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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. So maybe clambering around on wet red chert while wearing light grey jeans was a bad idea...

  2. Some guy is taking a photo of every slide in this talk. Not ok, dude! #AGU10

  3. I think I may have caught the ubiquitous Conference Cold. Sniff sniff cough whine, etc.

  4. Just had someone try to convince me that compressional stepovers don't exist. When I listed some real-world examples, he walked away. #AGU10

  5. Bay Bridge tower segment is all moved over. They're lowering it now. http://yfrog.com/gzmp9qmj

  6. Need to know amount of slip to link paleoseismic evidence as one big EQ instead of a cluster of smaller ones. #AGU10

  7. Staying in a hotel room that faces Powell Street --> three nights in a row of dreams involving cable cars

  8. Yeah. It feels weird and wrong to be staying in a /hotel/ in San Francisco after living here all summer.

  9. Most seismologists are excited to pick up a M7.2, but it's frustrating to people who work on ambient noise. Heh. #AGU10

  10. I can see the crane moving over @YerbaBuena_Isle from Pier 14, but I can't see any of what it's actually lifting. (cc @SFBayBridge)

  11. This study puts 75% of moment release on San Andreas and 25% on San Jacinto. But what about Elsinore, especially lately? #AGU10

  12. "That's something Hollywood needs to do - take spectacle and fill it with substance." --screenwriter of Deep Impact #AGU10

  13. "I've done two films with science...ish themes." --director of "The Core" #AGU10

  14. Supervolcanoes are awesome, but they cannot be appropriately described in Comic Sans. #AGU10

  15. Of COURSE the science blogging panel is at the same time as my poster session on Thursday. Grrr argh. #AGU10

  16. There's someone wandering around the poster session in a kilt. Rock on, whoever you are! #AGU10

  17. Why, 8 AM poster session, whyyy? Not quite ready to sleep, but I probably should try... #AGU10

  18. Just walked up and down Telegraph and Nob Hills, now heading back into SoMa for the #AGU10 social media soiree. See you all soon!

  19. Peninsulas on overriding plates also seem to correspond with rupture endpoints pretty often. Hm. #AGU10

  20. ARGH, no way I'll to make it to the stress field session. Should be ok for the rupture segmentation in subduction zones one, though. #AGU10

  21. Well, so much for that string of good Muni timing luck...

  22. Pack of Christmas light-bedecked motorcycles rolling up Market Street, you rock.

  23. Any functional/useful writing I started earlier and intended to finish got sidetracked by "Dante's Peak." Tomorrow, I must finish this!
