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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by violetblue

  1. 6/24/15- per an email from the lab, this is bottle #8!**


    I bought one hoping for no leather, but that's what I got - all leather and musk to my nose, even after all these yrs not great at notes, esp. leathers bc I don't care for them. Not me, will need to put up for swaps.


    ETA with more dry down the leather goes away and left with brown (not red to my nose) musk it seems.

  2. First of all, Loved to Death packaged very nicely - black tissue paper in the box and sent the precious in a very nice (not cheap looking, like some can be) velveteen bag - very nice touch. :)


    On me, this is very spicy - like a high end expensive candle/tart or spicy room freshener scent they sell for fall or winter. The vanilla is there but very hidden on me. The spices - cinnamon/clove REALLY stand out of my skin (though not sharp at all) as does the beeswax, hence the candle comparison. I'd love this for a room scent, but sadly it isn't working for me as a skin scent. It is very complex and not cheap smelling at all, which i don't mean/want to imply when I mentioned room scent/candle/tart. Just a bit too spicy for me and not what I really look for when wearing perfume oils. I'd say throw is medium to light.

  3. I am amping the rose, sadly. First application I smell the black cherry, but it disappears into a a heady and creamy, but very strong rose. Reminds me of a Red Rose blend or a very potent Katrina Van Tassel!

  4. In The Bottle: I'm reminded heavily of the sweet juniper note in 21 when I put the bottle up to my nose. Nothing but juniper. It's very holiday-like, don't get me wrong. Just not what I was expecting the 'frost' note would be like.


    Wet On Skin: I'm still getting nothing but the snow note at this wet stage. I like it, but I hope to see the vanilla and sandalwood soon...


    Dry Down: Oh, you pesky water and ozone notes. I thought for sure it would be held in check by greater forces but...nope. There is nothing but frost on me. Forever and ever. If the Lab decides to do a vanilla-sandalwood scent on their own, I will be very, very happy. But with my skin chemistry, those more subtle notes simply can't fight their way through the total amping of frost.


    Sigh. Off to swaps you go...

    This can be my review as well. :cry2:No vanilla or sandalwood! Almost soapy/fruity and ozone.

  5. All I get is creamy jasmine/orchid, which is a death note on me. I got this anyways in hopes it'd be subtle, but not in my 1/2 bottle. I had high hopes - if the jasmine/orchid wasn't so strong, it'd probably be a winner, as I love the lab's cream note. Wish it was in more things. :( I get no peach or frank.


    Dyrdown is a delicious candyish scent and the florals lessen, but sadly it doesn't work for me. Off to swaps.

  6. Smoldering scrolls and melted wax tablets.


    I never can do wax and Bpal. Until now. This is just gorgeous. Like soft incense and candles. I hope to read more reviews bc I can't figure out what it is I love so much about this one. Wish I had taken a chance on a bottle. :(

  7. Pink roses, sugared pomegranate, apple blossom, white ginger, and velvet-white vanilla.

    I posted this elsewhere, but had to add it here too:

    Just used some tonight, omg, they have outdone themselves on these - 3rd time's a charm I always say! The first time they did bath salts, they had kinda big sharp hurty salts in leaky bags, the 2nd round was fine powder and mine had next to no smell - these, now, are perfect - awesome sized salts (not too big or too small and none pointy), loaded up and juicy with oils and very strong, yay!! The jars are really cute too and a good size!

    I used two small handfulls in my tub and it smelled great and there's still a ton left. I like strong scented baths so I always use more than recommended, but I restrained myself with these and it was still pretty strong! I have never had a bath product morph but this one did - so delicious - first was rosy, than vanilla candy, then a sweet floral. It was one of the most heavenly baths I've taken in a while, and I use a lot of different bath stuff in the tub!!!

    Now I need to budget so I can get a bunch more before they are gone.

  8. I am so glad I got backups of this without even smelling it. So glad. As I always say, I am horrible at notes, but this reminds me of a sweeter WILF, less pungent (I can see the Feed Me comparison too)- it's that Massoia Bark, perhaps? Absolutely love it, excellent throw without being overbearing - I do like my oils strong and this doesn't disappoint! :wub2:

  9. Reminds me of a softer, paler version of Snow White. Soooooo pretty!

    This for me, but with an off, chemically, mint that doesn't fade for quite a while(and I am not big on perfume with mint). :( I so wish I got the cotton candy/Midway smell others are getting.

  10. I love this, very comforting as others have said. The man smelled baby powder, and I guess I do too, but it's not the kind I don't like. I wish there was a bath oil in this blend, total night time go to sleep bath oil it would be. I just slathered some on and want to take a nap now. The lavender isn't sharp n me which is a plus!

  11. This vamp's secret to eternal youth: red musk, black patchouli, rose milk, and sugar blossom.

    This is dark, patchouli HEAVEN. Reminds me a little of Spellbound (roses), but heavy on the patch. Oil is dark and it smells strong, which I like. I can smell it faintly on my skin and hour after the bath. I may have to get more of this!!! :wub2: I smell good and feel very relaxed after have used it! Of all the bath oils I have tried with patchouli, I think I like this one the best! :joy:

    ETA Weird, I used this again last night and the red musk dominated - either way, I love it!

  12. For me, the Sumatran Red wins this race hands down - it's kickass but also warm and cuddly and voluptuous and smooth, where this East African Black is kickass in a slap-your-face harsh and sharp way. And whilst they definitely both have my beloved stinky hippy thing going on... Sumatran Red is the kind of hippy who takes you back to his cosy cabin in the forest to smoke some bowls, listen to Pink Floyd and make pancakes - East African Black is the kind of hippy who takes you back to his van in the trailer park, puts LSD in your hot chocolate and makes you listen to all his Beatles records played backwards.

    So much this, lol!!!

    Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending,
    With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending,
    Thus Your Fairy is Made of Most Beautiful Things

    Inspired by the moment in time frozen in this photo - my fairy child, laughing and playing amongst gargantuan flowers. An ethereal, iridescent, twilit scent, sparkling with mystery and innocent joy: white patchouli with provence rose, delicate freesia, pink tuberose, jasmine sambac, orange blossom, butterfly musk, vanilla orchid, and delicate spices.

    I joined a decant circle for the Lilith blends because I wanted them all, but after reading the reviews, I knew this would be a bottle purchase unsniffed and glad I thought so - I ordered 9/18 and got it today! Now for the review: sophisticated and one of the more commercial smelling BPALs which there aren't a lot of to my nose - and I don't mean it in a negative way at all. I think A LOT of people will like this one, as it's edgy but still not something that a person might freak on and think it's too strong or headshoppy (patchouli component) or anything like that. I wish I could describe it better, but it's absolutely lovely! Balanced perfectly. :wub2:

    ETA No notes stick out for me or make a huge presence, it just blends into one gorgeous scent - I can see people picking this for a signature oil! For anyone wondering, I do not smell rose at all.

    ETA2: I figured out what this reminds me a bit of- Eternity for Women by CK. The description of that perfume is: A contemporary floral bouquet of freesia, white lily, narcissus and sandalwood.

  14. Bourbon vanilla and 10-year aged frankincense.

    I had no idea what to expect out of this but I was still unprepared for it - I swear, it's Lush's American Cream scent in oil form. Drove me nuts for a few mins because I knew I knew the scent - and that's exactly what it is on me! :) I'm so curious to hear other reviews now.
    ETA I stink at notes but I swear am getting benzoin like mad from this blend and it's not listed.... :eek: Reminds me a bit of Lilith Vs the Giant Crab without the sweet fruit.

    Realllly not my thing. :( I ended up selling my bottle.