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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by violetblue

  1. Started out super nutty and reminded me of Cockaigne at first, then the orange marmalade came out and slapped me in the face, HARD! The bitter orange lasted a long strong time, with a super faint cream/rice in background, but then dried down to a weird alcoholic bitter orange smell. Sadly too strong and not for me.

  2. I like the throw and dry down on this one a lot!! :wub2: The red musk is softened by the other notes so it's not harsh like The Infernal Lover was on me. The foodiness is spot on and it's blended wonderfully. Really pretty!


    ETA: And now, weeks after using it, I suddenly am smelling the anise too, and not liking it at all. :( I may scrap the bottle order at this point I think...

  3. This instantly reminded me of Dirty when I put it on. It's fresh, clean, and sweet. I find it a very very pretty scent and I like it a lot. I think it would be amazing for summer/spring when I want something light and feminine and might be nice layering it with other scents too.

  4. I was so glad I found a 1/2 bottle on the forum to buy, bc I almost didn't get to try this. I LOVE it, the apples are tart and yummy and I don't get much lemon either, which was what initially scared me off. Wish I had more! :yum:

  5. It is amazing how a spray of this brings you to a carnival midway. You can smell the deep fried treats in the most insane way. Not sure if it's something I will use often, as it brings to me that almost grimy feel you get after being at a hot carnival all day and reeking of fried carnival treats. It's true amazement to me how the lab can get these scents into a bottle. :thud: I don't get the wood so much, more like the smell of sweets frying in a golden afternoon. Again, many thanks to my pick up angel for getting this for me!!

  6. Whoa this has amazing throw which I love and it has that heavy muskiness like in BPTP, Lucy, Kissed. At first I wasn't sure, because wet it's almost bitter foody but as it dries, the musk calms down and I do get the foodiness much sweeter. The root beer is very light on me as well. I do not see the comparisons to Snake Oil either, but I do like this one, and even if I didn't, I would keep it for the label. I love elephants. :wub2:

    ETA: Much love to my pick up angel for getting this for me!! :joy:

  7. Thank you to devilot for swapping this one to me. It is absolutely yummy, but I am having a hard time picking out the notes. I am getting dark sweetness with a drop of patchouli. I swear I smell vanilla in it that goes a teeny bit plasticy on me but in a good way if that makes sense. Unlike any other BPAL I own. LOVE IT! :wub2:

  8. I want to love this, but I don't know if we were meant to be. The amount of beautiful scents being ruined by my stupid skin lately is really starting to get to me. :sad: On a final note...it seems to be working better on my arm than on my hand, so maybe it's testing placement. Try, try again.


    ETA: Later that day...this dried down the same way that Gollettes and Boo did. No sweetness- all doughy, plasticy funk. Something about the lab's pastry note really doesn't work on me. Maybe cream doesn't always, either. Hmm. Off to swaps it goes!

    Are you my long lost sister? I could have written these exact words. :( Plasticy funk is what happened to me too. I really wanted this to work. :cry2:

  9. Definitely the best new Bpal I have tried in a while.


    If Sibyl and BPTPs Candied Apple hadn't been so amazing on me, I would have started to have a complex seeing so many (I am looking at you, Tombeur, Lilith's Tea Party :(, Black Lace, The Girl, and Infernal Lover) that haven't worked for me the last few months. Sibyl is another morpher on me, thick rich vanilla one minute, soft floral with tea the next. I really love this and the label is gorgeous. I thank my angel from the bottom of my heart for picking this up for me. :wub2:

  10. What a complex soap. I smell different things at different times - I do love the sweetness of this, it is a fruity sweetness that turns a bit magically plastic but not in a horrid way. The black suds are crazy looking and pefect for Halloween - it was wrapped so prettily, I felt bad tearing into it. I love how the sweet scent lingers on the skin as well. Very nice!


    This is very patchouli and I'm a patch lover. This would be fantastic layered with anything containing patchouli (Depraved, Goblin, Banshee Beat, etc)...or with anything that needs a patchouli kick ;)


    In the bottle: I agree. This is fantastic stuff and full of my beloved patchouli. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    ETA: I used this in the tub tonight, and once it hits the water, it turns to mostly pine. Patchouli, where did you go? Aquilaria aguillocha stop showing off, I want to smell more patchouli!!

  12. OMG this was amazing and I laugh now for thinking it may end up being a miss. This is gorgeous fresh apple, I mean, seriously FRESH apple with a yummy sweetness that isn't caramely on me thank god. It sounds bizarre but I already had Banshee Beat on and this layered with it was pure awesomeness, just wish it lasted longer. I am really wondering about getting a back up because this is swoon worthy and I will love slathering it all fall long.

  13. well, after all my whining, I got my Banshee Beat today! Wow, is it pretty....sweet vanilla and patchouli but the hemp is super strong on me and seems to take over a bit, not sure how I feel about that. I am also finding a bit of that cologney manliness like I got in Tombuer. :ack: That doesn't last too long though but it's making me a little iffy about this right now.

    I see the snake oil comparisons, and also see how people say what a morpher this is.

    I hate to say it, but right now I think I may like Goblin better than this one, but I am going to give it a little time to age....

  14. Thank you to yokaitenchi for the decant so I could try this one! This 13 is blended so well, it's hard for me to detect the notes... I do smell the light chocolate and berry, and as it dries, the lovely honey and champaca peak through and there is that underlying sweetness without it being too foody for me. It reminds me somehow of bubblegum, the pink old fashioned kind, but not in your face like Jailbait. I am not detecting a lot spiciness, but it works for me. Light throw but I still wouldn't mind having a bottle of this.

  15. :eek: This is absolutely horrible on me. I'm sorry Beth. :( The 2nd of only 2 blends I've had to scrub off in over 6 yrs. I instantly thought, "dirty diaper." No idea why but the beautiful color made me think it would be resinous and amazing, but it just smelled super funky on me with a weird musk underlying.

  16. Wet, I am getting pumpkin with something sharp behind it, almost alchol-ish...like a pumpkin martini with a cinnamon vanilla swizzle stick! :eek: How does Beth do this????

    I have never purchased a pumpkin that I can remember, but this one is yummy. As it dries, I do not get blackberry or candy floss, but a really pretty, sweet vanilla that mellows out the pumpkin so it doesn't go all Yankee Candle, and turns the sharp liquor into a virgin, sweet, spiced drink.

    This is a really comforting scent, and I am happy to have tested it before I am going to bed, I can't stop huffing my wrists, and after a really crappy day, I suddenly feel relaxed and calm.

    Gorgeous and perfect for this time of year.

    Very happy I took a chance on this bottle!! :wub:

  17. The minute I put this on, I could swear I made a mistake and put on Lucy, Kissed (which is really weird because Lucy, Kissed has so many more components). This is a tad sharper though but yummy red musk nonetheless. Very long and lasting throw. The honey is quite faint in this blend on me and just gives it a teeny tiny sweet edge on the drydown which is a touch powdery on me.


    Edited 1/27/11

    I swapped for an advertised non red musk blend of this and :eek: This is clear, super sweet, and reminds me of Dragon's Milk. It dries to a super soft very sweet candyish musk/dragon's blood scent. Crazy! Wonder how different versions of this happened? I don't get honey out of this at all which is nice, since honey normally goes sweaty sweet funk on me.

  18. My bottle says DD anniversary and is not the apple version....

    Man, why does this not work on me?? I get the inside of an antique store, that smell when open up antique furniture drawers, mixed with potpourri/heady perfume.

    I wanted to love you, but this just turns too powdery on me. :(
