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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Just went into the science and tech branch of Powell's. If I don't reappear in California on Thursday, you know where to look for me!

  2. International orange bridge!!! http://t.co/OtKdk6p

  3. Oh wow, the sun is actually sort of out! Today would have been wander-aimlessly-around-Portland day anyway, but this makes it better!

  4. Hey, @Mount_Rainier, do any other Cascade volcanoes tweet? Seems like something people here at CVO would want to know... #volcanomonitoring

  5. Finally got a good view of most of Mt. Hood this morning! YAY! (And if it clears up more, might be able to see Mt. St. Helens!)

  6. Got to hear a really cool talk on the features and geological history of Crater Lake. Really neat story, and really slick images.

  7. Oh jeez there is a Twilight joke on the CVO bulletin board... WHYYYY?

  8. Yesterday was the first anniversary of the M8.8 Chile earthquake, and I totally forgot to tweet about it at the time. Fail.

  9. Today is the 10th anniversary of the M6.8 Nisqually, Washington earthquake.

  10. A bunch of cars with snow on them are driving by, but there's none on the parked cars. Did it only snow in /half/ of Portland, or something?

  11. Oh jeez I don't know if I want a nap first or food first. (And I should do both before I dare set foot in Powell's.)

  12. My flight is delayed because SoCal lacks plane de-icing equipment. Fantastic...

  13. Epic pre-leaving-for-Portland cleaning of the apartment so as to not be embarrassing to the catsitter starts NOW.

  14. It's snowing in San Francisco! I wish I could be there to see it! (Definitely need to draw that picture now, though.)

  15. Video of ground motion from a simulated M8.0 quake on the entire southern San Andreas --> lots of nervous laughter

  16. Ahahah, my advisor is giving a talk and he said something about how he might be anthropomorphizing faults too much. Am I rubbing off on him?

  17. Yay, I just learned how to say "earthquake" in yet another language! (In Swahili, it's "tetemoko.")

  18. In Pomona for the SCEC Dynamic Rupture Code Validation Workshop.

  19. Uh. Just heard they're shutting down the power in the geology building due to an electrocution. WTF?!

  20. I have enough ideas for a personified-SF-landmarks-dealing-with-snow picture that I may have to draw it even if it /doesn't/ snow. #MuniSnow

  21. Yay, all travel and lodging is booked for Portland! Should start on Memphis plans early to avoid suddenly-more-expensive flights, though.

  22. Damn. This is main symbol cathedral of city, right? RT @Yorrike Oh no. RT @senaz Cathedral in ChCh destroyed #eqnz http://twitpic.com/42e3le

  23. Clearly, all of the arias from "La Traviata" are going to be stuck in my head /forever/.

  24. 40 minutes until downbeat for Traviata! I'm excited!
