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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Really disappointed that I can’t be in Union Square right now. (Or, well, at Lotta’s Fountain, but yeah.)

  2. The 1906 anniversary is nigh. Do I set my alarm for 5:12 even though I'm in mountain time, or 6:12, since that's 5:12 in San Francisco?

  3. Overheard at #SSA2013: "It's really an amazing firewall. It's like a Berlin firewall."

  4. So, #SSA2013 did not ShakeOut, but I hope the rest of Utah did...

  5. I wonder if everyone at #SSA2013 is going to drop, cover, and hold on for the Great Utah @ShakeOut in 50 minutes. That would be awesome.

  6. You know you’re in Utah when you see a billboard advertising a help hotline for polygamists. No joke.

  7. The 215 headed into Cajon Pass. The break in slope in the foreground is the San Andreas Fault. http://t.co/YGFt4cQWOP

  8. Now is the part when I hold my breath until I know whether or not the fault model worked.

  9. My aunt is fine. She’s just tired and avoiding media.

  10. The drawing is NOT a result of overhearing that comment about triceratops. That comment just meant it was clearly time to tweet the drawing.

  11. A car full of presumably-drunken undergrads kept trying to startle me off my bike by shouting and screaming at me. Charming.

  12. First Renaissance music performance of the season!

  13. Hey Upstairs Neighbor 1, repeatedly banging on the wall isn’t going to make Upstairs Neighbor 2’s baby stop screaming…

  14. One week before the conference, tensions are high, sleep is low, and computer models are turning into zombies... http://t.co/w0ipxuThzO

  15. Less than a week before a major conference? Here are the Matlab license errors, right on cue!

  16. I'm admittedly disappointed that I noticed no trace of that explosion earlier. I guess the geology building was too far away from the site.

  17. Got an email saying not to be alarmed by the explosion on campus, because it's planned...

  18. One point to Obnoxious Neighbors. Not earthquake this time.

  19. Free pie?! Um, yes.

  20. I just noticed that my health insurance card has the horrible new UC logo that got shamed out of existence on it.

  21. Sure did just completely shatter the screen on my phone. I assume no warranty can save me now.
