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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Finally riding streetcar 1040, after dressing as a personification of it for Halloween and Bay to Breakers!

  2. Because Bay to Breakers apparently wasn’t enough, I just walked from the Embarcadero to the Lower Haight.

  3. Not sure if guy wearing a football helmet on the L is still dressed from Bay to Breakers, or if he’s just…wearing a helmet on the L.

  4. I wonder if they scheduled the psychiatry conference at the Moscone Center to coincide with Bay to Breakers on purpose.

  5. I will never be able to not hear the first line of Psy's "Gentleman" as "I love gamelan."

  6. Hey, Riverside! You should come to the UCR World Music Celebration tonight at 7!


    1. voodoocatwoman


      you rock! (pun intended)

  8. The difference between "no way in hell can I finish this today" and "so gonna finish this today" is one salted caramel latte, apparently.

  9. Making figures for things always takes so much longer than I expect it to take.

  10. It sure just took me only 20 minutes to fix something I'd been banging my head on a wall to sort out (to no avail) a year ago.

  11. (It was the neighbors, not an earthquake.)

  12. My San Jacinto Fault chapter is literally fifty pages long, with all the figures and tables and things.

  13. I sure have driven over 500 miles for gamelan in the past week...

  14. There is a small child hitting one of the gamelan drums, and he’s completely in time with the kulintang ensemble that’s on stage right now.

  15. This introduction is going much more slowly than any of the main chapters did, but I'm still going to be able to finish it today.

  16. Today's goal: write the overarching introduction for the whole dissertation.

  17. The answer is yes - I /can/ draft an entire short dissertation chapter in one sitting.

  18. On today's Adventures In Dissertation Writing, let's see if I can draft my entire fourth chapter in one sitting! (It's a short chapter...)

  19. I have helped move quite a few gamelans by now, which has confirmed my suspicion that UCR’s gamelan is particularly heavy. Oy.

  20. Getting ready to help out with the SDSU gamelan concert.

  21. Why is there so much Comic Sans in my email inbox this morning, ahhhh!

  22. The Doctor is in Riverside, apparently. http://t.co/hNd6o6kN1e

  23. Nobody else wanted to march down Mission Inn Avenue playing crumhorns. :(

  24. Draft of chapter three of the dissertation? DONE.

  25. Back in San Jacinto, trying to repeat my dissertation-writing awesomeness from Tuesday.
