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Posts posted by Suusje

  1. I'm getting confused with the Black Lace labels. :( Which one is this one pictured below? Is it the Res. or the Original?


    I'm not sure if you're still interested in this one since stellans already showed her Tattered Lace, but I took a picture the other day of the Lace-family.



    Sorry for the late response, this is Blace Lace Res.

  2. Such an odd scent. It's sweeter than expected. When it's wet it's all grapes and wine. But when it dries there's definitely something lurking in the background and I can't seem to identify it, it's not really smokey, it's not really incensy, it could be the olive leaf...whatever it is, it just makes is rounder. It's not scent I'd normally wear but it's oddly intriguing.

  3. When it's wet it smells like cocoa, cardamom a hint of patchouli and something lemony. Rose has a tendency to go lemony on me and I'm pretty sure it's the guilty one here as well. When it dries everything just settles down and it turns into a very soft patchouli and vanilla scent. I totally didn't see that coming, but it's really pretty. I wonder what aging will bring to this scent.

  4. When first applied I can only smells the dirt and grass, but the leather quickly emerges and it pretty much stays that way: dirt, grass and leather.


    Edit: Now I get the apple-vibe that others have mentioned, but I think it's the lemon peaking through and mixing with the grass.

  5. This one really scared me from the bottle, it was straight up root beer. I was really reluctant to try it but I went for it anyway. There was a really strong root beer smell when it was wet, but it quickly started morphing into licorice. Yeah, totally didn't see that one coming. And then it just started to get softer and softer with a hint of licorice. Very nice.
