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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Garlock-cat is in the spirit for today! Happy Halloween, and GO #SFGiants! http://yfrog.com/4bx15pj

  2. I admit it. Even though I had a lot of fun last night, I'm bummed that I don't have an actual day-of-Halloween costume event to go to.

  3. As it turns out, going as a character that is rather obscure (or unexpected) and is your own design can win you "most original costume."

  4. Mine is not the only San Francisco-related costume at this party! (And we're in Los Angeles County!)

  5. I should count how many sparklepires, Na'vi, and Gagas I see this weekend. (Also, how many sparkling Na'vi-pires in Gaga dresses.)

  6. I repeat: I wish so hard that I were in San Francisco right now. (Holy shutout, Batman! #SFGiants)

  7. Exactly one year ago, I was walking on active lava flows in Hawai'i.

  8. OH: "The Rangers just need one touchdown to tie it up."

  9. YESSSSSS. Zomg. RT @alyankovic Working on my big Macarena parody. That’s still relevant, right?

  10. It'll be interesting to see, when the Indonesia quake location is clearer, if it's in that spot that was expected to be next for rupture.

  11. D'aww. The little baby basalt rock that I scooped, still-molten, out of a lava flow is one year old today!

  12. Favorite songs about San Francisco (or the Bay Area in general)! Go!

  13. So, I'm going to have to have layover in Paris. Do I extend the layover, spend slightly less time in Milan, and actually visit Paris?

  14. Finally finished this drawing I started last Sunday! Personified SF cityscape characters reacting to Loma Prieta: http://fav.me/d31gvkk

  15. Continuing with my tendency to carve unusual animals on pumpkins, I think I'll make a lemur-o-lantern this year.

  16. Dammit I wish I were in San Francisco right now.

  17. Every coffee place I've gone to on campus in the past two weeks has screwed up my order. Grrrr.

  18. I do not want to have to go to rehearsal until this game is over! But I don't want it to end quickly or badly so I can go sooner. #SFGiants

  19. ShakeOut drill and outreach fair are over for the year. All went well! Really good turnout. (And now I'm exhausted.)

  20. Today is the anniversary of the M6.8 1868 Hayward earthquake. It was known as the Great San Francisco Earthquake up until 18 April 1906.

  21. Argh have to go to rehearsal but still have to make the Christchurch poster and the intro poster and maybe a Chile poster if there's time...

  22. Making posters comparing Haiti/Christchurch/El Mayor/Loma Prieta EQs for #ShakeOut outreach fair. Similar magnitude, very different effects.

  23. The pre- #ShakeOut talk on campus emergency planning and seismic hazard was very good! Shame so few people showed up.

  24. Driving through The Grapevine in a rain-and-lightning storm in the dark: everyone's FAVORITE way to spend a Monday evening, right? Oy.

  25. Guy at the next gas pump saw my license plate and asked if I'm a geologist. Turns out he's a geologist too. Win!
