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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by violetblue

  1. So glad I got to try it but sadly not for me...musky dirty (not in a patchouli way) vanilla just a touch bitter and reminds me of a BBW scent. Never wanted to wash off a BPAL before this one. :( Glad to see it gets much love from others though.

  2. Like everyone is saying, this is a lot lighter than expected, throw not crazy. It smells incensey on me - pretty, almost sweet, but not swoon worthy. Much better smelling than I thought it might be (and better on me than Tombuer which shocked me), as I took a chance with some of the notes in it that are usually death for me. I think I may see how this one ages, it may just get better with time. For now, 2.5/5.

  3. I was so happy to be able to get a hold of this one after they weren't for sale anymore. At first sniff, I wasn't crazy about it and put it away. I forgot about it 'til recently and really am loving it. It was what I had wanted Candy Phoenix to be. Perfect for summer, light, sweet and a bit creamy, but something slightly green underneath to keep the sweets in check. Yummy!

  4. Oh I was so excited for this one, but when I opened it up and sniffed it, I went :unsure: :blink: The tiny bit I sampled smelled better on than in the bottle, but just wasn't for me - I think the guilty party may have been the opium tar but not sure. I can't describe it, but it has an odd underlying funky smoky thing going on I had never experienced before and a bit too sharp for me. Sad to say it but this one just didn't work out, off to swaps you go...

  5. First applied, this is a yummy cream cherry soda smell without the fizz. Yum!!! Soon after, the muskiness shines through and it's absolute awesomeness. Thanks so much to my Bat's Day angel for getting this for me so I could experience it. Light throw, so I'm guilty of the slather. :P

  6. What everyone else said!! :) This is luscious and comforting, but sexy at the same time! I'd use it all the time if I could afford to! Just ordered another one so I have 2 stashed and one in use. Can't wait to try it with the bath oil I just ordered too - tomorrow is the last day, so glad I checked the BPTP site today.

  7. Lush lovers, my first thought was American Cream when I sniffed it initially...then it reminded me of a discontinued bubble bar by Lush I can't recall the name of. Truly sweet and fruity, but not that acidic citrus that goes all bad on me or foodie funky either. It's creamy and yummy! I think it would be awesome to make bath salts with for an outstanding soak. Love it!

  8. Every single order placed with Black Phoenix Trading Post from now (September 2) til November 2nd will receive an imp of the Last Squished Jelly Bean. -No description

    I had a feeling this would be licorice and I was right...funny because I always avoid black licorice like the plague and black jelly beans have always grossed me out! But this one is a sophisticated, black licorice, and I swear I detect a mint/tea note with it too....

    Love it for the novelty, thank you BPTP!! But don't think I'll be slathering the little bit I have in the imp...

    (Label art is adorable too!)

    There was a long spell of silence, big, aching, void, and then from the Professor a keen "S-s-s-s!" He pointed, and far down the avenue of yews we saw a white figure advance, a dim white figure, which held something dark at its breast. The figure stopped, and at the moment a ray of moonlight fell upon the masses of driving clouds, and showed in startling prominence a dark-haired woman, dressed in the cerements of the grave. We could not see the face, for it was bent down over what we saw to be a fair-haired child. There was a pause and a sharp little cry, such as a child gives in sleep, or a dog as it lies before the fire and dreams. We were starting forward, but the Professor's warning hand, seen by us as he stood behind a yew tree, kept us back. And then as we looked the white figure moved forwards again. It was now near enough for us to see clearly, and the moonlight still held. My own heart grew cold as ice, and I could hear the gasp of Arthur, as we recognized the features of Lucy Westenra. Lucy Westenra, but yet how changed. The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness. Van Helsing stepped out, and obedient to his gesture, we all advanced too. The four of us ranged in a line before the door of the tomb.

    Van Helsing raised his lantern and drew the slide. By the concentrated light that fell on Lucy's face we could see that the lips were crimson with fresh blood, and that the stream had trickled over her chin and stained the purity of her lawn death-robe.

    Diabolical voluptuousness, a siren song from the grave: juniper and yew brushing against blackened violets and funeral roses, red musk and hot blood, veined white marble and icy, brittle musk, all pulsing with the sinister, hypnotic scent of patchouli, amber, oude, and cubeb.

    Wow, I am first!!! Received it today and it immediately reminded me of Spellbound - has to be a close relative for sure! Just a little dab will do ya, this doesn't warrant slathering! Just a bit and the throw was great, not too strong, not too light. I don't pick out single notes, just a heavenly, incensey/musky rosy blend. It's dark without being musty or evil! I adore it and will love wearing it for a night out on the town - definitely an evening/night scent - a bit too heavy I think for warm weather during the day...

  10. This reminds me of a simpler Katrina Van Tassel minus the cream. First applied, it is a very beautiful rose, not musty at all, but dry down there's an odd underlying Old Spice cologne smell to it on me. It's balanced nicely though, not too sweet, not too sharp, average throw. I think it might be nice layered with something else, kind of on the fence about it right now...

  11. In the bottle it smells sweet and foody, but on, I am amping the musk, which isn't a bad thing - but it's a sweet musk, not dry or stale at all - don't smell the fruit notes at all. A tinge powdery on drydown, but a winner for me. Really nice. :)


    ETA: Drying down even more, I am getting fruity-sweet-cake! I am really enjoying this one!

  12. Oh I had high hopes for this one - reminded me of my first ever BPAL love, Spellbound when I first sniffed it, but this is like Spellbound with an attitude and steel toed combat boots....spicy and the rose to me, comes out almost as an afterthought. Sadly, didn't work for me, though White Rose is an absolute delight...

  13. Unfortunately this one didn't work out for me - I think honey lovers will find it amazing, but I have issues with honey scents smelling musty-ish to me. Very disappointed as it was my first bottle purchase, and wish it worked for me like the other people above my post.

  14. In the bottle and first application: Men's cologne. :( Hubby to be said it reminded him of urinal cake smell. :( As it dries, the vanilla peaks through as stated above and it gets sweeter, but this one is sadly not for me. I prefer Snake Charmer for this type of resinous scent.
