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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Getting ready to leave Portland --> remembering I haven't been to SF in a month --> realizing I won't be back in SF for a month --> AAAUGH!!

  2. Also, the Presidio of San Francisco and Mission Dolores were founded on this date in 1776. Wish I were in SF to celebrate!

  3. Unsolicited drive-by weather forecast from a drag queen in a pedicab. #KeepPortlandWeird #winning

  4. Trying to fit in all the figures while staying within the page limit: research proposal Tetris!

  5. First sunny day in a while. Why can't I make figures for my paper /outside/?

  6. Why did I not think to use the graphics tablet for making figures /much/ sooner? It's /so much faster/ than a mouse!

  7. Speaking of applications, it's normal to be nervous while waiting for comments on your proposal from people you'll be working with, right?

  8. This friction paper is going to be a long sucker. #sciwrite

  9. The volcanologists were making lots of jokes today about how seismologists tend to barf on helicopter rides...

  10. This is kind of fantastic. And probably actually 30 years old. http://t.co/rW3GeodW

  11. Sutro Tower's Oregonian cousin. Photo: http://t.co/NSHwqROp

  12. Maple syrup and bacon = Tasty. Maple bacon ice cream = Yummy. Maple bacon donut = Awesome. Maple bacon donut beer = Gag reflexes firing!

  13. Photo: http://t.co/UMsWlMCY This sculpture always makes me think of seismic waves going through the buildings. Unsurprisingly.

  14. Oh student eval, you wish I weren't harsh grading simple questions? You mean you don't want me to mark down for getting basic stuff wrong?!

  15. Do any of you read Japanese? Can anyone explain this to me? I /think/ this is a happy pyroclastic mascot, but I dunno. http://t.co/RLIPcfsx

  16. All I have left to write is the summary page and the budget justification, and this draft is done! But now, sleep.

  17. So close to finishing the draft of this proposal. The question is whether to get a drink or to get ice cream afterward.

  18. The Max Red Line smells like curry powder today.

  19. Trying to think of more formal way to say, "Seriously, folks, you can't go to an earthquake conference without hearing a debate about this."

  20. I'm pretty sure the actual Calaveras Fault is creeping faster than the AGU website is loading this paper about Calaveras Fault creep.

  21. To mention tweeting/blogging about earth science as an outreach activity on a proposal, or not to mention it? Hmmmm.

  22. New blog post! Things I saw out the window of my flight from ONT to PDX today - with many photos! http://t.co/oBpf2lXk
