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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Quoth @etesla, "Muni seats are the most comfortable seats in this city for me." Say what?

  2. YES. THIS. EXACTLY THIS. Aaahh. RT @Allochthonous New post: How the conference presentation was done. http://bit.ly/eUMWd2

  3. My advisor is awesome. He's taking my #AGU10 posters back to Riverside so I don't have to haul them to the east coast & pay bag check fees.

  4. Watching "Megafault" with @etesla and @stesla. Only ten minutes in, and I can't stop screaming at the TV.

  5. Climbing Telegraph Hill stairs with two bags and a poster tube == Not awesome.

  6. Whoa, car versus pickup versus SUV versus light pole. Amazingly, only the light pole looks badly damaged.

  7. Guess who brilliantly forgot to empty his water bottle before going through the security checkpoint...

  8. Still in the lab. Still waiting for my turn to print. Still need to do laundry when I get home.

  9. What the crap? Where are the different slip rate figures? I remember making these figures! Why don't I have them? AHH!

  10. Hallelujah, Matlab lives!


  12. Huzzah, just got my reimbursement for the Italy conference! That was fast - which is a very good thing.

  13. 9:30 PM and just leaving the lab. Huzzah #AGU10 prep!

  14. You might be a geophysicist if you see "Benioff" in the trending topics and immediately think of subduction zones.

  15. I dropped some uncooked pasta on the floor, and Garlock-cat ate some of it before I could pick it up. What is this, cat?

  16. Just set up 40 fault models to run overnight. Whoosh. Glad the 2D ones don't take very long to run. I'd be screwed otherwise!

  17. After ALL THAT run time and post-processing, NONE of the ruptures even NUCLEATED? AAAARGH!

  18. Models are running. It's pouring outside. Tonight, I WILL finish that World Series drawing, gosh darnit! (Only started it over a month ago.)

  19. In the lab on a rainy Sunday night. Yessiree, #AGU10 cometh...

  20. Walked into Coffee Depot and encoutered the set for a student murder mystery film. Tape outline on the floor and everything. Whoa.

  21. I am actually COOKING something FROM SCRATCH. What is this world coming to?

  22. So, I get back to San Francisco at around 4 PM on Thursday!

  23. Who just spent $0 on a round trip ticket from California to the East Coast? Aw yeahhhh! (Huzzah for travel vouchers, people. HUZZAH.)
