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Posts posted by Galena

  1. I love this. I absolutely love it.


    Tuberose is one of my favourite florals, and it's there alright.


    but you know what.


    on my skin this is like a Lush Shop with incense burning.


    if they made an incense scented like Lush, this would be it.


    it's actually quite fruity on me, but I rather like that, because things which are meant to be fruity usually turn into cats pee on my skin. Florals and resins are however great with my skin chemistry, and this has them in abundance.


    when I first put it on I had a momentary panic that there could be Cinnnamon Bark, which goes mental on my skin and overpowers everything and sometimes gives me a rash into the bargain.


    after that momentary metallic moment which only lasted a minute it turned into that gorgeous, sweet, warm, resiny floral that it is now.

  2. I love it.


    my initial impressions was violets, which is odd.


    but with a kick up the arse, and a proper sniff.


    Tuberose, my beloved Tuberose, in your face and sweet and heady and dizzying


    Dear Gods I love white florals. you can see why so many white flowers are used to cover the smell of rotting bodies. it's just so overpowering.


    this is just lots of heady lovely evening blooming flowers. like Chiroptera should have been.

  3. Wow.


    this took me back to my first time....


    because this is a lot like Mata Hari, to me. not in that it smells the same, but because it just took me straight back to the moment I opened the bottle and took a sniff, and was lost to the lab.


    in the same way, this is warm and sophisticated, expensive smelling and unique.


    this on me after the initial drydown, a really spicy, posh, resiny floral.


    I kept grabbing my own wrist for a sniff, when I was out yesterday.

  4. more like a cinnamon stick.


    only that would be cinnamon bark.


    and my skin isn't raised and red.




    this has an old pine scent. not strong, but faded like long dropped needles.




    and blood.


    actual, metallic blood. a little dried.


    and....... :P that soft, sweet, but very light butteriness of Black Opal. what the..?


    and then as it warms on the skin, it goes from the spilt blood of sacrifice to the warm blood racing beneath the skin, with a hint of spice and skin. it's reborn.


    if this were earthier, and more animal, this would be my Herne scent.

    it's captured a lot of how I see him.


    I'll try layering it with Burial......

  5. Anubis is LOVELY


    what I like about myrrh is that it winds down to a lovely warm skin sort of smell. resins work brilliantly on my skin, and Myrrh on me is a sexy skin smell.


    if you can get it, Bruja is a lovely example of this. "Menacing, bewitching and darkly sexual. A blend of myrrh, amber and lilac."


    think it might be in Hexennacht too, as it has the incense and warm skin smell.

  6. I love my Geek, but am afraid I'm allergic to it. I wore it on Friday and sneezed all day as if I was full of cold (and I was fine the next day, so clearly not ill). I tried sniffing it again just now and had another sneezing fit. It can't be the leather or patchouli, as I have other scents with those in, which leads me to wonder what else it could be. I hope it doesn't affect anything else I like!


    could be Cinnamon Bark.


    I'm fine with Cinnamon leaf, but Cinnamon bark gives me a rash.


    anyone know which cinnamon blends are which?

  7. okay. I'm a dog person, not a cat person.


    I like this, it's lovely and clean for hot weather, without being cold, or too faint.


    I get a sagey sort of mint, not like peppermint or spearmint. this is catnip, and sage and maybe a teensy of Rosemary. melissa without the lemon.


    and rose, but a herbal rose, rather than floral. closer to Geranium or Clary Sage.

  8. Lemony (in a way that doesn't just disappear or turn to vinegar on my skin) with lovely spring evening florals and a very sexy, sensual undertone. soft, sweet, heady, sugary and sex.


    this is what Beltane should have been more like (which, much as I like it, was spring with the sex in soft focus)


    fresh, heady, clean and dirty, innocent and experienced. it's all things.



    and I swear when I wore this, people were treating me more like a lady, but in a flirty way.

  9. I really can't tell the difference between Chaste Moon and Leanan Sidhe on me - didn't get any similarity with Dana O'Shee myself.


    I didn't find Dana O Shee at all similar.

    Snow white was closer, as it's creamier, but not so pink flower/red fruit as CM


    I love CM. may have to try Leanan Sidhe. :P



    Most of all I'd like something that smells like My Chaos theory.

    it's the bastard Child of Burial, Zombi, Rose Red, and Centzon Totochtin.



    or smelly likes to Bruja, Hexxenacht or my Beloved Unseelie

  10. Chaos Theory II CCCLV (not a clue)


    I pounced this one when it's previous owner mentioned "compost and rotting flowers" they wanted rid of (okay, so I'm odd)


    first is a lovely dark fertile Earthiness, with Rose where it is at the point of dying, where the scent sweetens to a narcotic height, and creamy Jasmine.


    after a while on the skin all that becomes accompanied by my much loved "milk" note and the hint of bitter dark chocolate.




    and yet, so sad there will never be another bottle of this for me.
