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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Drawing: Cable Car-olers! Because of course they sing that particular carol. http://fav.me/d35obr7 (cc @SF_CableCar)

  2. Aw dude. Forecast of 6 to 10 inches of snow tomorrow?! I am SO building a Snow San Francisco when this is over.

  3. Christmas presents: successfully wrapped. This is earlier than usual for me.

  4. Drawing: Inspired by @mostlylisa's awesome photo, the personification of @SFBayBridge standing under a rainbow. http://fav.me/d35jrps

  5. The storms in southern California are making the news even in Washington DC. Glad I'm not there right now, and hoping my friends are all ok.

  6. (Unlike last year's Snow Los Angeles, I will not proceed to inflict snow faults or snow volcanoes on it. It will stay standing.)

  7. AAAARGH my brother has pulled out the animals singing Christmas carols CD. MARK MY WORDS, BROTHER, THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!

  8. It is 12:40 AM, and my brother is blasting '60s Motown through the entire house. I like the music, but good thing I'm not trying to sleep...

  9. Antibiotics: acquired. If only they worked instantly!

  10. Okay, sinus infection. You've had your fun taking over my head, but today, I'm getting some antibiotics and we're going to END THIS.

  11. Totality in northern Virginia: moon is still visible, deep warm red-brown all over. Gorgeous! Glad for the clear skies, even with the cold.

  12. Dear sinuses. I am tired of this crap. Please stop hurting so I can focus on writing and drawing! #kvetch #moan

  13. I hate the kind of sinus infection that makes your teeth and jaw hurt. That sucks even more than regular sinus infections. #kvetch #whine

  14. Ooh. United says I get a $100 flight voucher as an apology for the delay yesterday. This for a flight I already paid for with vouchers! Win!


  16. Whoosh. Even with the delay, merely flying across the United Stated feels so short, now that I flew to and from Europe twice this year.

  17. Airplanefail: even more irritating than Munifail.

  18. The Colorado definition of "avocado" appears to be "green goopy spread." Poor deprived Coloradans! #spoiledCalifornian

  19. Leaving San Francisco == bad. Leaving San Francisco and arriving in EAST COAST WINTER == worse.

  20. Rain or not, I don't want to stay inside and pack up my stuff. Packing means I'm leaving soon. I don't want to leave!

  21. Another use for duct tape: marking fault slickenlines. #AGU10
