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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by violetblue

  1. At night, just before we start our bedtime ritual, Lilith climbs onto my lap, and we snuggle while we watch a little tv. She leans her head back onto me and settles in, and all I know in that instant is the warmth of my love for her. Her hair smells like soap and lavender, her skin smells like honey and sunshine, and everything is touched by the scent of the strawberries she's always eating.

    There are few moments in my life where I find myself completely at peace: this one of them. Very little can compare with the simple pleasure of holding my daughter.

    My Lilith, you have turned my world upside-down in the strangest and most wonderful of ways. There are no words that can describe moments like this, and there are no words that can truly capture how much I love you. Happy birthday, baby.

    This smells like gorgeous high end shampoo, clean and sweet. It isn't something I'd wear often (I go for more dirty patchouli/musk scents, which would not make sense when doing a Lilith scent, obviously) but I can see others loving it.

  2. Sadly (this is the 2012) I amp tea notes (and one reason I can't wear Dorian as much as I'd love to), so I get mainly dry tea from this. The dry down after a half hour is a pretty, though indescribable scent, but I am not picking up the musk or the sweetness/pinkness in this that some WCers mentioned. Off to swaps, but glad I got to try this one.

  3. A rotting, cracked mahogany balustrade smeared with bloody handprints frames a cascading Imperial staircase that rises unsteadily into oppressive, suffocating shadows.

    I knew this would be a winner, so I am happy to have gotten one unsniffed! Luscious musk with a touch of wood. I think this one will be popular!

  4. I agree with the post above, this is musky/fuzzy goodness, and on the sweet side, which is how I like musks. It reminds me a lot of Elephantine Colossus without the bit of sharpness that one had on me or almost like a sweeter, grapier WILF. Truly gorgeous - if you like musk, you must try this!

  5. On the day when the lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying,
    and I knew it not. My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded.

    Only now and again a sadness fell upon me, and I started up from my
    dream and felt a sweet trace of a strange fragrance in the south wind.

    That vague sweetness made my heart ache with longing and it seemed to
    me that is was the eager breath of the summer seeking for its completion.

    I knew not then that it was so near, that it was mine, and that this
    perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart.

    - Rabindranath Tagore

    The Sacred Lotus represents spiritual illumination, boundless creative regeneration, the mysteries of the cosmos, infinite consciousness, divine love, and purity of spirit, mind, and body.

    I don't know why, but I was expecting a sweet/bubblegum type scent. On the wrist, I get Calvin Klein's Eternity perfume from this one. It's really clean and nice, and seriously, a dupe for Eternity on me. Bizarre! Can't wait to read more reviews!

  6. Our vegetal musk blend that emulates the scent of Siberian musk deer gland secretions. The description doesn't sound sexy, but the scent sure is.

    This is a vegan, cruelty-free perfume. No animals were harmed, fondled, squeezed, prodded, or in any way violated in the making of this accord.

    Wow, am I the first??! This is delicious. It is Snake Oil to me without the sharpness I tend to experience from that blend. This is smooth, silky sexy musk. I am waffling on buying more, it's just that GOOD. The throw is great without being too too much, and I bet this would mix well with a lot of other BPALs I wear. I want to roll around in this! :joy:

  7. I was very lucky to score this on EBAY and pleased the seller (GypsyRoseRed) would be donating some of the money for it back to the CBLDF!


    I don't know why, but the minute this oil was announced I wanted it. :blush:


    I have an older sister who is an awesome artist and she always had some kind of art thing going on. As a kid, we shared a room (think 70's, shag yellow carpet). I got into her pot of india ink and metal pens for it and tried my hand at calligraphy. (yah right.) When she discovered me using them, she was just thanking god I hadn't spilled any. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had gotten it on the furniture or carpet. I don't know why I always remember that. I haven't seen my sister in years, and this, for some reason, made me feel close to her. The crazy thing is, I could not remember what the india ink smelled like and it bothered me, because I tend to remember scents extremely well.


    Wet, it made me think of the office copier room - all copy toner and paper. Dry, I get more paper. I can see people mentioning industrial and machine oil. Those came to my mind too. Not sure if I will wear this, but I see myself sniffing it from time to time and just smiling at the bottle, remembering the fun I used to have with my sister.


