like major exams or writing papers ...)
  23. gwynhwyfar

    The Saddest, most Melancholy & Wistful BPALs

    Undertow and Lightning, for me.
  24. gwynhwyfar


    I was really looking forward to this one and hoping for a nice crisp and cool scent, especially as it would arrive at my door just in time for cool weather and I like wearing cool scents when it's cool out. Sadly, I was heartbroken with this. Out of the bottle was interesting, but it didn't just draw me in the way some blends do. Despite that, I was still looking forward to testing it and hoping for some of the things that other reviewers were talking about on my skin. This did not happen. Instead, I got pure soap. It's very strong and very astringent on me -- and determined. It took me scrubbing my wrist four times, plus washing the dishes, plus showering and washing my hair until this scent finally let go of my skin. Which just makes my reaction to it more tragic, since that kind of determination and staying power would be amazing for something that I love. So, this bottle is off to the swapping pile, where it will hopefully find a new and loving home.
  25. gwynhwyfar

    Centzon Totochtin

    I'm madly in lust with this scent. And lust is the right word. Out of the vial, this is straight chocolate and rum for me. A deep, rich, dark chocolate and the kind of rum that just a shiff can make you tipsy. Then, it dries down. And I go from 'well, this is nice' to 'oh gods.' With the drydown, I get a strong note that is the smell of warm blood. I can pick out wormwood from that particular note, and it's a very interesting thing to smell in my perfume, especially as clearly as it comes through here, though it isn't something that surprised me to find here, after I stopped to think about. For a good eight hours of wear, I get chocolate-and-rum-and-blood out of this perfume. This isn't something that I'd wear for any mood and every day, but it's definitely something that I plan to pick up one (or two ...) big bottles of and hoard for those special moods that just demand chocolate-and-rum-and-blood. As I mentioned lust ... this scent has one of the strongest effects on my sex drive that I've ever encountered before. It's a very distinct part of my sex drive, that I'm not going into details about here, but the blood fits that mood nicely. Luckily, it has the same effect on both of the people that I'm lovers with right now.