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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Yosemite and Mono Lake, from the airplane window. Photo: http://t.co/EECkLua5

  2. I have a window seat for a flight that goes over the Cascades! Win!

  3. I guess, if my camera /had/ to die, good thing it did so while the camera store was having a huge sale.

  4. All of the movie rental places within reasonable driving distance are gone. I may finally end up getting Netflix or something.

  5. I am literally surrounded by banjo players right now.

  6. Why is it, when I say how much I NEED to be in SF, that many people assume it's for a Special Someone? Why can't CITY ITSELF be special one?

  7. I think I should've gotten more than one container of those raspberries. Since they didn't even last 15 minutes once I got back from store.

  8. AAGHGHGHGHGH the computer connection reset overnight and now I have to redo the model that I was already redoing!

  9. I am not sure if I am meh about the new Muni logo because I actually don't like it, or just because it's unfamiliar.

  10. Hey, Los Angeles area folks! If you just felt that earthquake, please fill out the Did You Feel It? http://t.co/GYKEnmab (I didn't feel it.)

  11. Today seems to be all about finding tons of unexpected things wrong with the model without fixing the problem I'm actually trying to solve.

  12. If this does, in fact, fix it, I should be able to get this paper submitted before July after all!

  13. Dear attention span, Stop being full of fail. Regards, --Julian.

  14. Glad I'm not in Los Angeles right now. Impending hockey riot, I'm sure!

  15. FREEDOM! No more grading until August!

  16. I just left a bag of stuff at Target. Right after spending $150 on car stuff. Plus I've been grading all day. Yargh.

  17. Today, I am going to finish grading. Yes. #gradingjail

  18. And if I want to use a filter called Sutro on a picture of downtown Los Angeles, who are you to stop me? http://t.co/yY7rIYXF

  19. Sutro Tower getting struck by lightning. Photo: http://t.co/ZidLXoXm

  20. The final is over! Just one more assignment to grade, and then I'm free until August!

  21. T minus one hour until the UCR gamelan concert.

  22. Depending on the response to this email, I may be in the Bay Area early next week. Debating on going anyway, regardless of response.

  23. Occasionally, there comes a time when one must do an entire load of international orange laundry. Photo: http://t.co/jIQC2sLa

  24. This is Lombard Street completely full of VW buses. Photo: http://t.co/5NUsKouz

  25. Discussing the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact still makes me excited like a ten-year-old.
