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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Iā€™m on a boat!

  2. That camp shower has only two temperatures: dormant or pyroclastic annihilation.

  3. At Mt. St. Helens with @catamount3. Sitting outside by the campfire, online, because there is WiFi here. This is probably just not right.

  4. Actual Oregon city names: Talent, Drain, Remote, Tangent, Boring, Zigzag, Halfway, Glide, Sublimity. #roadtriptweets

  5. Also: OMG SHASTA. So pretty!

  6. First lunch en route from California to British Columbia. How astute, Panda! http://t.co/6sEBHXBK

  7. Road trip day one was Riverside, CA to Soledad, CA. Today: Soledad, CA to Gold Hill, OR.

  8. We'll return to regularly scheduled personified San Francisco landmark drawings once I get back from Cascades/Sierras road trip in 2 weeks.

  9. Note to self: put sunscreen on arms before driving long distances. (Though why I haven't burned from that before now is a good question...)

  10. More compiler problems. Not sure if I'm going to get SoCal seismic velocity model software working before I leave on this road trip. Bleh.

  11. Backstage at the L.A. Convention Center, waiting to play some gamelan and keroncong.

  12. Garlock-cat is snoring.

  13. Our keroncong band just got asked if we know ā€œI Left My Heart In San Francisco.ā€

  14. Less than a week until epic Pacific Northwest/Sierra Nevada road trip! Two and a half weeks until I'm back in San Francisco!

  15. My arm is getting really sore from the pneumonia vaccine I got earlier. This surely means I will be hit in the arm during tonight's concert.

  16. Aaaaand the mountain is on fire, 20 minutes into the show.

  17. OH from small child swimming at the pool at my building: "Look mommy, I'm Moby Dick!"

  18. At least I'm not the only one who is ranty and frustrated about the inappropriateness of Comic Sans in scientific talks now...

  19. Paper submitted to GRL! That makes two papers and a fellowship application submitted within the past 22 hours.

  20. 140 characters, I can do. But condensing the title of a paper to only /40/ characters and having it still mean something? GAH!

  21. BSSA paper submitted! Now to finish formatting the GRL one.

  22. My own drawing of @SutroTVTower on my own calendar is leering at me while I'm trying to finish this research proposal...

  23. Ahhhhhhh! My coffee grinder is not working! Nooooooo!!!

  24. I have gotten both cats completely high on catnip so that they will not come bug me while I am working on this proposal.
