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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Also, I hate that I'm not in San Francisco and don't live there. #lonelyRiversideFriday

  2. SCEC abstract submitted! Without the shiny new result that's still post-processing, but you do what you have to. It'll be on the poster.

  3. Post-processing, why you so slow? (Oh, because the abstract deadline is in two hours and 40 minutes? Of course, right.)

  4. Ah yes, the thing where the Matlab license server wigs out on the day a conference abstract is due. Never fails!

  5. Apparently Yosemite dirt permanently stains light-colored shirts and socks.


  7. Trying to run the fault model code for the first time since I made major modifications. My heart is /pounding/.

  8. My advisor just referred to Fortran as a hereditary disease within the seismological community, passed on from advisor to student.

  9. Just submitted my #AGU12 abstract! Five hours and 25 minutes before the deadline. Not too shabby.

  10. Looks like I get to rewrite the Matlab macros I wrote yesterday as Fortran scripts. Yaaaay...

  11. Is it /really/ a distraction if an earthquake is distracting me from my work on earthquakes?

  12. Oh focal mechanism, where aaare yooouuuu?

  13. The other person in my lab (not the one who was sleeping yesterday) is watching videos of thunderstorms to try and distract from the heat.

  14. The only other person in the lab right now is asleep at her desk.

  15. Seriously, it's a ten minute bike ride from my apartment to the Muni rehab facility. What. (I wonder if I could get a tour?)

  16. I need to go to sleep instead of trying to find out how often Parkfield has a mid-4s (as opposed to teeny tiny or M6) quake.

  17. So many people at the fabric store are already buying Christmas stuff. Ahhhhhh!

  18. waitandsee-california: San Francisco - Transamerica Building Reflected by David Paul Ohmer on Flickr. http://t.co/l5cpllY0

  19. Photo: http://t.co/v6prGRIc More Halloween costume progress. My fingers are sore now!

  20. I love that this particular Number Of Days Since Last... counter exists. RT @paulearle been quiet. http://t.co/fyyaY6Yo

  21. Now that I have access to an installation of the velocity model, I realize I know next to nothing about Linux commands. Gah!

  22. There is a light at the end of the velocity-structure-software-won't-compile tunnel! Huzzah!

  23. Perhaps the most important question is: if I'd flagged it down and booped my Clipper card, would it have taken me back to SF for $2?

  24. Oh jeez. Riverside Idol is a thing.

  25. Despite my rampant tweeting today, I have just finished my AGU abstract draft. Just awaiting advisor comments now.
