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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Los Angeles is being mean to me today.

  2. I think this has healed enough for me to show it off now. My ankle haz a seismogram! http://twitpic.com/2tonz7

  3. Seriously bizarre clouds going on right now. Weather folks: are these those mammatus clouds? We due for a storm? http://yfrog.com/mwuz9uj

  4. Oh Riverside burrito. You only wish you could be a Mission burrito! You aspire to something so high, and you fail so hard...

  5. You are kidding me, Joann Fabrics. Christmas music? CHRISTMAS MUSIC?! It is SEPTEMBER! It was 109 DEGREES yesterday! What is WRONG with you?

  6. Ma-an, with everyone moving their blogs, I feel left out. Hah. Maybe a switch of platform will help shove me into the realm of posting more.

  7. September 28 IS, however, the anniversary of the 2004 Parkfield quake. That event was "predicted" to come between 1985 and 1995. Oops, yeah?

  8. ONE HUNDRED AND NINE DEGREES, Riverside? Really? Insult to injury much?

  9. I think there was some sort biting insect in my left shoe for that whole drive. There are four fresh bites on my foot. Dammit.

  10. I love you, San Francisco.

  11. I have probably had more than my fair share of coffee today...

  12. Left DP on foot when J did. Made it to my usual stop without another J passing. Muni, did I really outwalk you, and on a sore foot to boot?

  13. Just heard a car crash into something, which prompted most of the people in Dolores Park to start cheering.

  14. I probably shouldn't be contemplating making an actual website for my anthropomorphized cityscape comics this close to when classes start...


    #Muni crime watch: now employing guard cats. http://twitpic.com/2rb5qt


  16. Ooh. As of five seconds ago, I haz teh #newtwitter.

  17. Giving back the keys to the rock friction lab. Until next summer, USGS.

  18. Last call on this: suggest things for me to draw on the last page of my sketchbook! There's still room! I'll fit what I can!

  19. Aaand high-res copies of figures submitted! Huzzah! I am really ready to be done with this thing and see it in print... #sciwrite

  20. My attention span for making high-resolution versions of the figures for my paper is basically at zero. #sciwrite

  21. Saw a Faultline Plumbing truck on 280 this morning. Their logo is a seismogram. Yessssss.

  22. I really should sleep - BUT! I still have space for things on this last sketchbook page! What should I draw on it? I'll fit in what I can.

  23. Earlier today: tourist on a bike crashed into me on GGB. I wonder if she had trouble seeing me because I was wearing international orange.

  24. Today is the anniversary of the 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquake.
