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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. It seems to be doing something very snow-like in Riverside...

  2. In SoCal? Like Indonesian music? Orkes Pantai Barat, UCR's keroncong band, releases album at Division 9 Gallery in Riverside tonight at 8!

  3. This does not bode well for our outdoor keroncong performance tonight... http://plixi.com/p/90410469

  4. Apparently the 1994 Northridge quake didn't rupture the /entire/ blind thrust fault whose very existence it highlighted.

  5. Very VERY late drawing: Snowpocalypse SF! http://fav.me/d3dc61p (@SFFerryBuilding @SFBayBridge @TransAmericaBdg @SF_CableCar @Waves_SF)

  6. Finally in the home stretch on the SF Snowpocalypse picture I started back in February. Super late, but getting there!

  7. I still find the list of evidence for plate tectonics really exciting, no matter how many times I hear it described.

  8. Apparently it is a Thing to stand outside the big lecture hall and scream. This has happened every lecture so far. It's getting old, guys!

  9. Tonight is one of those nights where seeing other people's tweets about San Francisco is reminding me all more that I'm not there right now.

  10. The M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah (Mexico) earthquake was one year ago today.

  11. Right. Let's try this again. Driving @SFBayBridge's new east span, hopefully right-side up this time. http://yfrog.us/i3stzz

  12. Riverside has a stone lantern from Sendai. We should do a tsunami benefit concert here. http://plixi.com/p/89122197

  13. There are so many people wearing Dodgers hats and shirts in class today, but as a TA, I dare not say anything... #beatLA

  14. Oh holy crap. That was the single most chaotic outreach presentation I have /ever/ done. The teacher for that class is a freakin' /saint/.

  15. Whoa, I'm in the acknowledgments in this book, based on a discussion of San Gregorio Fault hazard last year! http://t.co/48sBriV

  16. I think starting our natural hazards and disasters class with that Japanese tsunami video really got everyone's attention.

  17. Today is the anniversary of the 1964 M9.2 Prince William Sound (Alaska) earthquake.

  18. But not before doing its best wall-smashing Kool Aid Man impression. OH YEAHHH! http://plixi.com/p/87180740

  19. Nice cracks in the road you've got there! Might you tell me whose fault they are? http://plixi.com/p/87132184

  20. My tent is a worthless piece of crap that might as well just have huge holes in it, considering how much water it lets in.

  21. Driving through San Francisco without stopping to visit! Nooooo!

  22. Fingers crossed that the weather doesn't screw up our tour of @SFBayBridge's new east span tomorrow!
