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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Things in my mailbox: letter from DMV saying I need to send them money, jury duty summons, still no check from the opera in February. Sigh.

  2. I am in a pre-1906 building! Hi, @SFFerryBuilding!

  3. Drawing: Lotta's Fountain, personified http://fav.me/d3eajg4 (None of you are surprised, are you? I didn't think so.) #SFlandmarks #1906

  4. My spray of paint was in honor of those who cleaned/rebuilt SF & to hope that Sendai, Christchurch, Port au Prince, can have similar heroes.

  5. This year's 1906 commemoration is also dedicated to the victims and survivors of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.

  6. After five days of New Madrid stuff, I get back to California and end up on BART car 1812. Nice.

  7. Looks like @KarlTheFog is delaying my flight.

  8. MEM --> SLC --> SFO

  9. Core from a Reelfoot Lake bald cypress. The sudden change in tree ring width and color marks 1812. http://plixi.com/p/93047017

  10. Big cliff over Pawpaw Creek, exposing ancestral Mississippi River sediments. (Geologists for scale.) http://plixi.com/p/93008790

  11. Trenched sand blow (liquefaction feature) from the 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquakes. http://plixi.com/p/92971541

  12. My boots are still encrusted with dry mud from the field trip last month. Looks like I'll be getting Parkfield all over New Madrid tomorrow!

  13. This guy's aggregate hazard map (combining ground motion & population density) has the Inland Empire as its most dangerous spot. Well crap.

  14. I thought someone was asking me what I know about UCERF. Turns out he was asking, "do you surf?" Oy.

  15. So much unreenforced masonry on Beale Street. Wouldn't want to be here during the next New Madrid quake...

  16. Now at a hypothetical-earthquake-versus-bridge talk that is /not/ about @SFBayBridge. Go go retrofitting!

  17. Someone just included Elvis Presley on the acknowledgments slide for his New Madrid paleoseismology talk. You know you're in Memphis when...

  18. The issue of the actual magnitudes of the New Madrid mainshocks is still a hot debate. #SSA11

  19. Apparently Davy Crockett made some really good descriptions of post-New Madrid landforms, and aftershocks, too. #SSA11

  20. There are a /lot/ of seismologists on this plane.

  21. No, I'm not finishing up the Powerpoint presentations for one of my talks at the airport, of /course/ not. Perish the thought!

  22. Today is the 150th anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter, South Carolina, which started the Civil War.

  23. First week of grading this quarter, and I already found two papers copied directly off each other. Siiiigh.

  24. Tennessee has been having lots of tornado watches and warnings lately, huh? I'm slightly nervous, since I'm going to Tennessee on Tuesday!
