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Posts posted by violetblue

  1. Deceptively sweet: bourbon vanilla oleoresin and benzoin resinoid.

    This is a gorgeous bourbon vanilla, with, like the bath oil, has some sort of sarsaparilla, but not wintergreen at all, smell to it - it must be the other notes I am not familiar with in this base. Either way, it's not sickeningly sweet or uber vanilla, but a pleasant almost earthy vanilla (?) Very different and very pretty. Way to go lab.

    ETA:I hope this can resurface one of these days? It's all gone and I miss it!

  2. Egyptian musk, Ceylon cinnamon, cassia, and bourbon vanilla.

    I hadn't bought an atmo spray in a while so I figured I was due one. This smells great! :joy: The cinnamon is of the foody/bake style variety to my nose, not candle store smelling, it's strong but good, and I am not the biggest cinnamon fan. Spraying this makes me think of snickerdoodle cookies. In fact I am dying for one now. :yum: The musk is very behind the scenes in this, for those who may be wondering, at least in my bottle. :)

    There's also a nekkid lady on the bottle. :lol:


    Pink strawberries, sugar cane, and candy floss.

    This smelled very high end the moment it hit the tub - I've never smelled Jo Malone bath oils, but I know they are pricey, and if you put this in a Jo Malone bottle, I'd believe it was theirs, just from what I have read about them. This is just....luxurious. It's sweet strawberry candy scent with an expensive underlying perfume essence to it, and best of all, it lingers on the skin, which many softer scents don't do on me. This is not a generic cotton candy smell or synthetic strawberry - this is upscale, baby. Love! :wub2:

    ETA: I have almost used this all up. I have never used up a whole bottle of bath oil, or even made a dent in one like I did with this. Off to DISOs I go! Love this bath oil!!!!!!!!!! I have been mixing it with Moonalisa's Snow Ice bath brew and it's an awesome cocktail.

    A sweet prelude to grief: delicate tea rose and strawberry-laced vanilla stained by tobacco, champaca incense, and white cognac.

    This is just stunning! No amping linen note thank goodness and just the gentlest champaca. Gorgeously sweet and reminds me of the same strawberry sugar in L'ESSENCE DE L'ENGOUEMENT without the orange blossom sharpness. Barely smell the rose, which is a good thing as I can amp that to the point of nausea. Love! :wub2:

    ETA: OK, this is just ODD. I just tested again, and I am getting whiffs of pickles! I don't know if it's because I have tried a million things on my arms tonight or what, so I'd love to know if this happens to anyone else!

  5. I absolutely love this. :wub2: To me, it was very strong patchouli and less of the other notes, which is fine by me. The "warming" thing has me a little nervous though, and I would have liked to have used more than I did, but I couldn't help but worry about irritation to the lady bits, hehe.


    French vanilla, pink candies, strawberry sugar, and orange blossom.

    This is everything I had wanted and expected Celeste to be! First applied it's all sweet, pink, gentle strawberry sugar (and not fake smelling to me at all)! The orange blossom is fairly strong and has an odd, tiny sourish note but somehow, it works on me and I keep sniffing my wrists. I can detect the vanilla, faint, but it's there. I really like this, and depending on the staying power, I may consider an additional bottle. :blush:

  7. Starts out Laffy Taffy pear: More of a gum- or candy-flavored pear than actual pear. But then it settles beautifully and smells like real pear with something creamy in the background. Unfortunately, my skin eats it: This only lasts about 10 minutes on my skin and there is no throw even when I slather. Sad.


    This is my review to a T! :) You said it Leopard403!

  8. First applied there are a million things going on with a weird musty undertone - as it dries I swear I smell a note that's in Red Moon 2004 that made me feel nostalgic. As a whole though, it really reminded me a lot of Agape and Corazon. Need to test again, but may be going to swaps.


    Sugar cookies dusted with confectioner's sugar.

    I got a half bar in a decant circle. The green on the soap confused me - when it hit the water, and I lathered up, I got a strong mint. :( Not what I was expecting and kind of disappointed. Cookie scent was very light, overpowered by the mint.

  10. On first sniff after application, this smelled super strong, chemically and I was like :eek: As it dried down though, it burned off and then, it reminded me of how a day at the beach smells, if that makes sense. It totally made me think of summer and the sun.

