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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. The hostel I'm staying at is called "Hostel California." Everyone here has been amused when I tell them I'm actually from California.

  2. Ugh, how is it only 7:30? I think I'm mostly over the jet lag, but this weather is making me want to sleep.

  3. A bunch of geophysicists in a room of Giotto frescos will pay as much attention to the rendering of fake marble as to the actual scenes.

  4. Also, the Spanish is buried under the Russian from high school and the German from undergrad. The only Italian I "know" comes from music.

  5. Yeah, that espresso at 11 PM was a terrible idea. Let's see if I can be attentive through six talks about landslides on 3.5 hours of sleep.

  6. (Actually, this entire conference has been very heavy on the espresso. I am not complaining!)

  7. (I would be more actively live-tweeting this, except there isn't wireless in the actual conference room.)

  8. Also: the conference venue was built in the late 1400s. Galileo taught at this university. Whoa.

  9. OH BOY navigating a city I've never been to before in dense fog!

  10. For the record, I had no creepy TSA issues getting to my flight. LAX security line was short, too! (The line at Heathrow, however...Aaaah!)

  11. Ahh why is it only 6 PM? I would like to go to bed NOW! #DamnYouTimeZones

  12. Aaaaahh they played Twilight trivia on the screens after the in-flight movie. Why, American Airlines?! WHYYY?!

  13. I cannot believe I made it to the plane on time. Screw you, 91 freeway!

  14. OH: "I'm religious for Bear Grylls. Hey, it's better than believing in God. At least I can see him!"

  15. Guh. It looks like it's supposed to rain the entire time I'm going to be in Italy.

  16. Another for the "could not resist drawing this" files! http://fav.me/d32vsxq RT @SutroTVTower The Transamerica Pyramid is my teenage dream.

  17. With all this talk of TSA creepiness on Twitter today, let me tell you, I'm not looking forward to flying on Tuesday.

  18. One of my neighbors is screaming and slamming things around. I fear for our soft-first-story building.

  19. 3409 words for #NaNoWriMo today. Aw yeah! (Still behind, but catching up!)

  20. OH: "I don't make cupcakes! I make babies!"

  21. Holy crap. RT @rockbandit Insane video of a landslide in Brazil destroying a port: http://is.gd/h0CUq

  22. Holy crap, I leave for Italy on Tuesday! How did that get here so quickly? (Need to finish my powerpoint...)

  23. I guess I totally failed at writing anything for #NaNoWriMo today. Well. There's the weekend, and the upcoming long plane ride...

  24. ATTENTION @burritojustice! There is a @SutroTVTower. Oh man. Hahaha yesss.
