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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Photo: Look! I didn’t ruin it after all! (San Andreas Fault, you are a huge dork sometimes.) http://t.co/qPbbISAJ

  2. Photo: This is one of those drawings where I’m happy enough with the pencils that I just /know/ I’m going to... http://t.co/za0q8wio

  3. Ok, this poster's as done as it can be aside from the two models that are still post-processing...

  4. Phrases I am refraining from putting on my conference poster, no matter how much I want to: "Kiss the 10-215 interchange goodbye."

  5. I have not been to San Francisco in six weeks and it is really really messing with me!

  6. Just a little teaser for the earthquake outreach comics I'm working on. http://t.co/581Vo3DO

  7. ZOMG there is a meeting on processes and properties of crustal fault zones in Sicily in May. Yes, please?

  8. Things that are a colossal pain to draw, particularly over and over as a comic background: huge freeway interchanges.

  9. Car battery, why you so expensive?

  10. This is an excellent example of a precariously balanced rock. http://t.co/vBTVRZjY

  11. Of course my car decides to let me know its front bumper clips are all MIA on a holiday weekend when I have a rehearsal in Los Angeles...

  12. It appears that the keroncong band I'm in has a gig in Surakarta. Except it's during a conference, so I can't go, even if I had the cash.

  13. It's September! Nine months until I can hopefully move back to San Francisco!

  14. Just got the proofs for my GRL paper!

  15. This is the Summer of the Stress Tensor. I've spent much of it working with stress tensors, and it's stressing me out and making me tense.

  16. I know I'm late to this story, but M7.9 offshore in the Philippines. Whoa. Time to read more about this.

  17. bobster855: These are amazing - photos from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake superimposed on photos taken of… http://t.co/Ju5JhQI0

  18. I am up to my eyeballs in linear algebra this week.

  19. PHD FUEL - whatshouldwecallgradschool: credit: Mehmet http://t.co/IlP8aSJ8

  20. Oh hey, that /was/ an earthquake 25 minutes ago! http://t.co/2OKkBwMR

  21. Tempted to draw a personification of this stress rotation macro just so I can draw myself slapping it for being a frustrating jerk.

  22. gaelen: (via AT&T Park: Corgi Dressed as BART Train | Muni Diaries) http://t.co/L8JHWjFX

  23. A labmate and I discussing whether or not the soil at Gettysburg might have a particularly iron-rich layer dating to 1863.

  24. OH MY GOD if the only reason this macro I've been fighting with for weeks was broken was a degrees vs. radians thing, I just...AHHH!

  25. Andreas-cat, do you keep knocking over my trash can because you heard there were earthquakes and wanted to play along?
