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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Trying to remember the logic with which I named files/directories for data from over a year ago. Whee.

  2. 6.5 single spaced pages in 5.5 hours? Yes, coming to the stepover to write about the stepover was successful. Back on Thursday!

  3. I'm averaging about one single-spaced page per hour. Power dissertation writing, go!

  4. Whoa, Starbucks just started playing the first track on the album I was about to listen to anyway.

  5. Oooh, lots and lots of photos from the CalArts gamelan show yesterday! https://t.co/x1aI1U53aF

  6. So I’ve never played a snare drum before in my life, but I apparently will be playing one for one piece on this concert tonight. Wheee…

  7. Hey SoCal people! You all should come to the Javanese gamelan and dance performance at CalArts tonight, 7 PM!

  8. Very Ivesian effect in downtown Riverside right now: 60s rock playing on one block, classical on next, plus sax busker. Needs banjo, though!

  9. Dissertation defense. May 28th, 2013. High noon.

  10. (The first chapter is completely done except for one figure. The third and fourth chapters...coming soon.)

  11. So my defense might have to be in May, not June, based on when my committee members are around. Ahhh!

  12. As in Genghis, or as in Noonien Singh? http://t.co/LQwSWf1hP8

  13. I just got asked to give a talk at Caltech in July!

  14. My San Jacinto Fault paper is seriously going to be fifty pages long or something.

  15. Back on the Pacific Plate!

  16. “WATCH FOR ROCKS,” it says, at the entrance of the Virgin River Gorge. Why yes, I assure you we will!

  17. So, Arches yesterday was /incredible/. And today, Zion!

  18. As residents of strike-slip land, we in this car are extra awed by the enormous normal fault scarps.

  19. Apparently a splay of the Wasatch Fault runs right through the #SSA2013 poster hall?!

  20. Carefully calculated seismologist tipping practices. http://t.co/XwvBDXHvEE

  21. My beer is disconcertingly happy. http://t.co/SJXEeGr9gv

  22. Finally done with all the slides for my partially creeping faults talk tomorrow morning... #SSA2013

  23. Aw yeah, gonna make my fault geometry /even better/. I want to make this say stuff about the San Jacinto, not just use it as a test case!

  24. I think my San Jacinto talk went pretty well! #SSA2013
