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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Pouring rain all night at Carrizo Plain + Getting stuck in mud in Parkfield (needed tractor tow) = We're staying in a motel tonight

  2. So I apparently get some 3G coverage on the Carrizo Plain. Weird!

  3. Saturday: Uplifted marine terraces, maybe Loma Prieta Peak, other coast ranges things en route back to Riverside.

  4. Parking space on Nob Hill victory is MINE! I see you, @TransamericaBdg!

  5. This wind sounds like it's screaming. It's pretty disconcerting.

  6. Driving back to San Francisco in this weather tomorrow is going to be /interesting/, isn't it?

  7. Ahahaha. Epic epic California geography fail! RT @LAist Flipped-Out CNN Map Puts L.A. in the Bay: http://t.co/wAqBAW7

  8. Overheard at next table: "...building suspension bridges over the fault..." Trying SO HARD not to turn around and invade the conversation!

  9. Someone at Irish pub said I looked nerdy & asked what I study. I told him & we ended up conversing about tsunami generation/propagation.

  10. I do like bagpipes, but they are very much /not/ indoor instruments!

  11. Working on a design for @wearetherethere while my data is post-processing. Yeah, multitasking!

  12. YAY! Funding for our San Jacinto Fault/precarious rocks project also went through!

  13. Still waiting to hear whether or not the ground motion/precarious rocks project got funded, though.

  14. Holy crap. I didn't realize Sendai was one of Riverside's sister cities.

  15. All of my hotel and flight plans are booked for the SSA conference in April! Whoohoo! See you then, Memphis!

  16. So SO very true! RT @mactavish RT @MiddleAgedMezzo: Pay attention people, tsunami watch doesn't mean go watch the tsunami. #crescentCity

  17. Overheard at the supermarket: "I'm out of bottled water. I really need more for my earthquake kit." Yessssss!

  18. M4.6 under KÄ«lauea could very well be related to continued magma intrusion and fissuring after weekend eruption, yes? Anyone have details?

    1. Odinite


      That sounds really interesting. I might have to dig for info on it. Have you heard about the M8.9 in Japan?

  19. My talk went well! Lots of interesting questions, and good conversations afterward!

  20. In my sheer agility and grace, I have managed to cut my finger on a doorknob. Do you not envy my brilliance here?

  21. OH MAN. SO COOL. RT @PuukoholaNPS Here they are! The newest videos from Hawaii's New Fissure eruption http://ht.ly/49s8d

  22. I'm pretty sure this is @SutroTVTower's cousin or something... http://twitpic.com/471ahm

  23. So maybe walking for three hours in a brand new pair of shoes was a bad idea. #ow
