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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Argh stupid fault model why are you still broken?! (And why am I fighting with you at 1 AM?)

  2. Here’s the scarp of the 1971 Sylmar EQ. The drive-thru is on the footwall and the parking lot is on the hanging wall. http://t.co/BXCq6uSp

  3. Here's the map that accompanies the fault comics! http://t.co/mYlcodGZ

  4. Searching for hostels/hotels, especially at short notice, makes me /extra/ frustrated that I don't just live in San Francisco already.

  5. Today is the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam. I used to visit that battlefield all the time and argue with the tour guides.

  6. Stuck in traffic on 60 next to a Corolla full of clowns.

  7. Out of San Andreas handouts already. Maybe that’ll make people think more about the other faults…

  8. Just spoke with someone who remembers the 1933 Long Beach earthquake.

  9. I'm planning to spend as much of next week in San Francisco as I can manage, but I'm not sure how long that will be yet.

  10. Phrases that only an earth scientist would ever use: "famous roadcut".

  11. Someone just thanked Dr Frankenstein for developing patched together hybrid geologic/geodetic slip rates. #SCEC2012

  12. I guess it would be difficult to drop, cover, and hold on under a bar, but I’m still not sure about this… http://t.co/eEjRlrfz

  13. We need to be careful of the term “extreme event.” Scientifically extreme isn’t necessarily societally extreme. #SCEC2012

  14. They’re not using my earthquake playlist at the banquet this year, but I will never complain about Beatles. #SCEC2012

  15. This talk about risk communication is /so/ good, and feeds directly into some things I’ve been wanting to blog about lately. #SCEC2012

  16. Hey @SFBayBridge, your new span alone has only three fewer seismic sensors than Golden Gate’s entire span.

  17. An earthquake in SoCal during #SCEC2012 “would be like pulling a fire alarm during a midterm,” says the deputy chair.

  18. Phrases I can notice from halfway across the room while walking: “San Andreas - Garlock intersection.”

  19. Lots and lots of applause for CNN’s incorporation of PAGER data in their report on the recent Costa Rica earthquake. #SCEC2012

  20. Conference poster successfully (but expensively) printed!

  21. Ahh, conference poster extra innings. Time to head to the lab on a Saturday morning to finish this sucker.

  22. Here's the finished (minus text) version of that San Andreas Fault drawing I was blathering about last night.… http://t.co/L0pIGo3l

  23. That moment when it's 3:30 AM and you suddenly realize you set up something wrong in one of your experiments.