  11. On, this smelled super cologney at first. I usually amp cinnamon, even things that don't have cinnamon listed, but though I smelled a hint of it, it wasn't too strong and didn't burn the skin. Oil wasn't fire red as I had expected either. I was on the fence on this once. Right after I applied to my wrists, I went to do an errand, and the check out lady at Walgreens exclaimed that I smelled amazing and what was I wearing. That hasn't happened to me in ages, so I am still on the fence and am going to test it another time or 2 before I decide if it's a keeper. It's got that cola thing too going on I find a lot of the darker blends have.

  12. Digging for imps for a swap, I came across a sniffie of this - no oil to test and I could barely smell it, but it was very unusual, foody but a fresh sweet smell too with a hint of resin or woods - I so wish I had some to skin test. I hope this eventually is released!

  13. Holy....I bought 2 bottles unsniffed, no idea why because leather never works but this one sounded different and wow is it....

    I sniffed it from the bottle and said immediately, "not me, off to swaps."

    I tested it later and whoa....it smells the like inside of the now closed BNEVER store I got to visit in London, a sister co. of Lush. This is insane!!! I had already listed it for sale, so 1 is gone but glad I have a back up bottle. I wish I could describe the scent but man did I love the smell of the inside that BNever store. Just a blending of awesome perfumes with awesome ingredients in them. I can't believe I am smelling this and remembering, it was so long ago!

  14. I don't know how or why but this reminds me a lot of a mellower Poison by Dior. The notes in that are: coriander, pimento, anise and is accented with rosewood, orange blossom and vanilla, none listed in the bottle, but there's a perfumey quality to this one I am not sure I am loving. May be off to swaps...

  15. I was frimped this recently, from the lab or a swap, I have no idea, but I thank whoever sent it to me because I never would have tried this on my own because honey usually ends up musty on me.

    I loved it the second I put it on. I came here immediately to check the notes and wow, not what I thought. I get a resiny vanilla lemon that dries to an indescribable earthy lemony scent. Not usually the kind of scent I would wear, but I am already waffling on a bottle. :)

  16. Beth is spot on to call this filthy patchouli! The patchouli comes off super strong and a little sharp - while Goblin is soft patchouli and tempered with the coconut, this is in your face almost single note patchouli. I am curious how this will age and if the sharpness, almost sourness will possibly fade. I get the chocolate but it does not sweeten this blend to my nose. I really like it though, as I love patchouli heavy blends.Luckily the tobacco does not go all pipe smoke on me in this blend. I don't get the vanilla much but I don't miss it really either.

  17. Burned cinnamon sugar. :( Did not work for me at all - wish I had gotten more vanilla like some people. The cinnamon is way too strong for me - it fades a lot with wear, but I dislike anything cinnamon scented as perfume, so it's a no for me.

  18. Hmm, I am having bad luck with these....I used about 1/4 of the jar and the scent was gone once it hit the water and nothing on me once dried off. In the jar it's faint, pretty and earthy, reddish in color. Made a ton of bubbles but sadly lacking any scent. :( Was really looking forward to these - maybe I am not using enough? It made a ton of bubbles as it was though...

    Bourbon vanilla, angelica root, and benzoin.

    This smelled absolutely divine in the jar - like a very expensive cake. I just don't think I must have used enough, because when it hit the water, I got no scent. :cry2: The water was silky and there was a nice layer of foamy bubbles, but just didn't smell anything. I used a small handful, with two good sized chunks from the top of the jar. I will edit this when I use it next and use more.

  20. By far, our most popular scent! Magnetic, mysterious, and exceedingly sexual in nature. A blend of exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla.


    This smells so amazing!!!! I am so glad I listened to the WC reviews! I spritzed a little too much leaving me a little greasy, so I think I will use it on wet hair after I wash it. Got some on my hands and they smell awesome too! Worth the money, get you some!!!

  21. I adore this - first applied it's sweet cake and some kind of pine note that actually *works*. The pine disappears after a few minutes and I get a vanilla-y snake oil slight winey sweet scent with maybe a hint of champaca? It's delicious :wub2: , am already considering another bottle or 2 - though the man said it smelled like pipe tobacco to him, which is usually what I smell on myself with vanilla blends but this one, not at all, so kinda weird.


    ETA: Throw is super light to me even with slathering but very nice. I do not smell cigarette smoke. :lol:
