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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Yesterday was the anniversary of the M8.8 1906 Colombia earthquake, tied for fifth largest ever recorded with last year's Chile quake.

  2. But why the heck is my San Jacinto Fault abstract in a session mostly on seismotectonics of the Caribbean?

  3. Oh boy. I get to re-run every single model I ran last week because of a grid-dependence issue! Yaaaaaaay. #not

  4. Oh Em Gee. This is fantastic! I miss SF... RT @SpotsUnknown Sweet video flyover of San Francisco shot with GoPro HD. http://is.gd/PIIVf6

  5. Photo from two weeks ago: Seems like one of the bridge painters was getting a little meta, or a little recursive. http://twitpic.com/3v39dh

  6. New sheets have been on the bed for maybe 30 minutes, and the cats have already claimed them. http://yfrog.com/hssbzbej

  7. So of COURSE I find a parking place the second my friends' taiko performance ENDS.

  8. I think Andreas-cat is confused because I put more books on the new bookshelf. He had been using it as a catshelf previously...

  9. I think I just convinced half of our Renaissance music ensemble to come to Bay To Breakers. Mooooahahah!

  10. Aaaahh! My first ever journal article is actually printed now! So excited! http://www.bssaonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/101/1/385?mtoc

  11. Oh jeez, they're playing the Macarena in this restaurant. Aaaaaahhh!!!

  12. Our class discussion on earthquakes triggering Yellowstone geysers transitioned into a discussion on Diet Coke and Mentos. (cc @Mythbusters)

  13. Today is the anniversary of the ~M9.0 1700 Cascadia earthquake.

  14. I wonder, should I make some sort of actual proper website for my personified San Francisco landmark drawings, instead of just dA?

  15. Even now, I still feel like I'm shouldn't be doing math in pen. My elementary school teachers would so disapprove!


  17. What is this "January" of which you speak?

  18. Drawing: @OneRincon is NOT a fan of the Sharper Image's Ionic Breeze! http://fav.me/d37vy6k

  19. Oh jeez, I found a song about @SutroTVTower controlling people's minds. Hahahaha. (cc @burritojustice)

  20. I can tell we're having a Santa Ana Wind kind of day before I even go outside because my stupid allergies are acting up. Bleah.

  21. Half of the department is off at a workshop in Pasadena. It's bizarrely empty around our lab.

  22. I will be in Portland (Oregon, not Maine) from 25 February through 11 March. Whee!

  23. Guess who just managed to cut his foot on the edge of a cardboard box? #agility #gracefulness #poise

  24. Oh NO, there's a sign that says "Car Wrecking -->" next to the field where I flipped my car in 2007. Hahahah.