    Kudos to Beth for creating such a unique blend, and one that will benefit others too. :)

  8. I too, am getting the watermelon scent on application/dry down. It reminds me a lot of Midway, and I am hoping the throw is longer than Midway's was but this seems like it may need to be slathered as my skin seemed to eat up the bit I used to test. I swear I am getting coconut too but not popcorn (unless it's of the kettle variety)... I really like this and plan to get a bottle once it's for sale. :) If you like sweets, this is for you!! Not your average generic cotton candy scent, that's for sure! I love it.



    THANK YOU GypsyRoseRed for sending me some to test!! :wub2:


    I got a bottle and have another on the way - this oil makes me happy. :)

  9. Thank you to the AMAZING gypsyrosered for sending me some of this to test!!!! :wub2:


    On first whiff, I am taken back in time to my Grandpa's sitting chair, and his candy dish on the side table that was always full of butterscotch candies. When we were little, we called them "Pa-poo candy." The crazy thing is, after he and my Grandma passed, I now have that covered depression glass candy dish. (A replacement, however - the original was broken ((and I thought I would die when it fell off the shelf and shattered)) and after years of searching ebay, I found the exact same one!) And it's where I keep my "special" imps. I swear, BPAL never ceases to amaze me.


    The dry down to me is sweet,very light butterscotch, heavy/dirty patchouli/myrrh and I think I am getting a tiny touch of anise. I agree with the earlier review comparing it to a sweet Banshee Beat. I can totally see that.


    ETA: I love this! :) :lol:

  10. Have any of you ever tried a flavored tootsie roll candy/lolly? This is total raspberry tootsie roll to me (when just applied), with an incense/resin in the background. I have never smelled anything like this and I keep sniffing my wrists trying to figure out what else this smells like. Really different - maybe a bit heavy for the hot summer but I see myself using this when it gets cooler and I want a comforting snuggly scent. :wub2:

  11. I love this but wish it lasted longer on me. I saw the comparisons to LSB but found LSB to be harsher lemon and less cream when I did a side by side comparison. Gobo to me is super smooth, tangerine cream! Really yummy. :wub2:

  12. I am getting a lovely patchouli/dark musk scent with a touch of chocolate sweetness - not much sarsaparilla or other notes to me.... Shocked how clear the oil is when applied when the scent is so rich and dark. I think it will age well. It amazes how different Beth's blends are from each other, even when a lot of familiar notes are used in so many of them. I really like it and am so thankful to my fairy. :wub2:

  13. Mine smells of super strong gardenia bush in full bloom first applied, then the dragon's blood peeks out and cuts it with some honey and mellows it out some, but it's still really strong and possibly a bit too floral for me, sadly.

  14. This is just gorgeous creamy rose, not sharp red rose, but like a bouquet of pink and white ones. Soft rose, if that makes sense - not tea rose either. It is beautiful and makes for a very relaxing bath too. :wub2:

  15. :hugs: fairy!


    Still slightly getting over a cold, so my sniffer might not be able to smell everything just yet. May need to come back a bit later and edit this review. ;)


    On the skin: Slightly woody (my nose thinks sandalwood but it must be the cedar) and vanilla sweet! Wow! This smells great! Slightly soft, but again it could be my nose. A very comforting/warm scent. I just want to wrap myself in this one and take a nap!


    My thoughts exactly!!!! I can see why this one sold out. Omg, it's just awesome! I love the whiff of spun sugar when first applied too, and I thought sandalwood too!! :D

  16. A bath of honeyed petals and sugar-dusted leaves.

    I smell more petals than leaves - this is a honeyed sweet floral to my nose, light and gentle. Almost reminds me of the Philosophy line of some of their perfumes. Light and whispy, and very pretty/feminine! :wub2:

  17. I tried this tonight and was blown away at how prominent the champaca (which I love) was when it hit the water. Sniffing in the bottle, I just got chocolate, which is why I've had it a while and not tested it yet bc it seemed a little boring. Not so when it hit the water - absolutely LOVE it!!!!

  18. This reminds me of Hubba Bubba bubblegum with a little pepper kick first applied. Super light and morphs a lot, as stated above too, as it dries to less bubblegum and more mellow resin/sweet incense. The clove is undetectable to me but it must be adding with the pepper spice. It's definitely a little odd, but intriguing - I keep huffing my wrist!

  19. This is for Smut 2012 - I am so happy I read the reviews for this year's and pounced on a forum sale, because last yr's was way too bitter musk on me. This ones has the sweetness I wanted last year. Sweet, musky love. The Lupers this year are heavenly!!!
