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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. SoCal has considerable fire hazard, of course, but volcanoes have nothing to do with it. Not even when the media says a fire has "erupted."

  2. Yikes! This GRL reviewer addresses me as "Dr. Lozos." Awkward! I haven't earned that yet!

  3. Also debating on whether or not to make something like a separate Tumblr account for this project.

  4. I'm thinking more seriously about making that book of drawings/commentary about what/why/how I love San Francisco.

  5. Hey @HaywardFault, here's that talk I was tweeting at you from. MT @SeismoSocietyAm USGS has posted 2012 Joyner Lecture http://t.co/P31tSWhM

  6. Drawing: The @sfmsr historic streetcars want to #beatLA! Or, well, /most/ of them do. http://t.co/lCwfD66w

  7. First day back in the lab. The computer I need for the velocity model is locked in a room. The person with the key is in London. Great.

  8. That other car is still in my parking space, but the note I left is gone. That /better/ have been the wind...

  9. Today's exercise in futility: getting all of the cat hair out of the bathtub.

  10. Paid bill. Internet is working again. Hopefully that car will get out of my space today, before I get office to issue a smackdown tomorrow.

  11. /And/ my internet is down because I forgot to pay my bill while I was away. /Awesome/.

  12. Ferry Building almonds time is rapidly approaching. Awww yeeahhh.

  13. Any San Francisco folks want to get food/drinks later?

  14. Hey San Francisco folks! Anyone up for food/drinks tomorrow? (@theCara @cripsahoy @terrapin_sf @burritojustice @trealGRANNY @TheRealWBTC)

  15. Sorry about broken record outburst. I just feel more home in SF than anywhere else, & don’t want to do something to not deserve to be here.

  16. The time when I can call myself a /real/ San Franciscan cannot come soon enough. That Riverside address ruins everything.

  17. Damned Los Angeles, ruining how I refer to freeways. I let a “the” creep in there.

  18. Back from camping! Actually feels a little strange to be on the computer keyboard again. (Tomorrow? San Francisco!)

  19. This is the light over Big Pine, California right now. http://t.co/Yxl0biaf

  20. I still can’t get over how big Mt. Rainier is.

  21. On the ferry from Sidney to Vancouver!

  22. That was SO AWESOME. So awesome. Holy crap. But none of the pictures I tried to take look good at all. Bluhhh.
