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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. So, driving 90 miles in dense fog starting at 1AM? Not the best thing evar.

  2. International orange Hummer! (Loses points by being a Hummer, but color wins.)

  3. Today is the anniversary of the M6.7 1994 Northridge earthquake and the M6.9 1995 Kobe earthquake.

  4. .@aphalloides But do YOU have a nautical-themed pashmina afghan?

  5. We totally just karaoke'd "I'm On A Boat," and now it's seeping into all the other songs. Mwahahaha!

  6. YEAH, #STEELERS! Now, do that two more times!

  7. COME ON, #STEELERS. Down by two touchdowns? This is not ok!

  8. See you tomorrow evening, San Francisco!

  9. Sooo, our gamelan group might be going to Java in June. Whoaaaaa.

  10. YES! It IS just as easy as I'd hoped to put LOTS of faults in one model with this code! Modeling more complex geometries WIN!

  11. You know you want @formidonis to draw a free icon-sized picture of one of your characters! http://djinni.livejournal.com/282438.html

  12. So, our guest speaker who was supposed to give a 2 PM talk? He's still not here. Aaahh!

  13. The M7.0 Haiti earthquake was one year ago today. Amazing it's been so long already, and so sad how little has improved in that time.

  14. Earthquakes in the Bay Area: they never happen when I personally am in the Bay Area.

  15. Both abstracts are submitted! Hallelujah!

  16. Second abstract sent to coauthors! No problems with length on this one, since I went into it fully aware of the 2000-character limit.

  17. ARGH, I have to cut this abstract down to 2000 characters! If only I could use Twitter strategies like replacing "and" with "&."

  18. Dear dynamic models. If you run any slower, you might start UNDOING the earthquake. Shape up! Love, tomorrow's conference abstract deadline.

  19. Today is a day for writing conference abstracts.

  20. Here you go! http://fav.me/d36t8vi RT @SutroTVTower Artists: Someone Photoshop (or draw) me using an iPhone 4 please :D

  21. Hey @mcmoots! Do you, perchance, have a favorite shortish Javanese mud volcano paper?

  22. Going hiking in the Box Springs mountains! Interested to see how the landscape changed after last week's storms. I've heard it's drastic.

  23. Performance was a success! Was out rather longer than expected afterward, though. Cue using Friday to catch up on unfinished Thursday stuff!
