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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Song I composed in 2006 with words from Stephen Vincent Benet's "John Brown's Body": http://bit.ly/bHloHf #RemembranceDay

  2. Fault models are running. Rehearsal soon. Afterward, I should NaNo, but I also want to finish that #SFGiants/SF landmarks pic I started...

  3. Just registered for #AGU10! Always need to remind myself that hotel booking plus presentation confirmation doesn't equal registered...

  4. Well crap. Didn't get the USGS grant for the San Jacinto models. Here's hoping SCEC grant attempt two goes through...

  5. Now that I'm getting back in the habit writing extra non-school stuff for NaNoWriMo, I think I'll revitalize the geoblog come December.

  6. Adding to NaNoWriMo wordcount by describing Muni lines and their associated failings for the WIN. Still behind, but less so than before.

  7. It's really pretty depressing to be walking home from the lab in near darkness. Urg.

  8. I still cannot hear people talk scientifically about El Niño without wanting to interject "El Niño is Spanish for...THE NIÑO!"

  9. I hate how early it got dark. It already feels like it's 10 PM or something! (But at least that's more time to write?)

  10. Back in Riverside. Far too tired to write tonight. I think tomorrow is going to be a very NaNoWriMo day.

  11. I would say that was a successful recording session! Woo!

  12. Noooo! We broke the coffeepot! I can't play music well without coffee!

  13. Our bass player keeps breaking into fits of giggling. It's not going to be easy to get to sleep.

  14. This smell is not going away. It has more of an exhaust note now, though...

  15. Fun happeh L.A. freeway tiems! At this rate, we'll hit San Jose on Monday.

  16. Today is the anniversary of the 1952 M9.0 Kamchatka earthquake.

  17. You're just thinking about going into music to be like someone else. Be yourself! And apply to college in California. #tweetyour16yroldself

  18. Hotel reservation for the fault zone mechanics conference in Padua is booked! This is feeling much more real now. So excited!

  19. Just spilled freshly ground coffee all over myself. It's a Folger's Law kind of morning. (And they were Philz beans, too - what a loss!)

  20. My grandmother died this morning. I'm both very sad and a bit relieved, since she'd had bad Alzheimer's for so very long. RIP, Granny. <3

  21. The Santa Ana riverbed is on fire. Oh, Riverside: so hot and dry that the rivers have fire and not water.

  22. NaNo wordcount was a bust for today, due to being sad over not spending summer 2011 in San Francisco. But tomorrow is another day!

  23. Oh, another excuse for me to head up to SF next year: Bay to Breakers! Duh! That's already at least five things!

  24. Application filed for a graduate student association travel grant for going to AGU. Fingers crossed!

  25. So, yes. I dressed as the anthropomorphic personification of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge for Halloween. http://twitpic.com/32sjc1
