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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. AHA! My suspicions about the color of this wall on campus have been confirmed! http://yfrog.com/0dkkptj http://yfrog.com/9d6wx0j

  2. Andreas-cat has pulled a pair of jeans from my hamper and is trying to fit himself into one of the legs.

  3. I will be back in San Francisco in a week! YAY!

  4. I am sitting between two people who are scared of bridges. I am currently wearing a shirt with a picture of the Bay Bridge on it. Awkward...

  5. You might be a seismologist if you're outright disappointed that you haven't felt an earthquake in nearly six months.

  6. There is a big formidable "Structural Maintenance And Repair" truck parked next to the geology building. I wonder what happened...

  7. Aaand I have submitted my comments on the proofs for my paper. Phew! #sciwrite

  8. Oh wow, it is really cool looking at this paper in a Published In A Journal format after staring at it in Word for months. #sciwrite

  9. Can I just say how much I adore that there are a bajillion SF landmarks on Twitter, especially since I've been drawing these guys for ages?

  10. After #NaNoWriMo is over, I will finally finish that huge SF landmark personifications World Series pic. Not too late to celebrate, right?

  11. (The cats are no worse for the wear, fortunately. They are, in fact, still plenty chubby, and very snuggly today.)

  12. This guy in the bookstore /better/ be a Santa for some actual event, because otherwise, that beard and sweater are TOO much holiday spirit.

  13. Today is going to be aaaaaall about #NaNoWriMo. Yesss. (Also, probably about a lot of coffee.)

  14. Tons of food, mulled wine, and jetlag. I sense an impending nap. Aw yeah.

  15. After all my being surprised by how cold it was in Milan, it got just as cold in Riverside last night. Ah, the desert in winter...

  16. I have been awake for 24 hours aaaaahh. (And 15 of them were spent on airplanes.)

  17. I have been awake for 24 hours aaaaahh. (And 15 of them were spent on airplanes.)

  18. 4284 words for #NaNoWriMo between MXP and JFK. Only stopped because battery ran out. Let's see what I get between JFK and LAX!

  19. You know what I really don't feel like doing? Getting on another plane in a few hours!

  20. Look what you did, #NaNoWriMo! I'm awake past 3 AM again!

  21. Trying to figure out how many days before #AGU10 starts I should get to San Francisco.

  22. There's a pug dog at this hostel. It snores while it's awake.

  23. Oh man. Just slept for 10 hours. I feel pretty awesome, though this means there's only 6 hours of daylight left for exploring today.
